1 Problem Description
In this project, you are asked to implement the following three utilities for integer expressions using
• Postfix evaluation
• Infix to postfix conversion
• Infix evaluation
The two types (infix and postfix) of expressions are implemented by the classes InfixExpression
and PostfixExpression, which extend the abstract class Expression. You are only allowed to
use the stack implementation provided in the files and
You may add new instance variables and methods to the classes Expression, InfixExpression
and PostfixExpression, but you may not rename or remove any existing ones, or change any of
them from public to private or vice versa.
2 Operands and Operators
To simplify the parsing effort, all the operands in this project are either single lower case English
letters (a – z) or non-negative integers. A single letter is treated as a variable whose value needs
to be provided in the input. A hash map will be constructed to store all variables appearing in
the expression and their values. Evaluation of this expression may produce negative (intermediate)
operands, which are the values of subexpressions.
Parentheses ( and ) are allowed to appear in an infix expression but not in a postfix expression.
They may be viewed as “special operators.”
There are seven standard operators, six of which are binary, meaning that they act on two
+, -, *, /, %, ^
In the above, + is for addition, – for subtraction, * for multiplication, / for integer division, % for
modulo (the remainder operation), and ^ for exponentiation.
2.1 Unary Minus
There is one operator that is unary, meaning that it acts on only one operand: the negative sign or
unary minus, which has the same notation – as subtraction in an infix expression. A unary minus
appears in the following three situations only:
1. at the beginning of an expression, as in – 3 * 5 – 7 (where the first – is a unary minus
operator and the second – is a binary minus operator);
2. after another operator (either binary or unary), as in 8 – – – 10 * – 2 (where the first –
is binary, and the remaining three are unary);
3. after a left parenthesis (i.e., first in a subexpression), as in x / (- y + 2).
All other occurrences of – in an infix expression must be of the binary minus operator. The unary
minus operator is right associative and has a higher precedence than all the binary operators. For
example, the expression
2 * – – 5 ^ 3
becomes, after parenthesization,
2 * ((- (- 5)) ^ 3)
In a postfix expression, the unary minus operator is represented by a tilde: ~. If we still used -,
there would be no way to tell it apart from the binary minus operator in postfix notation.
2.2 Rank and Precedence
An operand has a rank of 1, a unary operator 0, a binary operator -1, and a parenthesis 0. To be
a valid infix expression, a necessary condition is that the cumulative rank in a left-to-right scan of
the expression must vary between 0 and 1, and has a final value of 1.
In an infix expression, every operator has an input precedence and a stack precedence. The precedences and ranks of operators and ranks are summarized in the table below.
operator input precedence stack precedence rank
– (unary) 6 5 0
+, – (binary) 1 1 -1
*, /, % 2 2 -1
^ 4 3 -1
( 7 -1 0
) 0 0 0
3 Expression Formats
In an input, operands, operators, and parentheses are separated by one or more blanks or tabs.
For example, the following is a valid infix expression.
( x – 15 ) * 4 / 2 ^ 2
This expression has value 13 if x == 28. All integers in the input are nonnegative. An example of
a valid postfix expression:
8 ~ 7 * y 3 + /
An input infix string should contain no characters other than those for the seven operators, the two
parentheses, the ten digits, and the 26 English letters (in lower case). An input postfix string may
also include one more character ~ for the unary minus operator but it does not contain parentheses.
Your code needs to check for possible violations.
4 Hashing of Variables
All variables from an input expression should have their values provided by the user. Your code
should store these variables and their values in a hash map declared as
private HashMap<Character, Integer> varTable;
This hash map will operate like a fast dictionary, allowing you to quickly retrieve the value of
each variable. It should be constructed as a Java HashMap object in the main() method and
passed to the postfix or infix expression. The hash map is empty if no variables occur in the input
The demo code below illustrates the use of Java HashMap. A hash map named hashMap is constructed to store the values of three single-letter variables x, y, and z. Then, the value of x is
class HashMapDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
HashMap<Character, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
hashMap.put(’x’, 4);
hashMap.put(’y’, 2);
hashMap.put(’z’, 5);
char c = ’x’;
if (hashMap.containsKey(c)) {
int x = (int) hashMap.get(c);
Check out for a summary of HashMap methods, though you might only need put() and get() for the project. We will
study this class in more detail soon.
5 Correctness of Expressions and Exceptions
Your code should detect whether an input infix or postfix expression is valid. If the cumulative
rank of an infix expression goes below 0 or above 1 during a scan or has a final value that is not 1,
it can be immediately rejected as invalid.
Because parentheses have rank 0, passing the rank test does not guarantee that the infix expression
is valid. An incorrect infix expression may also be converted into postfix, which is later detected
during the evaluation.
