WIA1002/WIB1002 Data Structures Lab 8: Searching and Sorting


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Selection sort orders a list of values by repetitively putting a particular value into its final
position. The search strategy is as follows:
1. Scan list, find the smallest value in the list
2. Switch it with the value in the first position
3. Find the next smallest value in the list
4. Switch it with the value in the second position
5. Repeat until all values are in their proper places
Given the following array,
arr = {45, 7, 2, 8, 19, 3}
Q1-Implement selection sort according to the search strategy shown above. The method
signature is given as:
public void selectionSortSmallest(int[] arr)
Q2-Modify your answer in Q1 so that it uses the largest value in the list in Step1 and 3 of the
search strategy. The method signature is given as
public void selectionSortLargest(int[] arr)
Q3-In the test program, display the values of array, arr after the sorting operation. Ensure that
you invoke both implemented selectionSortSmallest(int[] arr) and selectionSortLargest(int[] arr)
to reorder the values.
Q4- Suppose you have an integer array of eight elements (10,34,2,56,7,67,88,42). Your task is to
sort this array in ascending order using the insertion sort algorithm.
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