EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)


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The purpose of this lab is to implement a hash table with closed hashing in C++.
General Requirements:
In this lab, you are required to implement a hash table with Linear Probing and Quadratic
Probing using an array of structures (not arrays in STL).
Implement a user credential storage system. Each record consists of a Username and
Password. Specifications for each field are provided below. Password is considered the key
to be used to compute the hash value, that is, the index of the hash table at which the record
will be placed. You are to read in the records from a data.txt file. There shouldn’t be any
duplicate records inserted into the hash table. That is, Username has to be unique, but
Password can be duplicated.
Username: String (of length not more than 6 and greater than 1). Only lower case letters
are allowed.
Password: Alphanumeric. A combination of characters and numbers of length not
more than 7 (at least 3 characters and at least 2 numbers). Only lower case
letters are allowed. No special characters (for example : ., * , ? ,@ ,#, etc.)
are allowed.
Hash function: The key to compute the hash value is the Password.
Hash value = (Sum of Ascii values of all characters + Sum of integers) % Table size
For example: Password = kuit560 and Table size = 11
Hash value = (107+117+105+116+5+6+0) % 11 = 456 % 11 = 5
Let say the Hash table name is password_hash.
Then the record is stored in password_hash[5].
Your data.txt file may look like either of the below mentioned examples:
Example 1:
json , kuit560
java, eng2020
python, kuit560
nodejs, cls334
angular, lang99
hadoop, bgdt564
spark, onl345
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
csharp, pwd3456
Example 2:
json:kuit560, java:eng2020, python:kuit560, nodejs:cls334, angular:lang99, hadoop:bgdt564,
spark:onl345, csharp:pwd3456
Only the password will be used as the key for calculating the hash value with the hash
function. The file you read the data from will be named data.txt. You may hard code the file
name if you wish. After everything has been read from data.txt into the hash table (which is
an Array of Structures), your program should ask the user to choose one of the options below:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
Hashing details:
If there is no collision, the index should be calculated as per the hash function given above.
Else, try resolving the collision using Linear Probing and Quadratic Probing as explained
Hashing with Linear Probing:
fi=i ,∀i, 0≤ i ≤k-1, where x = summation of ASCII values and numbers
(x) = (h(x) + 0) mod table_size = h(x) mod table_size,
(x) = (h(x) + f1
) mod table_size = (h(x) + 1) mod table_size,
(x) = (h(x) + f2
) mod table_size = (h(x) + 2) mod table_size,

(x) = (h(x) + fk-1
) mod table_size = (h(x) + (k-1)) mod table_size.
Hashing with Quadratic Probing:
fi = i
, ∀i, 0≤ i ≤k-1, where x = summation of ASCII values and numbers
(x) = (h(x) + 02
) mod table_size = h(x) mod table_size,
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
(x) = (h(x) + f1
) mod table_size = (h(x) + 12
) mod table_size,
(x) = (h(x) + f2
) mod table_size = (h(x) + 22
) mod table_size,

