Introduction to C and Basic I/OSubmit the solutions, C programs, to the following problems underthe “labtest” mode on September 15 or 18.1.
Problem A1.1 SpecificationWrite a C program to convert measurements from inches to centimetres (1 inch = 2.54 cm).
The program reads a measurement in inches and outputs the equivalent measurement in centimetres.
It then continues to read and convert the next measurements until a zero is entered.
1.2 ImplementationThe program should:•be named lab1a.c•use a loop to read and convert one input at a time.
The loop ends and the program terminates when the input is zero.
•display before each input the following prompt: Enter the measurement in inches>•use scanfto read inputs, which are measurements in inches, of type float.
•display the outputs in centimetres with two decimal digits. 1.3
Sample Inputs/Outputs:indigo 336 %lab1a
Enter the measurement in inches>25.08 cm
Enter the measurement in inches>5.513.97 cm
Enter the measurement in inches>10.76527.34 cm
Enter the measurement in inches>0
EECS2031 Page 2of 3indigo 337%2.
Problem B2.1 SpecificationWrite a C program to count the number of blank characters (white spaces) in a line of characters.
The program reads from the standard input a line of characters and outputs the number of blank characters found in the line.
2.2 ImplementationThe program should:•be named lab1b.c•use getcharand a loop to read a line of characters which is terminated by the new line character ‘\n’.
•display the following prompt before each input:Enter a line of characters>2.3
Sample Inputs/Outputs:indigo 352%lab1bEnter a line of characters>Welcome to CSE 2031.3indigo 353%lab1bEnter a line of characters>1234567890indigo 354%lab1bEnter a line of characters>a b c d e f g h7indigo 355%
EECS2031 Page 3of 33. Problem CRepeat problem A, but do not display the prompt “Enter the measurement in inches>”.Name this program lab1c.c.4.
Problem D Repeat problem B, but do not display the prompt “Enter a line of characters>”.Name this program lab1d.c.
Common NotesAll submitted files should contain the following header:
/****************************************EECS2031 –Lab1*Filename:Name of file*
Author: Last name, first name
*Email: Your preferred email address
*EECSlogin ID: Your EECSlogin ID****************************************/
In addition, all programs should follow the following guidelines:
•Include the stdio.hlibrary in the header of your .cfiles.
•Use printfto print texts and outputs according to the required formats.
•End each output result with a new line character ‘\n’.
•Assume that all inputs are valid (no error checkingis required).