1. LU decomposition. (10 marks)
Implement each of the following linear algebra algorithms in MATLAB using only primitive
commands (i.e. do not appeal to the built-in linear algebra functionality in MATLAB). You
should use the function header given for each below and submit the code for each in a seperate
m-file to the LEARN drop box on the course webpage. Also, include a copy of your code in
the assignment submission on Crowdmark.
(a) LU factorization. When implementing your algorithm, do not worry about pivoting but
check for a zero pivot element and stop. You should return the matrices L and U stored
in one matrix T (the diagonal of L is not stored; you know it consists of all ones). You
are allowed to use vectorization of the inner loop (or the two innermost loops) to make
your code run faster for large matrices.
function T = LUFactorization(A)
% Usage: T = LUFactorization(A)
% Compute the LU factorization of matrix A
% and return the resulting factorized matrix.
(b) Forward Substitution. This function should take as input the matrix output using LUFactorization from part a).
function y = ForwardSubstitution(T, b)
% Usage: y = ForwardSubstitution(T, b)
% Perform forward substitution using the unit
% lower triangular portion of the matrix T.
(c) Backward Substitution. This function should take as input the matrix output using
LUFactorization from part a).
function x = BackwardSubstitution(T, y)
% Usage: x = BackwardSubstitution(T, y)
% Perform backward substitution using the
% upper triangular portion of the matrix T.
Please download VerifyLU.m from the course website and report on the output you obtain.
2. Tridiagonal solver. (20 marks)
Consider the following tridiagonal matrix
At =
b1 c1 0 · · · 0 0
a2 b2 c2 0 0
0 a3 b3 c3 0 0
0 0 0 an−1 bn−1 cn−1
0 0 0 an bn
∈ R
which comes up in problems such as spline interpolation, or solving ordinary differential
equations that model elastic beams or electric potentials.
(a) When A is tridiagonal (and assuming that pivoting is not required), the L and U factors
in the decomposition At = L U take on the form
L =
1 0 · · · 0 0
l2 1 0 0 0
0 l3 1 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 ln 1
U =
d1 u1 · · · 0 0
0 d2 u2 0
0 0 d3 u3
0 0 dn−1 un−1
0 0 0 dn
Derive the recurrence relations for li
, di
, and ui
in terms of ai
, bi and ci
. (It may
be helpful to consider the cases i = 1 and i = n separately from the general case
2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1.) (Note that this is equivalent to a banded LU solver with bandwidth 1,
but you are asked here to derive these formulas explicitly from scratch, and implement
them directly in the next question part.)
(b) Implement the algorithm you have derived in (a) into a MATLAB file TriDiagonalSolve.m,
for solving At~x = ~f. Use only primitive commands (i.e. do not appeal to the built-in
linear algebra functionality in MATLAB). Use the function header given below. The
file should first compute the L and U factors, and should then perform forward and
backward substitution. (Note: Don’t use standard forward and backward substitution
code, because that will be too expensive in this case!)
function x = TriDiagonalSolve(a, b, c, k)
% Usage: x = TriDiagonalSolve(a, b, c, k)
% Completely solve the system Ax = k, where
% A is a tridiagonal matrix. The column vectors
% a, b, c describe the diagonal entries of the
% matrix. a(1) and c(n) are ignored here.
(c) Test the accuracy of your implementation in TriDiagonalSolve.m using
VerifyTriDiagonalLU.m, which you can donwload from LEARN. Here, VerifyTriDiagonalLU.m
compares the result with MATLAB’s built-in solver. Report the difference between the
MATLAB solution and your solution.
(d) What is the asymptotic computational cost of your algorithm for large problem size n?
(e) Apply the algorithm derived above to the finite difference discretization of the BVP
00 = f(t)
u(0) = 0
u(1) = 0
f(t) = 16π cos(8πt2
) − 256π
), t ∈ [0, 1]. (2)
The unique exact solution to this problem is given by u(t) = sin(8πt2
). By approximating
the exact solution u to this system at a discrete number of points, we construct an
approximation {vi}
i=0 such that v0 = u0 = 0 when t0 = 0 and vN+1 = uN+1 = 0 when
tN+1 = 1. The step size is h = 1/(N + 1).
Write a MATLAB script CompareBVP.m that compares the solutions and the execution
times for solving the linear system using the full LU decomposition from Question 1, and
the specialized tridiagonal solver from this question, producing the following output:
(e1) For N =20 interior points, make a plot that shows the approximate solutions obtained by the full LU and the tridiagonal LU solvers (they should essentially be the
same), compared with the exact solution (plotted with, for example, 1000 points).
Put the three curves in the same plot so they can be compared easily.
(e2) Provide tables showing the execution times of the full LU decomposition from Question 1, and the specialized tridiagonal solver from this question, for different values
of N. (You may use tic and toc to measure elapsed time. Use format long
to see a sufficient amount of digits in the number format.) For LU, you can use
N = 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 (or larger numbers, increasing by a factor of 2 every
time, if you have used vectorization in your LU code which may give faster execution times). (Note also: in MATLAB, do NOT use sparse storage format for the 1D
model problem matrix, because your LU code is implemented assuming a dense matrix, and sparse format would make it run much slower due to the increased cost of
memory access for the sparse format.) For the tridiagonal solver, use problem sizes
N = 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 128000, 256000, 512000. (Make sure
to not actually form the matrix, because you will run out of memory!)
