CSE 101: Introduction to Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Homework Assignment #2


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This homework assignment will give you practices on if-statements, lists and for-loops.
Getting Started
Visit Piazza and download the “bare bones” file homework2.py onto your computer, as well as
homework2 driver.py. Open homework2.py in PyCharm and fill in the following information at the top:
1. your first and last name as they appear in Blackboard
2. your Net ID (e.g., jsmith)
3. your Stony Brook ID # (e.g., 111999999)
4. the course number (CSE 101)
5. the assignment name and number (Homework #2)
Do not, under any circumstances, change the names of the functions or their argument lists. The grading software
will be looking for exactly those functions provided in homework2.py.
Submit your final homework2.py file to Blackboard by the due date and time. Late work will not be graded.
Code that crashes and cannot be graded will earn no credit. It is your responsibility to test your code by running
it through homework2.py and by creating your own test cases.
Part I: Compute a Summation (20 points)
Write a function summation() that takes the following arguments, in this order:
1. x: the first value needed for a formula
2. y: the second value needed for a formula
The function computes and returns the value of the formula given below (using floating-point division):

3 − 1) + 5k − 10

CSE 101 – Spring 2018 Homework #2 Page 1
Function Call Return Value
summation(-9, 1) -2145.0
summation(5, 9) 1961.6666666666665
summation(-5, -3) -249.0
summation(-7, -2) -854.0
summation(6, 9) 1832.6666666666665
summation(0, 10) 3069.0
summation(-4, 8) 1183.0
summation(2, 3) 34.66666666666667
summation(-6, 9) 1554.6666666666665
summation(-9, 4) -2044.0000000000002
Part II: Gas Reward Card (20 points)
Imagine a gas station that offers a rewards card program. When a customer buys gas, he or she is rewarded with
rewards points that can be used to purchase other goods.
Write a function gas reward() that takes the following arguments, in this order:
1. current points: the current rewards points (an integer) on the customer’s gas rewards card
2. gas type: the type of gasoline purchased (a string), which is one of the following:
• ’Regular’: $2.65 / gallon
• ’Plus’: $2.90 / gallon
• ’Premium’: $3.10 / gallon
3. money spent: the amount of dollars spent on gas for a particular transaction. This number is needed to
compute how many gallons of gas were purchased.
As previously mentioned, after each gas refill, the customer gets a certain amount of rewards points. The function
calculates and returns the updated, new total rewards points of the customer. The rewards rules are as follows:
1. Normally, 5 points are rewarded for every full dollar spent. For example, $6.83 spent will result in 5×6 = 30
new reward points. Hint: given a floating-point variable x, the code int(x) will truncate x, thereby giving
only the integer part of x: integer part = int(x).
2. If at least 10 gallons of gas were purchased, the customer will be rewarded 200 reward points
3. If at least 15 gallons of gas were purchased, the customer will be rewarded 400 reward points
4. If at least 20 gallons of gas were purchased, the customer will be rewarded 550 reward points
Note: Only one of the above rules can be applied per transaction. For example, if a customer bought 16 gallons
of gas, he/she will get 400 and only 400 reward points. Rule 1 is applied for purchases of less than 10 gallons.
Special Cases: Below are some special cases that the function must handle. Your code should check for these
special cases in this order:
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• If money spent is less than one dollar, this is considered an invalid transaction, and the function returns
current points.
• If current points is less than 0, this is considered a faulty account, and the function returns ’error’
(a string).
• If gas type is not one of the three kinds provided, this means it’s not available, and the function returns
’unavailable’ (a string).