For example, the invalid infix expression (2 *) 3 can be converted into the postfix 2 * 3 by the
algorithm described in class,1 but evaluation of the postfix expression will then detect a missing
operand of the multiplication operator *.
1See the Lecture 25 notes on Canvas.
The correctness of a postfix expression is verified during its evaluation. For instance, if a parenthesis
appears in an input for a postfix expression, then that’s an error. An exception is thrown in the
following situations:
• An expression is found to be incorrect.
• An illegal arithmetic operation (such as division by 0 or the zeroth power of 0) is being carried
• A variable in the infix or postfix expression to be evaluated was not provided a value from
the input.
Possible errors (and their corresponding exceptions) are itemized in the Javadoc comments in and So read those comments carefully.
6 Input/Output Format
You may assume (without checking it in your code) that an input file already meets the following
1. Every expression occupies a separate line.
2. Adjacent expressions may be separated by one or more blank lines.
3. Adjacent operators and/or operands must be separated by one or more blanks.
4. A line containing an infix expression starts with the letter I, followed by at least one blank,
followed by the actual expression.
5. A line containing a postfix expression starts with the letter P, followed by at least one blank,
followed by the actual expression.
6. If the expression contains any variables, then their names and values are listed on the lines
immediately following the expression line. Each such line contains zero or more blanks, then
the variable name, then =, then one or more blanks, then the variable’s value.
Below is a sample valid input file consisting of an infix expression and a postfix expression.
I ( 2 + x ) – ( 33 * y )
x = 1
y = 2
P a a ^ b c / +
a = 2
b = 8
c = 4
The output must leave:
1. exact one blank separating any two operands, two non-parenthesis operators, or an operand
and a non-parenthesis operator.
2. no blank between a parenthesis and an operand, or between two parentheses.
7 Execution Scenario
The class InfixPostfix repeatedly accepts infix and postfix expressions via standard input or
file input. On standard input, enter the letter I followed by one or more blanks before an infix
expression, and the letter P followed by one or more blanks before a postfix expression. If the
expression contains some variables, the interface should then prompt the user to enter their values
one by one (see Trial 2 for an example). This may be implemented in a helper method called by
main() in
On an input infix expression, your code should output:
1. the same infix expression in the required format (see end of Section 6)
2. the equivalent postfix expression in the required format
3. (a) for standard input: the variables (if there are any) with prompts for their values
(b) for file input: the variables (if there are any) and their values
4. the calculated value of the expression.
If some variables are not provided values, the infix and postfix expressions must be output before
an UnassignedVariableException is thrown. On an input postfix expression, your code should
do the same as above, except it skips line 1.
Below is a sample execution scenario. Note that the underlined portions represent user keystrokes.
Evaluation of Infix and Postfix Expressions
keys: 1 (standard input) 2 (file input) 3 (exit)
(Enter “I” before an infix expression, “P” before a postfix expression)
Trial 1: 1
Expression: I – ( 2 * i + – 3 ) * 5
Infix form: – (2 * i + – 3) * 5
Postfix form: 2 i * 3 ~ + ~ 5 *
i = 1
Expression value: 5
Trial 2: 1
Expression: P a 6 + b 3 ^ –
Postfix form: a 6 + b 3 ^ –
a = 50
b = 2
Expression value: 48
Trial 3: 2
Input from a file
Enter file name: expr.txt
Infix form: (x + y) * z
Postfix form: x y + z *
x = 21
y = 13
z = 5
Expression value: 170
Infix form: 8 / (1 + 3) – 6 ^ 2
Postfix form: 8 1 3 + / 6 2 ^ –
Expression value: -34
Postfix form: 2 2 +
Expression value: 4
Postfix form: 2 x ~ *
x = 2
Expression value: -4
Trial 4: 3
In trial 1, note that the uppercase I refers to the input being an infix expression while the lowercase
i refers to a variable in the expression. In trial 3, the file expr.txt has the content below.
I ( x + y ) * z
x = 21
y = 13
z = 5
I 8 / ( 1 + 3 ) – 6 ^ 2
P 2 2 +
P 2 x ~ *
x = 2
Your code needs to print out the same text messages for user interactions.
8 Submission
Write your classes in the edu.iastate.cs228.hw4 package. Turn in the zip file, not your class
files. Please follow the submission guidelines posted on Canvas. You are not required to submit
any JUnit test cases. Nevertheless, you are encouraged to write JUnit tests for your code. Since
these tests will not be submitted, feel free to share them with other students. Include the Javadoc
tag @author in every class source file you have made changes to. Your zip file should be named