(x) = (h(x) + fk-1
) mod table_size = (h(x) + (k-1)2
) mod table_size.
Sometimes, it may happen that it is not possible to insert a particular record even when
there are open buckets in the hash table. For such cases, try to find the hash value until k =
table_size to insert the record. If there is no valid hash position found, then report failure
for the insertion.
For closed hashing, rehashing is required when the Load factor is greater than 0.5.
Load factor = (number of elements in the hash table)/table_size
You need to rehash the hash table whenever the Load factor is greater than 0.5. The size of
the new table should be the prime number closest to twice the size of the current table.
Before inserting a record, you need to check if rehashing is required. If it is required, apply
rehashing, that is, all the hash elements need to be hashed into new locations in the new hash
table. This should be done sequentially. The new record should be rehashed whenever you
reach the location in the old table where it would have been inserted. The hash function and
rehash function need to be implemented in the code but need not be displayed in the
output operations.
The hash table should implement an appropriate constructor and destructor. The rest of the
methods should be implemented as follows:
 Add User(username, password): Should insert parameters into both of the hash
tables (maintained by the Linear probing and Quadratic probing schemes) when it is
not already present. Insertion must be done at the location which is obtained by the
hashing function. If the location is full, then a new location will be calculated with
Linear probing and Quadratic probing, respectively. Two different messages may be
printed. The first message that will be printed will report on the success/failure of the
insertion with Linear probing. (The message in this case will look like: “[user] has been
successfully added at location[index x] using Linear probing”) Similarly, the second
one will report on the success/failure of the insertion with respect to Quadratic
probing. (For example, “[user] has been inserted at location[index y] using Quadratic
probing.”) Altogether, there can be four different cases like success-success, successfailure, failure-success, and failure-failure, all of which should be handled by the two
messages shown as output.
 Remove User(username, password): Calculate the hash value based on password and
then then remove the record from the hash table. The output should be either “[user]
has been removed from the hash table.” or “Record does not exist”. There will be two
cases of searching for an element before deletion:
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
1. A bucket that is always empty: Searching terminates. This meansthe user does
not exist in the hash table. Hence, deletion is not possible.
2. A bucket that is emptied by deletion: Searching must continue. This means the
user record with the same hash value was emptied and the required element
needs to be found and deleted.
Hint: Try using an extra Boolean flag (true/false) to know if the bucket is emptied or
 Forgot Password: Prompt the user to enter the username. Find the record based on
username. This should print the whole record.
Output for Linear Probing
username: password
Output for Quadratic Probing
username: password
 Forgot Username: Prompt the user to enter the password. Find the record based on
the password. This should print the whole record.
Output for Linear Probing
Username: password
Output for Quadratic Probing
username: password
 Print Users: Should print out all the records of the hash table. This should print the
whole record. Display the output of Linear probing and Quadratic Probing in the
format given below: (Assume m is the table_size.)
Output for Linear Probing
Index[0]: username : password
Index[1]: username : password
Index[m-1]: username : password
Output for Quadratic Probing
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Index[0]: username : password
Index[1]: username : password
Index[m-1]: username : password
 Exit: Should exit the program.
Expected Results:
data.txt records:
json:kuit560, java:eng2020, python:kuit560, nodejs:cls334, angular: lang99, hadoop:bgdt564,
spark:onl345, csharp:pwd3456
The following outputs are just for illustrative purposes only.
The bucket size is 11. For the following examples, the bucket size is considered for
illustrative purposes. You can consider table size m=11 as your initial table_size while
implementing. Rehash whenever it is required (as mentioned in the rehash function
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
>Input: 1
Enter user details to be added:
Linear Probing:
Record successfully inserted
Quadratic Probing:
Record successfully inserted
Please choose one of the following commands:
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
Linear Probing:
Quadratic Probing:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
> Enter user name:
> spark
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Linear Probing:
Quadratic probing:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
Enter Password:
> onl223
Linear Probing:
Quadratic probing:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
Enter user and password to be removed:
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Linear Probing:
Record removed
Quadratic probing:
Record removed
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
Linear Probing:
Quadratic Probing:
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
>enter use name:
> java
Linear Probing:
Record does not exist
Quadratic probing:
Record does not exist
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Add User
2- Remove User
3- Forgot Password
4- Forgot Username
5- Print Users
6- Exit
>Bye Bye!
Execution Instructions:
GDB/DDD can be used to debug your code. Make sure to use Valgrind to execute your code
to check for any memory leaks/segmentation faults.
EECS 560 Lab – Implementation of Hash Tables (Closed Hashing)
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Grading rubric:
 Full grade: The program should execute without any issues with all the options
executed and with no memory leaks.
 Points will be taken off for execution errors, such as memory leaks,
segmentation/program abort issues and missing handling of invalid cases.
 Programs that are compiled but do not execute will earn in the range of 0 to 50% of
the possible points. Your grade will be determined based on the program design and
the options implemented in the code.
Submission instructions:
 All files, i.e., the source files and Makefile, should be zipped in a folder.
 Include a ReadMe.txt if your code requires any special instructions to run.
 The naming convention of the folder should be (or .tar or .rar or
 Email it to your respective lab instructor:
Tuesday and Thursday (02:30 to 04:20 PM): (Chiru)
Tuesday (11:00AM to 12:50 PM): (Prashanthi)
Thursday (11:00AM to 12:50 PM):
 Make sure the subject line is EECS 560 Lab3.
 Your program should compile and run on the Linux machines in Eaton 1005D using