EECS 337 Systems Programming (Compiler Design) Project


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A compiler and linker translate a high level programming language into an executable image for a
target processor (text to binary). Another operation of a compiler is to translate one programming
language into another programming language (text to text). This is one type of a cross compiler.
For this project you design and implement an ANSI C compiler and target a PIC 16F1827
processor. You input ANSI C source and output PIC 16F1827 assembler code. You take the
compiler from Assignment 3 and implement the declarations, functions and update the code
generator. You can update the code generator provided or you can use your code generator from
Assignment 12. The PIC assembler code shall compile and run under MPLAB. The execution of
the PIC instructions shall correctly implement the C source programs. For extra credit you update
the code generator to handle the mustang.c file and target a PIC16F1827 development board.
The mustang.c program implements the right side of the turning signal for the Ford Mustang.
The name of the compiler shall be ansi_c and shall run as a console application under Linux or
Unix. It shall input the three C source programs (../hw0[1|2]/Code*.c[pp]) and output a correct PIC
assembler program (Code*.asm) file. You shall run the script file (./
&> project_test.txt) and the output file shall be printed out as part of the project report.
Each students shall design and implement a version of the C to PIC cross compiler. At the end of
the project, each student shall compress the project code (tar) and submit the file to blackboard.
Please follow the submission instructions to make grading the assignment easy on the professor.
Answer the questions at the end of the project. The student shall turn in the project document on
the last day of class. When you print the source code, please print multiple pages on each sheet.
• Cover page
• Introduction
• Answer questions
• project_test.txt
• Code*.asm
• [codegen.c] // If you wrote your own version, please include the source
In the previous assignment the calculator program translated the input source code into three
address codes and then into PIC assembler code. The scanner reads and converts the input into
tokens and attributes. The scanner installed the identifiers and constants into the symbol table
and returned the index value. The parser uses the index to find the symbol table entry. The
parser updates or uses the symbol table depending on a declaration or statement production. In a
declaration the type and identifier are inserted into the symbol table to create a variable. In an
assignment statement an identifier can be on both sides (left = right) of the production.
The output of the parser was a QUAD with an operator and up to three operands. The linked list
was then passed to the code generator. The code generator translated the operator and
operands into multiple PIC assembler instructions (TUPLE). The final instructions were optimized
and generated (prefix, code, postfix) using an absolute address PIC memory model.
The project target machine is the PIC 16F1827 architecture. Therefore an optimized version of a
compiler can be designed. For example the immediate values for the PIC are char or integer and
can range from 0 to 255. It is then possible to put static checking in the scanner to audit the
source code values before passing the values to the parser. The scanner packages the input
values into dynamic memory and returns the values to the parser. It leaves the parser the job of
installing the identifiers into the symbol table. A C program also has levels and functions. The
level information must be part of the symbol table and used in the code generation. The PIC does
not allow two symbols with the same names so the code generator must handle this. The output
could be in physical addresses only (0x20 to 0x7f) and the symbols sections would not need to be
generated (symbol EQU address). The address only function has been included in the source
code and is turned on and off with the address flag on the command line.
Usage: ansi_c [[+|-]echo] [[+|-]debug] [[+|-]yydebug] [[+|-]symbol]
[[+|-]address] [+test] [filename] […]
The echo flag repeats the input characters to the console window. The debug flag prints the
TUPLE linked list at the top of the parser and again after post processing. The yydebug flag puts
the yacc parser into verbose mode. The symbol flag prints the symbol table and the free symbol
table. The address flag generates the output using only physical addresses. The test flag prints
the example code generator functions. Any other input is treated as an input file.
From a console window, make a directory on your computer in your EECS337 directory under
your Case ID and call it project.
mkdir ~/EECS337/caseid/project/ ; where caseid is YOUR Case ID, in lower case
Change directory to the project directory.
cd ~/EECS337/caseid/project/
Download a copy of the file: project_caseid.tar to the project directory from in the EECS337 homework assignment area. To untar the tar file type
the command:
tar xvf project_caseid.tar
The following files will be created in the current working directory.
The original C scanner (scan.l) and grammar files (gram.y) from assignment 03 have been
updated to include a main program (main.c), an include file (yystype.h) a Makefile and extra
source files (audit.c symbols.c tuples.c codegen.c tokens.h). The scan.l and gram.y files are
the only files you need to edit to complete the first part of the project. Then update or
rewrite the codegen.c file to complete the project. A number of other files have been included
to perform the scanner, parser, symbol table and code generator functions. You need to update
the scanner file to return tokens and attributes to the parser and insert the parser functions into
the yacc file to use the symbol table and generate the PIC assembler code.
