Program 1. Paycheck.


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Program 1.
Write a program to collect the following data from the user.

1) User last name

2) User First Name

3) Number of Hours worked.

4) Hourly-wage

Calculate the gross wage based on the formula:

Gross wage is number of hours worked multiplied by hourly-wage.

Hint: You use the symbol * for multiplication.

Output: Display the user name and gross wage.


Program 2

Dinner check split.

Write a program to collect the following data from the 3 users.

1. Name

2. Amount of Lunch Menu item

3. Amount of Drink

Calculate and output Name and the Amount of each person’s check including 15% tip.

Example output:

Mike $15.24

John $ 23.10

Jane $ 18.40


Program 3.

Write a program to accept the food expenses of five students (one at a time). Using Accumulation concept, calculate and display the total expenses from all the five students combined. ====================================

Program 4.

Write a program to ask the user to enter the amount spent on electricity and Gas bill for 5 consecutive months. Count and display the number of months where the user went over budget if the electricity bill is over $55 dollars and Gas bill is over $30 dollars.