One utilization of an FPGA is for hardware acceleration. Most applications that can be performed on
an FPGA can be done using a micro controller for a fraction of the cost, but there are applications that
require the programmable processing power of a local CPU, as well as the computational power of
hardware. There are even groups experimenting with using FPGAs for on the fly programmable
hardware acceleration blocksi
called reconfigurable hardware acceleration. Project three is used to
illustrate an application of hardware acceleration for internet security.
This project starts with a simple hardware solution to an encryption problem that uses 16 bits to
simulate that is easy to debug. Your boss’s work is done, and he passes the project off to you. The
problem is that the project will becomes unwieldy to implement as you scale up the size of the
encryption engine. This means that coding styles, architecture, and careful planning are required to
complete this project. You will need to add a number of components to complete all the required
attributes of this project. There will need to be at least two clock domains. Having multiple clock
domains allows one to optimize the clock for different portions of the circuit. There will also need to
be at least one math function used from the IP Cores library. You will find that these are also useful.
As you progress from the starting point of a 16 bit encryption system, to 32 bits, and finally to 64 bits,
you will find that different tools are useful for different levels of circuit complexity. Finally, you will
add a Picoblaze software interface that will allow you communicate with the FGPA from a USB serial
port and enter messages to be encrypted or decrypted from a remote computer. It will be useful to work
way through the different levels to experiment with the different scales of complexity, before moving
on to the larger size circuits, unless that is, you are looking forward to watching your computer
repeatedly place and route your circuit for long periods of time. You will also want to simulate your
state machines using behavior models before implementing the structural models.
Your deliverable is a working 64bit encryption processor that interfaces with your computer due in two
weeks. Extra credit will be given for a working solution that uses a minimum area. Extra credit will
also be given to a solution that can correctly decrypt a single line or file from the terminal the fastest.
You are not bound by the initial architecture given, or the original code that is given, but this is a good
place to start because it is so simple. Be careful about going big, or adding too much complexity
initially. Finally, extra credit will be given for higher bit combinations.
Encryption Primer
The problem of communicating securely between two individuals has been an issue as long as man has
been communicating. Generally, secure communications have been done through secrecy and
obfuscation. More recently messages have been encrypted using secret keys.
For a simple example, say you and a friend want to pass secret notes to each other. You come up with a
system where the secret key is date that a letter is written. The day of the month is used as an index to
shift the letter of the alphabet over (see Table 1). This works well enough until you tell someone what
the code is, or someone knows that it is a simple replacement system. An analysis of single letters in a
simple replacement system, will clearly identify I’s and A’s, two letter words all need vowels, so the
remainder of the vowels can easily be identified, and it becomes pretty easy to crack the code. You
could relatively easy write a program to crack this code.
It is also a drag to have to write letters this way, encoding one letter at a time. The Enigma machine was
meant to solve the simplicity issue by a complex set of mechanical, electrical, and secret key code
books. This machine was developed in the thirties and was used heavily by the Germans in WWII
through the end of the war to encrypt all their wartime transmissions. Good thing for the Allies that the
Polish Intelligence had broken the German code five years before the outbreak of WWII, and five
weeks before they were invaded by the Germans, they handed the keys to their decipher technology to
the British, and formed their government exile in Britain.
Illustration 1: Enigma Machine
Table 1. Simple Encryption Example Encryption Key: November 5th, 2012
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4
Illustration 2: Enigma Code book page
The idea of using a secret key for encryption is still a concept that is used by the US Government
today using ISA encryption. This encryption methodology is similar to the Enigma Machine in that
each portion of the code goes through a process of rearranging the incoming message in 128 bit blocks.
It would be extremely difficult to break, but there are always innovations, and like other secret key
systems, you need to share your secret key with somebody else.
It is difficult to share a secret key on the internet – millions of online transactions occur on a daily basis
between people that have no ability to exchange a secret code, but they still need to communicate in
privacy. The solution to this problem is with the use of public and private keys in RSA encoding. A
person can give the world the public key to encrypt a message, but without the private key, there is no
way to decode the message. This has lead to the field of public key cryptography.