The ansi_c compiler from Assignment 03 has a scanner (scan.l) and parser (gram.y) to handle
the C programming language. The scanner has no actions for the regular expressions and the
parser has no actions. You update the scanner and the parser using the files included with the
project. To build and test the initial ansi_c compiler type the commands: make clean and make
./ansi_c +debug +symbol +yydebug test1.c
Implementation Details
Implement the source code to perform the cross compiler operations. Use the files provided or
write your own. You can reuse the source code from any of the assignments. An outline of the
step to complete the project is shown below.
• Update the scanner to include passing attributes to the parser.
• Update the parser to implement declarations for the symbol table (create and find).
• Update the parser to translate functions into PIC assembler code.
• Update or rewrite the PIC code generator to support all the PIC16F1827 instructions.
• [Extra] Update the code generator to support the embedded development board.
Part 1: Scanner Update
Open the scan.l file and find the regular expression for IDENTIFIER that returns the check_type()
function. Change the action to the action shown below. The scanner functions are provided in the
audit.c file.
{ count(); yylval.tuple = identifier( yytext, yyleng); return(check_type()); }
Find the hexadecimal regular expression that returns a CONSTANT. Change the hexadecimal
action to the action shown below.
{ count(); yylval.tuple = constant_hex( yytext, yyleng); return(CONSTANT); }
Repeat this process for the octal, decimal, char, float and string_literal actions replacing the
function word “hex” with each of the names. Then change all the other regular expressions that
return a token to assign that token to the attribute variable (yylval.token). (first and last regular
expressions are shown below)
“auto” { count(); yylval.token = AUTO; return(AUTO); }

“?” { count(); yylval.token = ‘?’; return(‘?’); }
Save the scan.l file.
Open the gram.y file. Find the declaration_specifiers production and the same function name in
the audit.c file. In the audit.c file in the comment above the function, copy and paste the parser
functions to each of the four productions in the gram.y file and be sure to include the action inside
curly brackets inside the production. Save the gram.y file and close the audit.c file. The audit
(static checking) allows INT, CHAR and VOID types.
Part 2: Parser Declarations Update
For the symbol table each set of curly brackets (block or function body) increments the level
count. At the end of each block the symbol table is saved onto the free symbol table list and the
level is decremented. The free symbol table information is needed by the code generator for
generating the symbol table. In this case when the level is 0 then it is a global variable. Above
level 0 is a block statement or function body and the symbol can be re-declared. Therefore the
code generator uses the level information in the symbol name generation. The symbol name is
appended with the underscore character ‘_’ and the level number during code generation. For
example the code fragment below has one global variable and three stack variables:
int i = 0;
int i = 1;
int i = 2;
int i = 3;
The identifier is looked up in the symbol table to find the physical address and level information.
This is printed for each symbol. If the symbol is greater than level 0 the code generator generates
the level number appended to the symbol separated by the underscore character ‘_’. Else if the
symbol or label is only one character long then the underscore ‘_’ symbol is also appended to the
symbol name.
The symbols are used in assignment operations (left = right) and converted into “MOVWF
symbol” or “MOVF symbol, W” PIC instructions. Constants (right only) are converted into
“MOVLW value” PIC instructions. The code generator output for the symbol table and code
fragment for the example is:
;symbol table:
i_ EQU 0x20
;symbol table free:
i_1 EQU 0x21
i_2 EQU 0x22
i_3 EQU 0x23
; here begins the main program
movf PORTA,w
call main
goto mloop
return ; if main does not have a return
Open the gram.y file and change the %start file to code and add the production below.
code : file
#ifdef YYDEBUG
if( IS_FLAGS_DEBUG( data.flags))
printf( “Debug: yacc tuples\n”);
print_tuple_list( $1.tuple);
code_generator_pic16f1827( $1.tuple);
In the gram.y file find the compound_statement production and replace the compound_statement
production with the code below. Also open the symbols.c file. Find the same function names in
the symbols.c file and notice in the comments above the functions are the function calls being
used in the code pasted below.
: ‘{‘
: ‘}’
compound_statement : left_bracket right_bracket
$$.tuple = 0;
| left_bracket statement_list right_bracket
$$.tuple = $2.tuple;
| left_bracket declaration_list right_bracket
$$.tuple = $2.tuple;
| left_bracket declaration_list statement_list right_bracket
$$.tuple = tuple_tail_to_head( $2.tuple, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the declaration production. Change the two productions to the code below.
