WEB422 Assignment 4 


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Objective: To work with React and practice working with Component based architecture. We will continue to connect to our Teams API as a data source for our app. For an exemplar on how to retrieve Teams API data (using fetch and the “componentDidMount” lifecycle method), refer to the Week 5 example here: https://github.com/sictweb/web422/blob/master/Code%20Examples/week5/myapp/src/Employees/Employees.js Specification: For this application, we will be working entirely in React. Our application will feature 4 routes: Overview, Projects, Teams & Employees. Each route will be responsible for rendering information from our Teams API (often in aformat) – we will not be updating the data at this time using forms. When complete, the main structure of the app and the “Overview” view will look like the following: Please Note, once the app is working as expected, please feel free to add any extra design, Images or CSS to your solution. Be creative – this is your app. Getting Started: To get started, create a new React app using the command “create-react-app” – if “create-react-app” is not available on your system, you can use the command “npm install -g create-react-app”. Once you have created your new React app – open the folder in Visual Studio Code and run the command “npm start” to get the React development server running. This should open your default web browser and show you http://localhost:3000: At this point, you may go ahead and delete the files: • App.test.js • App.css Next, use the code at the following links to replace your App.js & index.css files (this will give you a solid starting point and a design to work from): • https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~patrick.crawford/shared/winter-2019/web422/A4/App.js • https://scs.senecac.on.ca/~patrick.crawford/shared/winter-2019/web422/A4/index.css Once this is complete, you need to update your “public/index.html” file to include the following &