CSE 3320.Programming Assignment 2: Linux System Calls solved


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In this assignment you will be become familiar with compiling and installing a new
kernel and adding new system calls to the Linux operating system. In addition you will
also gain experience moving memory from user space to kernel space and back.
Updating your kernel source
Before you begin the assignment you must get the latest source updates from github.
1. Boot your VM.
2. Select Centos Linux 4.18.0-193.14.2.el8_2.x86_64. ( The second in the screenshot
below ) Make sure this selection does not contain cse3320. This is your default
vanilla kernel. You will always be able to boot into this kernel as a recovery
3. Wait for the OS to boot and login using the password cse3320 .
4. Change to the kernel source directory: cd ~/code/kernel-code
5. Get the latest kernel updates: git pull
Compiling and Installing the kernel
6. Change to the kernel source directory by typing:
cd ~/code/kernel-code/linux-5.8
We will be building our kernel out-of-tree. This will allow us to keep our object files
separate from our source code.
7. To build the kernel type:
make O=../build
NOTE: That is a capital letter “O” and not a numeral “0”.
The first time you build the kernel it can take you a very long time to finish the
compilation. Subsequent builds of the kernel will not take as long.
Once the build is done change to superuser by typing: su and entering the password
Change to the build directory where all your object files and the new kernel image are
located by typing:
cd ../build
Install your new kernel by typing:
make modules_install install
Reboot your VM by typing:
8. An the GRUB screen select your new kernel “5.8.0CSE3320”
Getting the test programs for Assignment 1
The course github page has two test programs to be used to test your code for this
9. Open a terminal and change to your home directory, if you are not there, by typing:
cd ~
10. Grab the source from github by typing:
git clone https://github.com/CSE3320/System-Call-Test-Case
Part 1: hello System Call (10 points)
At this point, you know how to compile and install a new kernel image. The image you
created while compiling the kernel is exactly the same as the original kernel. In part one
of this assignment you will add a simple system call (hello) to the kernel, that receives
no parameters and prints your name that gets logged with the kernel messages and
returns 0. Although it is is simple it illustrates the kernel system call mechanism and
the interaction between user programs and the kernel.
1. Modify the kernel system call table so that it can call your new system call. You will
add an entry for your new system call to the kernel’s system call table using number
2. Edit the file arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl and add a line after
entry 547 for your new system call. NOTE: you must use tabs between the columns:
548 64 hello sys_hello
The first column is the system call number. You should also choose the next available
number, which in our case is 440. The second column says that this system call is
common is for 64-bit CPUs since our VM is 64-bit. The third column is the name of
the system call, and the fourth is the name of the function implementing it. By
convention this is the syscall name, prefixed by sys_.
3. Edit the file include/linux/syscalls.h. Around line 1121 after the
sys_fork(), add a line declaring your new system call:
asmlinkage long sys_hello( void );
4. Now you are ready to write your system call. Edit the file kernel/sys.c and add
an entry for your function:
return 0;
Replace YOUR NAME and YOUR ID with your name and ID.
SYSCALL_DEFINEN is a family of macros that make it easy to define a system call
with N arguments. The first argument to the macro is the name of the system call
(without sys_ prepended to it). The remaining arguments are pairs of type and name
for the parameters. Since our system call has one argument, we use
SYSCALL_DEFINE0. In part two you will use SYSCALL_DEFINE2.1
5. Build and install your new kernel and reboot the VM.
Once your system is rebooted, test your system call with the name.c program in
System-Call-Test-Case directory.