: declaration_specifiers ‘;’
$$.tuple = 0;
| declaration_specifiers init_declarator_list ‘;’
$$.tuple = symbol_declaration( $1.token, $2.tuple);
$$.tuple = tuple_declaration( $1.token, $$.tuple);
In gram.y find the init_declarator_list production. Insert the action to the production with the
$$.tuple = symbol_init_declarator_list( $1.tuple, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the init_declarator production. Insert the action to the production with the equal
$$.tuple = symbol_init_declarator( $1.tuple, $3.tuple);
Save the gram.y. To build and test the symbol table version type the commands:
make clean
./ansi_c +debug +symbol test1.c
; automatic code generation for PIC16F1827
; EECS337 Compiler Design
; by: caseid, date: Fall 2013
; for PIC16F1827 processor
; CPU configuration
list p=16f1827 ; list directive to define processor
#include ; processor specific variable definitions
;symbol table:
c_ EQU 0x20
;symbol table free:
; power-up or reset vector
org 0x0000 ; processor reset vector
pagesel init
goto init ; skip interrupt vector space (reserved)
; interrupt vector
org 0x04
inter: ; on interrupt PC set to 0x04 and automatically clears GIE
retfie ; return from interrupt and automatically sets GIE
; beginning of program code
org 0x08
; On reset all ports are inputs.
movlb1 ; switch to bank 1 memory
; clrf TRISA ; set PORTA to all outputs
clrf TRISB ; set PORTB to all outputs
movlb0 ; switch to bank 0 memory
; here begins the main program
goto mloop
return ; if main does not have a return
; only standard library function
movwfPORTB; output w to standard output (stdout)
end ; end of program code
symbol table:
next: 0x0 token: CHAR value: 0 address: 0x20 mask: 0x0 level: 0 length: 2
buffer: c
symbol table free:
To test using an initialization value in the declaration then type the command:
./ansi_c +debug +symbol test2.c
The output will be the same as test1.c except for the one statement below.
movlw 0x02
Once you have this much working then you are ready to add the rest of the functions to the
parser. Save a copy of your gram.y file and close the audit.c and symbols.c files.
Part 3: Parser Functions Update
For a function body identifier a label “function:” is generated for the function name. Any call to the
function is generated as a “CALL function” PIC instruction. The end of the function must have a
return (RETURN, RETLW) instruction. This static checking is handled in the first stage of the
code generator (code_post_process). The code generator is already hooked into the parser when
we inserted the new %start production (code).
Open the gram.y and the tuple.c files. In gram.y find the primary_expr production. Insert the
matching actions into the productions and include curly brackets around the actions.
$$.tuple = tuple_primary_expr_identifier( $1.tuple);
$$.tuple = tuple_primary_expr_constant( $1.tuple);
$$.tuple = tuple_primary_expr_string_literal( $1.tuple);
$$ = $2; /* C allows struct to struct copy */
In gram.y find the postfix_expr production. Insert the actions for the productions with the ‘(‘ ‘)’
| postfix_expr ‘(‘ ‘)’
$$.tuple = tuple_postfix_expr( $1.tuple, 0);
| postfix_expr ‘(‘ argument_expr_list ‘)’
$$.tuple = tuple_postfix_expr( $1.tuple, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the argument_expr_list production. Insert the tail to head function to link the
production linked lists for the ‘,’ character.
$$.tuple = tuple_tail_to_head( $1.tuple, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the additive_expr production. Insert the action for the production with the ‘+’
$$.tuple = tuple_additive_expr( I_ADD, $1.tuple, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the assignment_expr production. Insert the action for the production with the
$$.tuple = tuple_assignment_expr( $1.tuple, $2.token, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the declarator production. Insert the action for the production with the pointer nonterminal symbol.
$$ = $2;
In gram.y find the declarator2 production. Insert the first action for the ‘(‘ declarator ‘)’ production
the second action for two with parameter_*_list non-terminal symbols.
$$ = $2;
$$.tuple = tuple_tail_to_head( $1.tuple, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the parameter_list production. Insert the first action for the first production and the
second action for second production.
$$.tuple = tuple_parameter_list( $1.tuple, 0);
$$.tuple = tuple_parameter_list( $1.tuple, $3.tuple);
In gram.y find the parameter_declaration production. Insert the action for the first production.
$$ = $2;
In gram.y find the declaration_list, statement_list, file and function_body productions. Insert the
action for the two non-terminal productions.
$$.tuple = tuple_tail_to_head( $1.tuple, $2.tuple);
In gram.y find the jump_statement production. Replace the productions for RETURN.
| RETURN ‘;’
$$.tuple = new_tuple( I_RETURN, 0, 0, MASK_INSTR, 0, 0);
| RETURN expr ‘;’
$$.tuple = tuple_jump_statement( $2.tuple);
In gram.y find the function_definition production. Insert the first action for the first productions and
the second for the second production.
