CSE1322 –Lab2B – Abstract Classes and Interfaces


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Lab 2B: Abstract Classes and Interfaces


To write a program using classes to demonstrate how abstract classes and interfaces are implemented using code.


Problem Statement

Write a class named Octagon that extends the abstract class GeometricObject and implements the interfaces Comparable and Cloneable.  Assume that all eight sides of the octagon are of equal size.  The area can be computed using the following formula:

area = (2+4/sqrt(2))*side*side

Write a test program that creates an Octagon object with the side value 8 and displays it’s area and perimeter (to 2 decimal places). Create a new object using the clone method and create a method that compares the two objects (Octagon object and clone object) and returns true if all data elements are the same in both objects, false if any data object is different.


What to Turn In

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