6. Compile name.c with:
gcc name.c -o name
https://brennan.io/2016/11/14/kernel-dev-ep3/ 1
7. Run the program with:
8. Verify your program output your name in the kernel log by typing:
The kernel log will be output on the console and you should see output similar to below:
[ 4150.494039] Trevor Bakker 1000xxxxxx
Part 2: Add a System Call to Collect Process Info (90 points)
In the second part of the assignment you are going to add a more useful system call into
the Linux kernel. This system call will allow a program running in user-mode to get
detailed information about a certain process such as parent PID, process state, priority,
etc. This system call, called procstat will take a process id (PID) and a pointer to a
proc_stat struct as argument. The system call will access the process control block
(PCB) of the process whose PID was passed as argument and will fill in the
proc_stat data structure with the corresponding values in the process PCB. In Linux
the process PCB is called task_struct and is defined in file ~/kernel-code/
linux-5.8/include/linux/sched.h). Your system call should return 0 if
process_info was successfully filled in. Otherwise it should return the following error
• ESRCH (“No such process”), if a process with the given PID does not exist.
• EINVAL (“Invalid argument”), if there are errors while filling in data structure
• EFAULT (“Bad Address”) if there is an error writing to user space. Continue reading
and you will understand how this error could occur.
In include/linux/ create a file called procstat.h in this file add the following code:
#ifndef __PROC_STAT__
#define __PROC_STAT__
struct proc_stat {
int pid;
int parent_pid;
long user_time;
long sys_time;
long state;
unsigned long priority;
unsigned long normal_priority;
unsigned long static_priority;
unsigned long rt_priority;
int time_slice;
unsigned policy;
unsigned long num_context_switches;
unsigned long task_size;
unsigned long total_pages_mapped;
char name[255];
Define a new system call, procstat, for system call number 549. Your system call
will take two parameters, e.g. use SYSCALL_DEFINE2.
The first parameter of the system call shall be a PID. The second parameter shall be a
pointer to a proc_stat struct. You will need to access the fields of the
task_struct for the process whose PID was passed as a parameter to fill in the 13
fields of the proc_stat data structure.
You will find that the function find_task_by_pid_ns defined in include/linux/
sched.h. NOTE: The first parameter to find_task_by_pid_ns is the PID of the
process to find. The second parameter is &init_pid_ns .
Note that not all field values in your struct proc_stat will exactly match the names of
fields in the task_struct, so you may need to read through some code before you get
the right values for these fields. Some of the items may be in structures pointed to by
the task_struct . Other fields like num_context_switches should be a combination
of voluntary and involuntary context switch values.
The code for your function should be in kernel/sys.c as with your hello function
and you will need a declaration in syscalls.h.
After filling in your proc_stat structure with values from task_struct you will
need to call copy_to_user to pass the return values from kernel space to user space.
After implementing your function, compile, install your kernel and reboot your VM.
Testing Your Code
In the System-Call-Test-Case directory type:
This will build the two test applications.
Start the test application, prio, and pass in a priority. It will output it’s PID which
you can use to pass into the proc_stat_test function.
Submitting your Assignment
You will be submitting your code as a gzipped tarball. There is a python
package_changes.py that will find all your source code change and create the tarball for
cd ~/code/kernel-code/linux-5.8
./package_changes.py —user [your netid] —assignment 2
NOTE: two dashes before user and assignment. You can then use sftp to transfer the
file from your VM to your host OS and submit it via Canvas.
The assignment will be graded out of 100 points. Code that does not compile will earn
0. Your header file, procstat.h, must be in the correct spot and the structure defined
precisely as above or it will result in a 0. Points will be deducted for missing
functionality as well as submissions that do not follow the submission guidelines.
Programs will be graded with, at minimum, the testing programs in System-Call-TestCase. Please be sure your code changes are consistent with them and do not break
them. Kernel panics will result in large point deductions even if it performs other
functionality correctly.
Part 1 Grading Rubric
Part 2 Grading Rubric
This assignment must be coded in C. Any other language will result in 0 points.
Your programs will be compiled and graded on a stock cse3320 VM.
Your gzipped tarball is to be turned in via Canvas. Submission time is determined by
the blackboard system time. You may submit your programs as often as you wish. Only
your last submission will be graded.
Requirement Points Possible
Name / ID 8
No extra debug output 2
Requirement Points Possible
Each status field 6 per field
No extra debug output 10