RSA Encryption Methodology
RSA encryption is algorithmically simple; it relies on the computational complexity of factoring a large
number in order to prevent decryption. It works like this, when two people want to exchange a plain
text message (M) , the receiver of the private message gives two numbers to the sender of the message.
The two numbers of the public key are the modulus (n) of the message and the encryption exponent
( e ). The receiver is the only person that knows how to unscramble the message by using the private
key that is the secret decoding exponent ( d ) and the message modulus. Before encryption, the plain
text message must be padded. This padded message ( m ) breaks the message into message blocks that
are each smaller than the modulus and ensured message complexity.
Table 2. RSA Encryption Transaction
Receiver Transaction Sender
Requests encrypted
Public-key ( n , e) ==>
Pads M => (m1, m2,… mi ) (e.g.
n = 32bits, then M1 = 24bits
(three ASCII characters), then
m1 = M1 + 32h’1000 0000)
Encrypts Message ( c )
ci = mi
mod n
<== Sender transmits to Receiver
the Encrypted Message ( c )
Decrypts Message ( m )
mi = ci
mod n
Removes message padding
(e.g. M1 = m1- 32h’1000 0000)
Reassembles M
Table 2 shows an example of such a transaction. While the padding shown is simplified, it is
representative of how it works The encryption function only operates on chunks of the message that
are smaller than the modulus, but it can’t work on chunks that are too small, because this will make
easy to crack the code. Padding handles this by enforcing rules that the message chunks are strictly of
smaller bit count than the modulus, and then add a number of similar size to the modulus to ensure the
size of the of the padded message will be sufficiently large to require operation of the mod function in
the equation during encryption.
This algorithm was derived by number theory and works because of the modulus function, which as
you will see, is a perfect match with digital hardware. The modulus function defines a limited number
line that mathematics can be performed on, so operations that exceed the scale of the number line cause
the numbers to wrap around to the other side. Analog clocks are a good example of the modulus
function. If it is 1pm, and someone asks you to meet them in eighteen hours, the simple method of
calculating the proper time is to add 18 + 1 = 19 hours, and then subtract 12 hours, increment the date
field in you mind, and reset AM/PM toggle. The clock would now read 7, and mentally, you see 7am
the next morning. The mathematical representation is 1 + 18 mod 12.
Time is based 12 hour increments because of its divisibility, 12 is divided by 2 3 4 6. 24 hours is
divisible by 2 3 4 6 8 12. This means that you can break up a day into multiple smaller increments
without the use of a calculator. Schedules are easier (three eight hour shifts a day), time cards are
easier, and project management is easier. Say a task takes 13 eight hour shifts, and the task is to
determine how long a task will take, then the answer is mathematically solved 13*8 mod 24, or 4 and
1/3 days. This can be simplified mentally by finding the least common denominators of the numbers,
or 13*1 mod 3. Another example is the unit circle that is broken into 360 degrees, divisible by 2 3 4 5
6 8 9 10 12 15 1618 ect… calculation can be made using the integer number line and rational fractions.
RSA encryption goes in the other direction, by making it as difficult as possible to find shortcuts for
doing a calculation. Two very large prime numbers are chosen, and multiplied together to generate the
modulus. Finding the divisors of large numbers is a task that is difficult only because it is
computationally expensive. It is estimated that it would take a billion years for a single computer to
decompose a 1024 bit number, and the number could be made large enough that it would be impossible
to decompose using all the computers in existence. The problem would be getting a single computer to
operate on such a large modulus.
RSA encryption is increasing in bit length as time goes by. Yesterday’s 128 bit encryption is easily
broken by 64 bit machines, while at the same time, the number of discovered prime numbers is always
increasing in addition to decompositions. Today’s minimum encryption length is 512 bits, and while
this is not even an order of magnitude larger bit count than 128 bit, the number of new prime numbers
added is staggering. It will be obsolete at some time in the future, but right now, 512 bit is a mouthful
for a 64 bit processor. Recall the encryption and description equation: mi = ci
mod n. The exponential
results in the multiplication of two 512 bit numbers with a 1024 bit number as the output. Every bit is
important so a CPU will need to break the operation into 16 64 bit multiplies, followed by bit shifting
the 16 128 partial multiplications and summing into a memory location 1024 bits long.
