EECS 560 Lab – Experimental Profiling on Hash Tables


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The purpose of this lab is to compare the performance of different closed hashing
techniques in C++.
General Requirements:
In this lab, you are required to implement an experimental profiling model to compare the
performance of two different closed hashing techniques: Quadratic probing and Double
Hashing using an array of structures (not arrays in STL) and a timer class. The performance is
to be compared for the build and find operations of each hash table. The experiment is
repeated multiple times for different input data sizes, and then CPU times for these two
operations are recorded and compared. Below are the requirements and specifications.
Data specifications:
Input data: There is no input data file required for this lab. You are required to generate
input data using a random number generator. There will 5 different sets of inputs generated
with the below specifications:
Random number generator: Sample code is provided below
#include <stdlib.h> // srand, rand
int random_number;
srand (time(NULL)); //Initialize random seed: This means every time you run the program it will
change the numbers generated
random_number = rand() % 10 + 1; // Generate random number between 1 and 10:
//Execute the required functionality
Table size for all hash tables m = 1,000,003 (must be a prime number)
Double hashing value R = 773
Maximum k value k = 25
EECS 560 Lab – Experimental Profiling on Hash Tables
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
Number of integers to input for the 5 sets: 0.1m, 0.2m, 0.3m, 0.4m, and 0.5m (where m is
the table size). These sizes are used so that the load factor will not exceed 0.5. You can use
floor(input size) to make the input size an integer.
For example: input size 0.1m where m= 1,000,003
Input size = 0.1 * 1,000,003 = 100,000.3
Input size = floor(100000.3) = 100,000
Random number range: Generate a sequence of random integers in the range 1 to 5,000,000
for the given input sizes.
Find random number sequence: The input size for generation of a random sequence of
integers to find is 0.01m. (You can use floor(input size) to make input size as integer). The
same range should be used for the random number generation.
Hash function = (x) % m, where x=random number generated, m=table size
= (5000) % 1,000,003 = 5000
Hashing details:
If there is no collision, the index should be calculated as per the hash function given above.
Otherwise, try resolving the collision using quadratic probing and double hashing as
explained below:
Hashing with Quadratic Probing: Use the m and k values that were provided above.
fi = i
, ∀i, 0 ≤ i ≤k-1, where x = summation of ASCII values and numbers
h0(x) = (h(x) + 02
) mod m = h(x) mod m,
h1(x) = (h(x) + f1) mod m = (h(x) + 12
) mod m,
h2(x) = (h(x) + f2) mod m = (h(x) + 22
) mod m,

hk-1(x) = (h(x) + fk-1) mod m = (h(x) + (k-1)2
) mod m.
Double Hashing: h+ function: Use the R value provided above.
h+(x) = R – (x mod R), where R < m is a prime number.
Now, define fi = ih+.
Observe that,
h0(x) = (h(x) + 0h+(x)) mod m = h(x) mod m,
h1(x) = (h(x) + f1) mod m = (h(x) + 1h+(x)) mod m,
h2(x) = (h(x) + f2) mod m = (h(x) + 2h+(x)) mod m,
EECS 560 Lab – Experimental Profiling on Hash Tables
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula

hk-1(x) = (h(x) + fk-1) mod m = (h(x) + (k-1)h+(x)) mod m.
Rehashing is not required since the load factor will not exceed 0.5 for the sizes of data sets
being considered here.
Execution Procedure: As you execute the code, the result should be displayed as shown in
the sample output given below. There are no specific options to be implemented for user
interaction. But internally you are required implement the following capabilities:
• Build a hash table and insert elements into the table: Build the hash table by Inserting
elements from the generated datasets into the hash table. The CPU time should be
noted before and after the build for each input data size. Compute the difference
between these two values to obtain and record the build time. This is to be
implemented for both hashing techniques simultaneously.
• Find an element in the hash table: A different random data sequence is generated for
the Find option for each input set. Sequentially find each element and count the
numbers of successful and unsuccessful finds. To be implemented for both hashing
• The CPU build time needs to be calculated for all the sets of input data and for both
hashing techniques.
• The results should be displayed. The code should also exit.
Implementation Procedure: Each step of this lab is explained below. Avoid implementing a
single class design. Divide the work into different classes.
1-Organization of experimental profiling:
1. Implement the required hashing algorithms.
2. Generate a suitable set of input data and apply hashing with quadratic probing and double
hashing on the hash tables with the generated random data as input. Calculate the build time
for each method.
3. Now, generate another sequence of random numbers of size 0.01m using the same seed
and try to find each element of this generated sequence in each hash table of the two hashing
methods. Record the number of integers found and the number of integers not found for
each hashing method.
4. Note the build time, number of integers found, and the number of integers not found for
each hashing method.
5. Repeat the above 4 steps with different input sizes 0.1m, 0.2m, 0.3m, 0.4m, and 0.5m and
with different random seeds. Initializing random seeds will change the set of data
generated. Make sure a seed is implemented for each input set.
6. Display all the values of the build time, the number found, and the number not found as
shown in the sample output for each input size.
EECS 560 Lab – Experimental Profiling on Hash Tables
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
2-Input data generating using random number generator:
Generate random sequences of data for use in building the hash tables. You should set the
table size, i.e., m to be 1,000,003. The range of the integers in the random sequence should
always be 1 to 5,000,000. For building the hash table for each hashing method, follow the
below set of sequences of data:
1 Set: Initialize random seed. The range of data should be from 1 to 5,000,000 and the input
size should be 0.1*m.
2 Set: Initialize random seed. The range of data should be from 1 to 5,000,000 and the input
size should be 0.2*m.
3 Set: Initialize random seed. The range of data should be from 1 to 5,000,000 and the input
size should be 0.3*m.
4 Set: Initialize random seed. The range of data should be from 1 to 5,000,000 and the input
size should be 0.4*m.
5 Set: Initialize random seed. The range of data should be from 1 to 5,000,000 and the input
size should be 0.5*m.
For finding the data in each of the hash tables:
1 Set: Hash Input 0.1*m: The range should be 1 to 5,000,000 and the find input size should
be 0.01*m.
2 Set: Hash Input 0.2*m: The range should be 1 to 5,000,000 and the find input size should
be 0.02*m.
3 Set: Hash Input 0.3*m: The range should be 1 to 5,000,000 and the find input size should
be 0.03*m.
4 Set: Hash Input 0.4*m: The range should be 1 to 5,000,000 and the find input size should
be 0.04*m.
5 Set: Hash Input 0.5*m: The range should be 1 to 5,000,000 and the find input size should
be 0.05*m.
3-CPU time recording:
Include <time.h>
The CPU time is used to compare the performance of the two hashing methods using the
build time. The build time is calculated as below.
1. Generate a random sequence of numbers as explained above.
2. Record the CPU time (Store it) (Start time)
3. Apply and insert each entry from the generated random set of input data into the quadratic
probing hash table.
4. Record the current time (end time).
5. Calculate the time to build the hash table, i.e., build time = end time – start time (store it).
6. Repeat this for the hash table for double hashing.
7. Repeat all the above steps for different random sets of data of different input sizes (i.e.,
0.1m, 0.2m, 0.3m, 0.4m, and 0.5m).
8. Store and display the build times as shown in the table of sample output.
EECS 560 Lab – Experimental Profiling on Hash Tables
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
4-Data recording and analysis:
Data recording is done for three details for each hashing method and for each input set of
1. For build time
2. For successful find count
3. For unsuccessful find count.
Input data is generated and inserted into the hash tables one random number at a time.
1. For each input size, the build time is calculated and recorded.
2. With the other sequence of randomly generated data for the find operation, each value is
checked to see if it exists in the hash table. The counts for successful find and unsuccessful
find are recorded.
3. Store the counts for each hashing technique.
4. Repeat the above three steps for all the input sizes. Now we have recorded the build time,
number of successful finds, and the number of unsuccessful finds for all the input sizes for
each hashing method.
5. Display your output.
Expected Results:
The following outputs are just for illustrative purposes only.
Sample output (should be recorded in a table).
______________________Performance (Quadratic Probing) _________________________
| Input size | 100,000 | 200,000 | 300,000 | 400,000 | 500,000 |
| Build (s) |0.012568 |0.0214294 |0.0340122 |0.0477508 |0.0624752 |
| Number of items
| successfully found |199 |393 |600 |755 |923 |
|Number of items
| not found |9802 |9608 |9401 |9245 |9078 |
______________________Performance (Double Hashing) ___________________________
| Input size | 100,000 | 200,000 | 300,000 | 400,000 | 500,000 |
| Build (s) |0.017538 |0.0214490 |0.0333129 |0.0437500 |0.0564789 |
| Number of items
| successfully found |1000 |1393 |1800 |1345 |923 |
EECS 560 Lab – Experimental Profiling on Hash Tables
Prof.: Dr. Shontz, GTAs: Chiranjeevi Pippalla, Prashanthi Mallojula
| Number of items
| not found |8802 |7608 |7001 | 7510 |9078 |
Report: Submit a report by answering the questions shown below along with your Lab
work. Your answers should not be more than 5 to 6 sentences for each question.
1. Observe your output for quadratic probing and double hashing and compare the
performance of both techniques for the build and find operations.
2. Which hashing technique performs better when searching and why?
3. Justify the worst case complexity of each of your experimental profiling results and
compare them to the worst case complexity of the theoretical results for the build
times with each of the hashing techniques.
Grading rubric:
 Full grade: The program should execute without any issues with all the options
executed and with no memory leaks.
 Points will be taken off for execution errors, such as memory leaks,
segmentation/program abort issues and missing handling of invalid cases.
 Programs that are compiled but do not execute will earn in the range of 0 to 50% of
the possible points. Your grade will be determined based on the program design and
the options implemented in the code.
Submission instructions:
• All files, i.e., the source files and Makefile, should be zipped in a folder.
• Include a ReadMe.txt if your code requires any special instructions to run.
• The naming convention of the folder should be (or .tar or .rar or
• Email it to your respective lab instructor: (Chiru) or (Prashanthi) with subject line EECS 560 Lab5.
• Your program should compile and run on the Linux machines in Eaton 1005D using