(e3) For each of the two methods, include a table column where you show the ratio
of the compute time between problem size N and N/2. What do you expect this
ratio to be, asymptotically for large N, for each of these methods? Comment on
whether you see this confirmed in your performance tests. (Note that you may not
really get the expected ratios, even for the large problem sizes, due to variations
in the load of your computer, and due to runtime code optimizations that may be
performed by the software. Still, you should be able to see that the ratios you get
for the tridiagonal solver are much smaller than for full LU, roughly in line with the
difference between the theoretical asymptotic ratios.)
Make sure to submit all code files on LEARN, and to include a pdf or screenshot copy of your
code in the assignment submission on Crowdmark.
3. 2D model problem. (20 marks)
(a) Implement a MATLAB function with header
function A=build laplace 2D(N)
that constructs a sparse matrix A containing the 2D Laplacian matrix as defined in class
and in the lecture notes. Here, N is the number of interior points per direction, i.e., the
number of rows and columns of A is n = N2
Test your program using A=build laplace 2D(5) and spy(A), and submit the spy plot
as part of your submission.
Programming notes:
– Use a sparse matrix to store A. For example, some of the MATLAB commands
sparse, speye, spdiags could be useful. (Use the help command to learn about
– Don’t use the MATLAB Kronecker product command kron here, but use more
elementary MATLAB commands to put the N × N blocks into A.
(b) Write a MATLAB script laplace zeroBC.m to solve the PDE boundary value problem
= −20π
sin(2πx) sin(4πy)
(x, y) ∈ Ω = [0, 1] × [0, 1]
u(x, y) = 0 on ∂Ω.
The exact solution of this problem (with zero boundary conditions) can be found in
closed form and is given by
u(x, y) = sin(2πx) sin(4πy).
Use the MATLAB function build laplace 2D.m from part (a) to build the matrix A, or
you can download and use the simpler function build laplace 2D kron.m from LEARN
(which generates the 2D Laplacian matrix using a Kronecker product approach) if you
did not get build laplace 2D.m to work.
Test your program using N = 32 interior points in each direction, and submit mesh plots
of the exact solution, the approximate solution, and the difference between the exact
and approximate solution in each grid point.
Programming notes:
– Since the boundary conditions are zero, the boundary values do not need to be
added to the RHS of the linear system.
– Make sure to consistently use row lexicographic ordering, e.g., when putting the RHS
of the PDE into the RHS vector of the linear system (don’t forget the h
or when taking the solution vector of the linear system and turning it into a matrix
corresponding to the grid points for plotting with the mesh command. (You can
also use the reshape command to reshape a lexicographically ordered vector into a
– Once you have set up the matrix and the RHS of the linear system, you can use
MATLAB’s built-in backslash operator to solve the linear system: solve the system
A~v = ~f using v=A\f. (Or you can use your LU solver from Question 1, even though
that may be much slower.)
– Unknowns for the boundary points, with values zero, are not included in your linear
systems, but it is best to add these zero values to the arrays that you use to plot
the results, such that the zero boundary values appear in the result plots.
– To generate the grids for plotting, for example, the exact solution, you can use this
sequence of commands: x=(0:h:1); y=(0:h:1); [X Y]=meshgrid(x,y);
u=(X-X.*X).*(Y-Y.*Y); mesh(X,Y,u) (after defining h = 1/(N + 1)). (Here X and
Y are matrices of size (N + 2) × (N + 2) that contain the x and y coordinates of the
grid points, respectively.)
(c) Write a MATLAB script laplace heat.m that uses your MATLAB function
build laplace 2D.m to solve a heat conduction PDE boundary value problem (similar to the 2D problem from Section 1.2 in the course notes, but some of the parameters
are a bit different):
= −g(x, y)
(x, y) ∈ Ω = [0, 1] × [0, 1]
u(x, y) = u0 on ∂Ω,
with u0 = 300 Kelvin, and with heat source
g(x, y) = 5, 000 exp
(x − 1/4)2 + (y − 3/4)2
Provide a mesh plot and a contour plot of your approximate solution with N = 64 (to
be compared with the plots in the course notes).
What is the maximum temperature in your solution? (Provide the value with at least
10 digits of accuracy; use the format long and max commands.)
Programming notes:
– The difference with (b) is that you now have to add the boundary values to the RHS
of the linear system.
– You can first try this with the parameters from Section 1.2 in the course notes, to
see if you get the same solution as in the notes.
Make sure to submit all code files on LEARN, and to include a pdf or screenshot copy of your
code in the assignment submission on Crowdmark.
4. Conditioning of linear systems. (10 marks)
(a) Let A ∈ R
n×n be an orthogonal matrix (i.e, AAT = I). Show that
κ2(A) = kAk2 kA
k2 = 1.
