EECS 560 Lab 10


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The purpose of this lab is to implement a max-leftist heap class and a max-skew heap class in
General Requirements:
For this assignment, you will work on a pointer-based implementation of max-leftist heap and
a max-skew heap. (Please refer to slide 7 in note packet 6 for the node structure for leftist
trees.) You are to read in the numbers from a data file of integers and insert each number into a
max-leftist heap (and a max-skew heap). Max-leftist heaps and max-skew heaps can have
duplicate numbers.
For this lab, you should build the heap using the samples which are in the data.txt. After that,
your program should have a simple menu like this:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
Max-leftist heap:
The max-leftist heap methods should be implemented as follows:
 Buildheap() – should build the max-leftist heap using the insert function.
 Insert(x) – should insert x into the max-leftist heap using the merge function.
 Deletemax() – should delete the maximum value from the max-leftist heap and use the
merge function to merge the remaining two sub heaps.
 Findmax() – should return maximum value from the max-leftist heap.
 Merge(H1,H2) – merge two max-leftist heaps.
 Preorder() should print the preorder traversal of the max-leftist heap.
 Inorder() -– should print the inorder traversal of the max-leftist heap.
 Postorder() – should print the postorder traversal of the max-leftist heap.
 Levelorder() – should print the level order traversal of the max-leftist heap.
Max-skew heap:
The max-skew heap methods should be implemented as follows:
 Buildheap() – should build the max-skew heap using the insert function.
 Insert(x) – should insert x into the max-skew heap using the merge function.
 Deletemax() – should delete the maximum value from the max-skew heap and use the
merge function to merge the remaining two sub heaps.
 Findmax() – should return maximum value from the max-skew heap.
 Merge(H1,H2) – should merge two max-skew heaps.
 Preorder() – should print the preorder traversal of the max-skew heap.
 Inorder() – should print the inorder traversal of the max-skew heap.
 Postorder() – should print the postorder traversal of the max-skew heap.
 Levelorder() – should print the level order traversal of the max-skew heap.
Data file:
data.txt: 11 10 8 5 1 6 2 9 7 3 4
We will insert these values, in the given order, into the max-leftist heap. Note the following
graphical output covers only the max-leftist heap:
Expected output for the max-leftist heap:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 7
10 8
9 6 5 1
2 7 3 4
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 3
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 2
Delete max successful
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 7
9 8
2 7 6 5
3 4
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 4
10 9 2 7 8 6 3 4 1 5
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 1
Integer to Insert: 10
Insert successful
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 5
2 9 7 10 3 6 1 4 8 5 10
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 2
Delete max successful
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 7
8 9
6 5 2 7
3 4
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 6
3 1 4 6 5 8 2 7 9 10
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 8
Expected output for max-skew heap:
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 7
8 10
4 7 6 9
2 1 3 5
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 2
Delete max successful
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 3
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 4
10 9 8 4 2 7 1 5 6 3
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 1
Integer to insert: 10
Insert successful
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 5
3 6 10 10 2 4 8 1 7 9 5
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 2
9 6
8 5 3
4 7
2 1
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 6
2 4 1 7 8 5 9 3 6 10
Please choose one of the following commands:
1- Insert
2- Deletemax
3- Findmax
4- Preorder
5- Inorder
6- Postorder
7- Levelorder
8- Exit
> 8
Follow the conventions below to facilitate grading:
Source Code
Place all your source files (*.cpp, *.hpp) and input files in a single folder with no subfolders.
 Name your folder using the convention Lastname_LabX (e.g., Smith_Lab010).
 Include a functioning Makefile inside the folder. (The makefile should also include the
clean command.)
 Verify that your code runs on the lab Linux machines before submission.
Compressed File
 Compress using .zip, .rar, or .tar.gz.
 Name your file using the convention Lastname_LabX (e.g.,
 Use the following subject for your email: Lastname_LabX (e.g., Smith_Lab010).
 Send your code to if you are in one of Lei’s sections or to if you are in one of Dhwani’s sections.
 Anytime you have a question about the lab, put the word question in the subject of the