Dedicated hardware should yield a significant improvement in the computational performance of the
CPU if operations are handled in parallel, and this is where we begin Project 3.
Project 3 Starting Point
The initial Verilog module demo in the project package contains a stimulus module, a memory buffer,
an RSA encryption engine, and the familiar debouce and display modules. Drawing 1 gives a block
diagram description of the circuit blocks. The initial module has been written for simplicity sake, and
will simulate with the included test bench. The project will synthesis on ISE, but it will not operate on
the board due to timing violations. You will first need to alter the clock rate to get this project
operational using a DCM.
Functional Description:
Push Buttons:
Center Reset System
Lower Load Memory
Right Go Start RSA function
Upper Stop RSA function (clears RSA)
Left Not Used
LED Description:
LEDs will be lit for a valid switch combination,
with the asserted switches lit.
Switch Description:
0 Transmit / Receive
1 16 bit Plain text in hex
2 16 bit encrypted text in hex
3 32 bit Plain text in hex
4 32 bit encrypted text in hex
5 64 bit Plain text in hex
6 64 bit encrypted text in hex
Drawing 1: Function Diagram of Demo Drawing
Project Objectives
Stage 1: Simulate the demo project running at 16 bits, and then get the project running on the
hardware get a feel for the hardware controls. You will need to identify the longest path in the
hardware, and place a DCM in your circuit to get the circuit running. Indicate in a diagram what you
did to get the circuit to work.
Stage 2: Alter the demo project to get the project running at 32 bits. The transmit algorithm should
produce a result, but the receive algorithm may not work. Why is this the case? Identify the longest
path and replace the synthesized blocks with IP Core logic and build a state machine to control the
synthesized logic blocks. Verify your project works on the hardware.
Stage 3: Merge the Picoblaze into your design that will allow you to control the FPGA with a laptop.
Partition your design with multiple clock domains to improve the performance of your circuit. Make to
synthesis design objective files, one for speed, and one for area. What are the tradeoffs. Estimate the
number of clock cycles that your design will take to process each message element, and then estimate
the computation time of your circuit. Document your longest path on a schematic diagram. Also
document you resource utilization. Discuss the important parts of the resource utilization.
Stage 4: Boost your circuit performance to 64 bits. It is likely that the architecture of the project will
change to work at this bit depth. Read through the papersii for some ideas on a fasteriii architecture.
Choose a direction that you want to move in (speed vs area) and implement an architecture that will
work for 64 bits. Do not fear writing your own mathematical functions.
Stage 5: How many bits can you get you design to work oniv? Once you are writing your own
modules, you can make these modules globally definable.
Demonstrate your project using the Picoblaze interface with a working solution. A 64 bit solution is
required for full credit in this lab but you can turn 32 bits for a B, and 16 bits for a C. Getting a
working system at greater than 64 bits will result in bonus points awarded. The fastest 64 bit system in
computational time will be awarded extra credit, as well as the minimum area with a working function.
A paper is required that documents the actions taken in the 5 stages answering the questions that are
posed there. A final section will detail the operation of your final circuit, including a description of the
area that was used, the performance of the architecture, block diagrams, description of the slowest path,
number of clock cycles per computation, computation time, a description of you two optimize design
files, for speed and size. Let me know how you final circuit works.
Include your final design verilog files, the final .syr, and .twr files. Make sure that you reference all
sources of code.
i See paper Hardware_Acceleration.pdf “Hardware Technologies for High-Performance Data-Intensive Computing”,
Maya Gokhale, Jonathan Cohen, Andy Yoo, and W. Marcus Miller, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Arpith
Jacob, Washington University in St. Louis, Craig Ulmer, Sandia National Laboratories, Roger Pearce, Texas A&M
ii See paper Altera_FPGA.pdf “RSA & Public Key Cryptography in FPGAs”, John Fry, Martin Langhammer, Altera
iii See paper FPGA_multiply.pdf “Efficient Hardware Realization of Truncated Multipliers using FPGA”, Muhammad H.
Rais, member IEEE.
iv See paper FPGA_RSA.pdf “FPGA Implementation of RSA Encryption Engine with Flexible Key Size”, Muhammad I.
Ibrahimy, Mamun B.I. Reaz, Khandaker Asaduzzaman and Sazzad Hussain.