For this program, you are to design and implement a Roman numeral calculator for positive integers. Your program is to input two Roman numbers and an arithmetic operator and to print the result of the operation to the screen – in both Roman and Arabic notations. The arithmetic operators that your program should recognize in the input are +, -, *, and /. These operators are used to perform Python operations of integer addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The program is to be repeated as many times as the user wishes.
You may not use Python constructs that have not been discussed in class so far.
An input to your program will be interactive. When entering Roman numerals, we will assume
a purely additive notation, in which a number is simply the sum of its digits (4 equals IIII in this notation). Each number starts with the digit of the highest value and ends with the digit of the smallest value. The values of the Roman digits are as follows:
I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000
After the number is entered, you are to make sure that no illegal digits or arithmetic operators were entered. When an invalid input occurs, the program is not to exit, but to ask the user for the given value again – until the valid string is entered. You may assume that Roman numerals are entered in the right order (i.e. MDC, not CDM or LIL) and as positive integers.
In addition to printing the Roman and Arabic equivalents of the calculation, each time a number is entered, you are to echo print it to the screen in its Arabic format. The following is a sample run of the program:
Enter the first number: LXXXXI
The first number is 91
Enter the second number: VIIII
The second number is 9
Enter the desired arithmetic operation: +
The result is C (100)
Do you want to repeat the program? Enter Y for yes, N for no: N
Make sure you guard against the division by zero. If it happens, display an error message. Also, subtraction could produce negative numbers, in which case print the number in its Roman format with the negative sign proceeding the actual number (i.e. –C for –100).
Pseudocode and Flowchart
A pseudocode is an informal description of an algorithm. For our purposes, it should be written in steps and include formulas, if any. There are a couple of examples provided in the textbook: p. 127, p. 176, p. 184 (should contain formulas as well), p. 200.
A flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm and two good examples are provided in the textbook on p. 126 and p. 136. Note that the flowchart elements include a rectangle to indicate calculations, a diamond to indicate a decision point, and a parallelogram to indicate input/output.
Program Submission
If you want your assignment to be graded, it has to be compatible with our platform, namely Python3.4.1 The source code is to be called
On or before the due date, use the link posted in Canvas next to Programming Assignment 1 to submit your code and all associated documentation. Make sure you know how to do that before the due date since late assignments will not be accepted. Valid documentation file formats are: doc, docx, rtf, pdf.
Date Completed
Milestone Planned Actual
Assignment received.
Requirements understood;
detailed specification recorded.
Top level of design complete.
All levels of top-down design complete
Coding complete (clean compile).
Testing planned.
Testing complete.
Program ready to turn in; all
external and internal documentation
Assignment turned in.
Reason for test case Input values Expected output________________________