TCSS143 Programming Assignment 3 LostPuppy


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The purpose of this programming project is to demonstrate understanding of 2 dimensional arrays and the
creation, implementation, and use of a simple class.
You are to design a class “” which represents a puppy lost in a multi-floor building that
contains the same number of rooms on each floor. During instantiation (or creation) of an object of this class,
each room on each floor will be initialized as empty (you will actually use the space ‘ ‘ character for this
purpose) and a random room will be chosen where the puppy is lost. For this purpose, the character “P” will
be placed in this random location. Further details on the constructor is listed below.
An object of this class is used as a game for two players to take turns searching for the puppy, one room at a
time until the unfortunate little canine is found. The instantiation of this object and the search will be performed
by a “driver” program which has been provided to you allowing you to only have to concentrate on developing
the class (the driver program is in the file “”)
Because the puppy is lost (or placed) in a random location of the building, you will need to import the Random
class in the LostPuppy class.
Name your class “”.
Fields (of course, all fields are private):
 A character (char) array named myHidingPlaces. This represents the building where the rows are floors
and the columns are rooms on each floor (this building has an unusual numbering system; the floors and
rooms both start at zero).
 Two integers that will hold the floor and room where the puppy is lost, named myFloorLocation and
 A char named myWinner which will be assigned the player’s character when a player finds the puppy
(the driver program uses digits ‘1’ and ‘2’ to more clearly distinguish the players from the puppy).
 A boolean named myFound which is set to true when the puppy is found.
Receives two integer parameters as the user’s input for the number of floors and rooms of the building
in which the puppy is lost.
The constructor instantiates the 2D array “myHidingPlaces” as a character array with the first parameter
for the rows (theFloors) and the second parameter as the columns (theRooms).
Initialize myHidingPlaces’ cells, each to contain a space ‘ ‘ (done with single quotes)
Set myFloorLocation (floor puppy is on) randomly based using the first parameter
Set myRoomLocation (room puppy is in) randomly based using the second parameter
Set myHidingPlaces[myFloorLocation][myRoomLocation] to the char ‘P’
Set myWinner to a single space
Set myFound to false
roomSearchedAlready receives the floor and room to be searched and returns true if the room has
already been searched, false otherwise.
puppyLocation receives the floor and room to be searched and returns true if the floor and room are
where the puppy is lost, false otherwise.
indicesOK receives the floor and room to be searched and returns true if the floor and room values are
within the array indices range, false otherwise (used to check that these indices will not cause an error
when applied to the array).
numberOfFloors returns how many floors are in the building (the first floor starts at zero).
numberOfRooms returns how many rooms are on each floor of the building (the first room starts at
zero and all floors have the same number of rooms).
searchRoom receives the floor and room to be searched and also the current player (as a char type)
and returns true if the puppy is found, false otherwise. If the puppy is NOT found searchRoom also
sets the myHidingPlaces array at the received floor and room location to the received player value (a ‘1’
or a ‘2’) OR sets the myWinner field to the current player.
toString displays the current hidingPlaces array and it’s contents EXCEPT the location of the puppy
which remains hidden until he/she is found at which point toString will be called (by the driver) and both
the player who found the puppy and a ‘P’ will be displayed in the same cell….
NOW, and perhaps the awkward portion of the toString output. Normally, when displaying a 2D array,
the [0][0] cell is displayed in the upper left corner as with matrices. However, because the puppy
decided to get lost in a building and not a matrix, it would make more visual sense to have the first floor
(row 0) displayed on the bottom, second floor above it… and finally the top floor, well… on top! To
save words, look closely at the sample run provided on the next page.
(The driver program, randomly choses which player should begin)
A sample run based on the criteria above is listed on page 3.
(Follow the Documentation Requirements as listed in the PDF file on Canvas).
—-jGRASP exec: java PuppyPlay
To find the puppy, we need to know:
How many floors are in the building
How many rooms are on the floors
Please enter the number of floors: 5
Please enter the number of rooms on the floors: 3
Floor and room numbers start at zero ‘0’
Player 2, enter floor and room to search separated by a space:
0 0
[0], [0]
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| 2 | | |
Player 1, enter floor and room to search separated by a space:
3 2
[3], [2]
| | | |
| | | 1 |
| | | |
| | | |
| 2 | | |
Player 2, enter floor and room to search separated by a space:
2 1
[2], [1]
| | | |
| | | 1 |
| | 2 | |
| | | |
| 2 | | |
Player 1, enter floor and room to search separated by a space:
1 1
[1], [1]
| | | |
| | | 1 |
| | 2 | |
| |1P | |
| 2 | | |
Great job player 1!
Would you like to find another puppy [Y/N]?