Function Call Return Value
gas reward(1995, ’Regular’, 74.95480578251386) 2545
gas reward(870, ’Regular’, -23.705557429821557) 870
gas reward(3054, ’Good’, 27.80750330446164) ’unavailable’
gas reward(4933, ’Plus’, 76.85532456142764) 5483
gas reward(393, ’Regular’, -7.245453064858392) 393
gas reward(1981, ’Plus’, 5.838288853611488) 2006
gas reward(4989, ’Regular’, -29.623101627776485) 4989
gas reward(3033, ’Premium’, 54.08601795248893) 3433
gas reward(1792, ’Plus’, 25.587222964208976) 1917
gas reward(4666, ’Regular’, 57.73657576959238) 5216
gas reward(-5, ’Plus’, 58.933838226988605) ’error’
Note: The quotation marks displayed in the example return values are there to emphasize that the return values
are strings. You should not add quotation marks to your return values.
Part III: Letter Puller (20 points)
Write a function pull() that takes two arguments, in the following order:
1. strings: a list of strings (e.g., [’abcde’, ’fghj’, ’jk])
2. i: an integer that indicates which character of each string the function will extract (pull out)
The function extracts the character at index i of each string, appends the characters to an empty list, and then
returns the resulting list.
For example, if i=2, then the function extracts the character at index i of each string, if such a character exists,
and appends them to a list. For the list of strings above the returned result would be [’c’, ’h’].
• Recall that the valid indexes of a list are 0 through len(list name)-1. Use this fact to see if a list is
long enough to have a character with index i.
• To create an empty list, type list name = [], where list name is the name of the list.
• Use the append method to append an item to the end of a list. For example, to append letter to the list
called result, type result.append(letter).
CSE 101 – Spring 2018 Homework #2 Page 3
Function Call Return Value
pull([’Z9’, ’gbd2xKC’, ’7MWt0’, ’dcl2’], 1) [’9’, ’b’, ’M’, ’c’]
pull([’GMca’, ’xuP5S’], 1) [’M’, ’u’]
pull([’p8K5m’, ’OvnLHqz’], 6) [’z’]
pull([’QGqj3ZM’, ’ZD’, ’fU2eN81n’, ’RztBk’,
’ySTuI1’, ’FHLoDVw0’, ’WUybIBOA’], 1)
[’G’, ’D’, ’U’, ’z’,
’S’, ’H’, ’U’]
pull([’vFmq’, ’5wVxmCT’], 6) [’T’]
pull([’EXdfk’, ’T2RCPQn5’], 0) [’E’, ’T’]
pull([’Q7A’, ’4Dhm8G1j’, ’BQ1FH’], 0) [’Q’, ’4’, ’B’]
pull(’YFnOfD’, ’o2eMrAY’, ’EofzJ’, ’OxEot13z’,
’jmksbi’], 5)
[’D’, ’A’, ’1’, ’i’]
pull([’yCZMkI’, ’2i’], 2) [’Z’]
pull([’iL’, ’C8n7’, ’vj5gq’, ’n1’, ’NJ20EYMx’,
’D9ylhBQ’, ’mr15iUX’, ’zS’], 4)
[’q’, ’E’, ’h’, ’i’]
Note: The quotation marks displayed in the example return values are there to emphasize that the return values
are strings. You should not add quotation marks to your return values.
Part IV: Print Job Cost Calculator (20 points)
Write a function print cost() that takes one argument, task, which is a list of three elements:
1. The first element is a string that represents the size of the paper used:
Paper Size (string) Cost per Sheet ($)
’Letter’ 0.05
’Legal’ 0.06
’A4’ 0.055
’A5’ 0.04
2. The second element is a string that represents the color of the printing. This cost is added to the cost of the
paper itself:
Printing Type (string) Cost per Sheet ($)
’Gray Scale’ 0.01
’Colored’ 0.10
3. The third element is an integer that represents the quantity of paper used for the print job.
The function computes and returns the total cost of the current printing job.
Note: You may assume that all function arguments will be valid (e.g., no negative values, invalid paper sizes, etc.)
