In this project, you will determine the shortest/cheapest flight plans for a person wishing to travel
between two different cities serviced by an airline (assuming a path exists), using Dijkstra’s
algorithm with priority queues. You will also calculate the total cost incurred for all parts of the
trip. For this project, you will use information from two different input files in order to calculate
the trip plan and total cost.
1. Data File – This file will contain a sequence of city pairs representing different legs of
flights that can be considered in preparing a flight plan. For each leg, the file will also
contain a dollar cost for that leg and a time to travel1
2. Query File – This file will contain a sequence of origin/destination city pairs. For each pair,
your program will determine if the flight is or is not possible. If it is possible, it will output
to a file the cheapest/shortest flight plan with the total cost for the flight. If it is not
possible, then a suitable message will be written to the output file.
The names of the two input files as well as the output file will be provided via command line
arguments. The first strings will be the data file name, second string will be query file name and
third one will be the output file name
Flight Data:
Consider a flight from Detroit to El Paso. It’s possible that there is a direct flight, or it may be the
case that a stop must be made in Austin. One stop in Austin would mean the flight would have
two legs. We can think of the complete set of flights between different cities serviced by our
airline as a directed graph. An example of a directed graph is given in Figure 1.
In this example, an arrow from one city to another indicates the direction of travel. The opposite
direction is not possible unless a similar arrow is present in the graph. For this programming
In the spirit of simplicity, we will not consider layovers in this project.
challenge, each arrow or flight path would also have a cost associated with it. If we wanted to
travel from El Paso to city Chicago, we would have to pass through Austin and Detroit. This would
be a trip with three legs (El Paso to Austin, Austin to Detroit and Detroit to Chicago). It is possible
that there might not be a path from one city to another city. In this case, you’d print an error
Figure 1 – Sample Directed Graph
The input file for flight data will represent a sequence of origin/destination city pairs with a cost
of that flight. The first line of the input file will contain an integer which indicates the total number
of origin/destination pairs contained in the file.
El Paso
Sample Data
Flight Data:
Here is an example of a flight data input file (it is not one that goes with Figure 1):
The first line of the file will contain an integer indicating how many rows of data will be in the
file. Each subsequent row will contain two city names (from-city and to-city; both strings), the
cost of the flight (an integer number), and the number of minutes of the flight ( an integer
number). Each field will be separated with a pipe (shift-\ on most keyboards).
Requested Flight Plans:
A sample input file for requested flight plans is shown below. The first line will contain an integer
indicating the number of flight plans requested. The subsequent lines will contain a pipedelimited list of city pairs with a trailing character to indicate sorting the output of flights by time
(T) or cost (C). Your solution will find the shortest/cheapest flight path between these two cities
(if one exists) and calculate the total cost of the flights and the total time in the air.
NewYork JFK|Dallas|C
Output File:
For each flight in the Requested Flight Plans file, your program will print the most efficient flight
plan available based on whether the request was to order by time or cost. If no flight plan can
be created, then a proper message should be printed. Here is an example:
Dallas, Houston (Time)
Dallas -> Houston. Time: 51 Cost: 101.00
Chicago, Dallas (Cost)
Chicago -> Austin -> Dallas. Time: 250 Cost: 255.00