(This is very short.)
Write a MATLAB script Matrix conditioning.m that does the computations for the
following questions.
(b) Consider linear system
A~x =
1 −1
1 1 x
the solution of which is the intersection in the 2-dimensional plane of the two lines
x − y = 1
x + y = 1,
y = x − 1
y = 1 − x,
which is clearly the point [1 0]T
. Is the matrix orthogonal? (Note that the two lines are
orthogonal!) Conclude about κ2(A). Is the matrix well-conditioned? The RHS vector
determines where the lines intersect the x and y axis. Compute the solution of the
system if you slightly perturb the RHS to [1 + 10−3 1]T
. (This is a small perturbation
relative to the size of the RHS.) Interpret the size of the change in solution relative to
the size of the change in RHS (compute the relative condition number for this problem
and perturbation in the 2-norm), and relate this to the 2-norm matrix condition number.
(c) Consider linear system
B~x =
1 −1 + δ
1 −1
with δ = 10−10, the solution of which is the intersection of the two lines
x + (−1 + δ)y = 1
x − y = 1,
which is also clearly the point [1 0]T
. Is the matrix orthogonal? (Note that the two
lines are almost parallel now . . . ) Compute the inverse of B and κ2(B) using MATLAB’s
inv and cond. Note that B−1 has very large matrix elements. Is B well-conditioned?
Compute the solution of the system if you slightly perturb the RHS to [1 + 10−3 1]T
(This is a small perturbation relative to the size of the RHS.) Interpret the size of
the change in solution relative to the size of the change in RHS (compute the relative
condition number for this problem and perturbation in the 2-norm), and relate this to
the 2-norm matrix condition number.
Make sure to submit all code files on LEARN, and to include a pdf or screenshot copy of your
code in the assignment submission on Crowdmark.
5. Determining the base of a floating point number system. (10 marks)
Download the MATLAB function determine b.m from LEARN. Verify by running the code
that this function correctly determines the base of the floating point number system (with
rounding) on the computer you use. What is the correct base? (This is an obvious question,
of course.)
Then explain how the algorithm works by answering the following questions.
Consider the steps the algorithm would take to determine the base of floating point number
system F(β = 10, t = 2, L = −5, U = 5). Assume that your ‘decimal’ computer uses roundingto-nearest, tie-to-even.
(1) Give the successive values that the exact a and the rounded ¯a = fl(a) would take on in
the first phase of the algorithm. What is the event that triggers the end condition for
the first phase?
(2) Write down the values that i and ¯a + i and fl(¯a + i) would take on in the second phase.
(Note: we have assumed a rounding rule that would round 135 (which lies exactly in the
middle between 130 and 140) to 140.) What is the event that triggers the end condition
for the second phase?
(3) Write down the final value of fl(¯a + i), ¯a and b.
(No need to submit any code for this question.)
6. QR decomposition of A ∈ Rm×n by Gram-Schmidt and Householder. (20 marks)
(a) Download the file myGramSchmidt.m from LEARN; it contains an implementation of the
classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm (Algorithm 3.2).
Make a modified version myGramSchmidtMod.m that implements the more stable modified
Gram-Schmidt algorithm (Algorithm 3.3). (It is, indeed, just a tiny change.)
(b) Implement the QR algorithm using Householder reflections in MATLAB according to the
pseudocode discussed in class. Your implementation myHouseholder.m should return the
full versions of the factors, i.e. Q ∈ Rm×m and R ∈ Rm×n
. You should use the function
header given below and submit the code to the LEARN drop box on the course webpage.
Also, include a pdf or screenshot image of your code in the assignment submission on
function [Q,R] = myHouseholder(A)
% Usage: [Q,R] = myHouseholder(A)
% Compute the QR factorization of matrix A using
% Householder reflections and return the resulting
% factors Q and R.
(c) Make a script test QR 1.m that compares the three versions:
for a random matrix
Compare the orthogonality and the accuracy by displaying
for each version. (Include this result in your assignment answer with a brief discussion.)
You will see that the computed Q factors are nicely orthogonal for all three methods,
and QR accurately approximates A.
(d) Now generate the following Vandermonde matrix:
for i=1:n
A = [A t.^(i-1)];
This matrix arises in the context of polynomial interpolation and is notoriously illconditioned. Its condition number (the ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest)
is about 2.2 1010. Make a new script test QR 2.m that modifies test QR 1.m to repeat
the tests from (c) for this matrix. You will see that the classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm
loses all orthogonality, the modified version is substantially better, and the Householder
version maintains orthogonality close to machine precision (also have a look at the actual
matrix elements of Q’*Q to see how many digits of accuracy they retain for each method;
no need to report on this). Interestingly, though, all methods are still accurate for
A−QR. (Understanding this fully is quite complicated and the ramifications of this are
quite involved; see, e.g., the book “Numerical linear algebra” by Trefethen and Bau p.
67, p. 115, p. 137.)
Make sure to submit all code files on LEARN, and to include a pdf or screenshot copy of your
code in the assignment submission on Crowdmark.