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Function Call Return Value
print cost([’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 44]) 3.0799999999999996
print cost([’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 4]) 0.24000000000000002
print cost([’A4’, ’Colored’, 32]) 4.96
print cost([’A4’, ’Colored’, 4]) 0.62
print cost([’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 16]) 0.9600000000000001
print cost([’Letter’, ’Colored’, 33]) 4.950000000000001
print cost([’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 32]) 1.9200000000000002
print cost([’A4’, ’Colored’, 42]) 6.51
print cost([’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 28]) 1.9599999999999997
print cost([’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 44]) 3.0799999999999996
Part V: Total Printing Cost (20 points)
This part is a continuation of Part IV. However, instead of receiving a single print job (a single list), you will be
given many print jobs (a list of lists, in which each list is a print job).
Write a function total cost() that takes two arguments, in this order:
1. ID: an integer that represents a student’s ID number
2. tasks: is a list of lists that contains individual sub-lists as described in Part IV. However, each sub-list has
one more element added to the front of it, which is ID. The ID number is the first element of each sub-list.
An example of this is: [[102423, ’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 44], [142442, ’Letter’,
’Gray Scale’, 4], [514709, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 32]]
This list represents a list of three print jobs for students with ID numbers 102423, 142442 and 514709,
The function looks through the list of print jobs, finds all print job that belong to the student whose ID# is ID, and
returns the total cost of those print jobs.
Note: You may assume that all function arguments will be valid
Hint: You might want to reuse the code you wrote in Part IV by calling your print cost() function. Doing
this will greatly reduce the amount of code you will need to write for Part V.
CSE 101 – Spring 2018 Homework #2 Page 5
Function Call Return Value
total cost(6, [[6, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 25],
[2, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 33],
[7, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 15],
[2, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 39],
[4, ’A4’, ’Gray Scale’, 47],
[5, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 13],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 33],
[6, ’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 17],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Colored’, 39]])
total cost(3, [[8, ’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 30],
[3, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 43],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Colored’, 31]])
total cost(6, [[2, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 33],
[6, ’A4’, ’Gray Scale’, 5],
[6, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 26]])
total cost(8, [[8, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 48]]) 7.68
total cost(8, [[8, ’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 33],
[1, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 39],
[4, ’A4’, ’Gray Scale’, 47],
[8, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 36],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Colored’, 39],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 38],
[4, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 35],
[5, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 13],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Colored’, 31]])
total cost(8, [[8, ’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 38],
[8, ’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 30],
[8, ’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 33],
[8, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 36],
[8, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 48],
[7, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 6)
total cost(8, [[8, ’Letter’, ’Colored’, 31],
[8, ’Legal’, ’Gray Scale’, 33],
[6, ’A4’, ’Gray Scale’, 5],
[4, ’A4’, ’Gray Scale’, 47],
[2, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 39],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Colored’, 39],
[7, ’A4’, ’Gray Scale’, 39],
[7, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 3],
[7, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 8]])
CSE 101 – Spring 2018 Homework #2 Page 6
total cost(3, [[10, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 4],
[9, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 30],
[4, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 41],
[3, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 43],
[1, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 47],
[8, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 48],
[1, ’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 3],
[6, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 35],
[8, ’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 38],
[6, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 13]])
total cost(8, [[6, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 35],
[8, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 39],
[7, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 44],
[10, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 4],
[1, ’Letter’, ’Gray Scale’, 3],
[7, ’A5’, ’Gray Scale’, 8],
[1, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 39],
[7, ’Legal’, ’Colored’, 3],
[3, ’A5’, ’Colored’, 43],
[4, ’Letter’, ’Colored’, 27]])
total cost(9, [[9, ’A4’, ’Colored’, 30]]) 4.65
How to Submit Your Work for Grading
To submit your .py file for grading:
1. Login to Blackboard and locate the course account for CSE 101.
2. Click on “Assignments” in the left-hand menu and find the link for this assignment.
3. Click on the link for this assignment.
4. Click the “Browse My Computer” button and locate the .py file you wish to submit. Submit only that one
.py file.
5. Click the “Submit” button to submit your work for grading.
Oops, I messed up and I need to resubmit a file!
No worries! Just follow the above directions again. We will grade only your last submission.
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