$$.tuple = tuple_function_definition( 0, $1.tuple, $2.tuple);
$$.tuple = tuple_function_definition( $1.token, $2.tuple, $3.tuple);
Save the gram.y. To build the final version type the commands: make clean and make
./ansi_c +test3.c > test3.asm
Open the test3.txt file to check results or use the diff command:
diff test3.asm test3.txt
Part 4: Code Generator Update
Update or rewrite the code generator to support all the PIC16F1827 instructions. The current
version supports the PIC16F84A processor. Use your work from Assignment 12 or extract the
information from the PIC documentation. Consider using the values and names from the file. For example the current code generator does not support using the operand
STATUS,Z and uses the physical address instead. Update the test function to show an example
of each new instruction added. Test using the command:
./ansi_c +test
Part 5: Output Generation
The compiler shall output the target source code to a file with the same input file name, except
change the file extension from .c to .asm. Copy the C sample program coded from assignment 01
and 02 to your project directory. Your PIC assembler files shall run correctly under MPLAB. Then
run the ansi_c compiler to create the output files.
cp ../hw01/Code_1_6_1.c .
cp ../hw01/Code_1_6_2.c .
cp ../hw02/Code_1_6_4.cpp .
./ansi_c Code_1_6_1.c > Code_1_6_1.asm
./ansi_c Code_1_6_2.c > Code_1_6_2.asm
./ansi_c Code_1_6_4.cpp > Code_1_6_4.asm
Part 6: Submit Results
When project code is completed execute the project script file “./”. The script file
shall remove the old object files, make all source programs and run the tests. To redirect the
standard error (stderr) and standard output (stdout) to a file use the following command.
./ &> project_test.txt
Submit your project source code and final output files. Create a tar file from your ~/EECS337/
directory using the following commands and using your case id.
make clean
rm -f *~ .*~ #* .#* *% .*%
cd ~/EECS337
tar cvf project_caseid.tar caseid/project/*
This command will create a project_caseid.tar file using the files from your caseid/project/
directory. Notice it is important to include the directory path as part of the tar file create. This
allows for each students source code to be recreated under a directory using your caseid. This tar
ball shall contain the final version of your ansi_c compiler for the EECS337 Compilers class.
Submit your tar file (project_caseid.tar) to blackboard under the Project section. Submit it with the
comments project with your CaseID on the title line.
Write a project report. Include a cover page, introduction, answer the project questions, print your
project_test.txt file, your Code*.asm files, and your codegen.c file. Turn in the report on the last
day of class.
Part 7: Extra Credit (10 points)
Update the code generator to handle the mustang.c file and target the PIC16F1827 development
board. The mustang.c program implements the right side of the turning signal for the Ford
Mustang. Instead of three blinking lights this example uses four to match the four LEDS on the
development board. You will want to change the CONFIGURE parameters to use the 10 MHZ
crystal, the analog input on RA0, the switch on RA5 and the four LEDS on RB0, RB1, RB2 and
RB3. See the information in the Appendix for ordering a PIC development board [optional].
Build the ansi_c program and fix any errors using the commands:
make clean
Test using the extra credit test file (mustang.c) using the command below:
./ansi_c mustang.c > mustang.asm
Edit the file and remove the comment to test the mustang.c file. When the extra
credit code is complete and working then execute the homework script file “./”
using the command below.
./ &> project_test.txt
Simulate your mustang.asm file using the PIC simulator or download to the development board.
Print out this version of the project_test.txt file. Put your name and date on it and turn it in instead
of the output file generated above.
Grading by the Professor
1) Project Report – cover page, introduction, project_test.txt, .asm, .c, answer questions
2) Source code tar file – naming convention followed, extracts correctly
3) Building the code – any compiler warnings or errors, project.txt
a. Declarations
b. Functions
c. Code Generator
4) Running the code – compiler runs and generates PIC assembler, Code*.asm
a. Declarations
b. Functions
c. Code Generator
5) Project questions and review of source code
6) Extra credit – mustang.asm
Your final directory structure for the ansi_c compiler should be as below and may include other
source files you added to your project code:
EECS337/caseid/project/mustang.asm // extra credit
Part 8: Project Questions
1) The book claims using the same size data structure or allocating and freeing memory in a
predictable manner (LIFO, FIFO) helps minimize memory fragmentation. So, if the ansi_c
compiler uses only one data structure (TUPLE) for the parser and symbol table, does the heap
memory still get fragmented? Explain your answer.
2) What are two ways to generate the symbol table information for the PIC16F1827 processor?
3) What are the new PIC16F1827 instructions not found in the PIC16F84A processor?
4) What are the PIC instructions to initialize and read the analog input from RA0?
5) What are the PIC configuration parameters to use the 10 MHZ crystal on the development
Appendix [Optional] Development Board and USB Programmer
You can order a development board ($25) and programmer ($44.95) from the Microchips on-line