In this assignment, you will gain experience in Ruby, which is a pure object-oriented language. The
assignment consists of three parts. Task 1 is to implement a game called Gomoku (五子棋) in Ruby
with some simple artificial intelligence. Task 2 is to rewrite a given Ruby program (a Hospital
Administration System) in either Java or C++ of your choice. Task 3 is to write a one-page report to
tell us your experience in using Ruby. The aim of the assignment is to let you understand and
appreciate the flexibility of dynamical typing and duck typing.
2 Task 1: Gomoku
In this task, you will write a program in Ruby for the game Gomoku. The following subsections
describe the game rules and the object-oriented design.
2.1 Game Description
The game is played on a game board with 15 rows and 15 columns. Two players O and X take turns
to put their game discs into one unoccupied square of the board. The player who first forms a line of
five or more consecutive discs horizontally -, vertically |, or diagonally \/ wins the game. (“Go”
in Gomoku means “five” in Japanese.) The game is a draw when the board is full but no player wins.
Figure 1 shows an example configuration of Gomoku. If Player X puts a disc to the square in row 7,
column 6, then a diagonal line / of five consecutive X’s will be formed and thus X will win.
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 . . . . . . . X X . . . . . .
6 . . . . . . . X O . . . . . .
7 . . . . . O . O O . . . . . .
8 . . . . . X X O O . . . . . .
9 . . . . X O O X X . . . . . .
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 1: An Example Game Configuration of Gomoku
2.2 Program Design and Specification
Your program file name should be gomoku.rb. You have to write your program in the classes
Gomoku, Player, Human, and Computer defined below. You are free to add other extra members
CSCI3180 Principles of Programming Languages,
(instances variables, methods, etc.) to these classes. You are free to add extra classes as well. But
you cannot have public instance variables in all classes.
2.2.1 Class Gomoku
This class models the Gomoku game, with the following members:
Instance Variables
A two dimensional array of size 15×15 representing the game board.
@player1, @player2
Player O and Player X respectively.
The player in the current turn. The first turn is Player O.
Instance methods
A constructor for initializing all the instance variables.
Starts a new Gomoku game and play until the end of game. The flow of this method is as follows:
1. Prompt the user to choose the player type (computer or human) for Player O and then Player X.
2. The game starts with an empty game board. Player O takes the first turn.
3. Obtain a position from the current player for putting the disc to.
4. Update the board by putting a disc to the appropriate square.
5. Determine if the current player has connected five or above.
6. Repeat Steps 3– 5 until the game is finished. Alternate Players O and X in each round.
7. Once the game is finished, display the message “Player O wins!”, “Player X wins!”, or “Draw
game!” accordingly.
Prints out the game board in the console, in the format shown in Figure 1.
2.2.2 Class Player
This class is an abstract superclass for modeling players of the Gomoku game.
Instance Variable
The symbol of the player. It is either “O” or “X”.
Instance Methods
initialize(symbol [, …])
A constructor for initializing the player symbol as the parameter symbol. You can design extra
parameters for this constructor if necessary.
An abstract method to be implemented in subclasses. In all subclass implementations, this method
should return an array (that is, a list) of length two, in which the first and second elements (indices 0
CSCI3180 Principles of Programming Languages,
and 1 respectively) are the row and column numbers of the next move respectively. For example,
suppose the next move by the player is row 6, column 8, then calling the method should return the
array [6, 8]. The position returned by this method must be a valid move (that is, row and column
numbers within 0–14 and square is unoccupied).
2.2.3 Class Human
The Human class models a human Gomoku player and is a subclass of Player.
Instance Method
This method obtains the next move of a human player from user input. The flow of the method is as
1. Prompt the user to enter a row number and a column number for placing a disc. You can
assume that the user input is always an integer, followed by a space, followed by another
2. In case the player makes an invalid input, display a warning message and go back to Step 1.
3. Return the input position as an array of length two (e.g., [6, 8] for row 6, column 8).
2.2.4 Class Computer
The Computer class models an AI Gomoku player and is a subclass of Player.
Instance Method
This method determines the next move of a computer player using the following simple AI.
1. In the game board, if there is an unoccupied square where placing a disc there will result in the
computer player winning the game (connecting five or above), then this position will be
returned. If there is more than one such square, you can pick any one of them to return.
2. If there is no such square, then this method returns a randomly generated position. Note that
the generated position must be a valid move.
2.2.5 “Main” Program
The whole program should be started using the statement:
Some sample program outputs are provided in Blackboard for your reference.
3 Task 2: Hospital Administration System
This task is to implement a Hospital Administration System (HAS). A Ruby program of the system is
given. You have to understand its behavior and re-implement it in either Java or C++ of your choice.
After finishing this task, you should have experienced a special feature of Ruby called duck typing.
Since Java and C++ do not directly support duck typing, you will also see that simple things in Ruby
will sometimes become more complicated things in Java/C++.
3.1 Duck Typing
The following synopsis of duck typing is summarized from:
CSCI3180 Principles of Programming Languages,
In standard statically-typed object-oriented languages, objects’ classes (which determine an object
characteristics and behavior) are essentially interpreted as the objects’ types. Duck typing is a new
typing paradigm in dynamically-typed languages that allows us to dissociate typing from objects’
characteristics. It can be summarized by the following motto by the late poet James Whitcombe
When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and
quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.
The basic premise of duck typing is simple. If an entity looks, walks, and quacks like a duck, for all
intents and purposes it is fair to assume that one is dealing with a member of the species anas
platyrhynchos. In practical Ruby terms, this means that it is possible to try calling any method on any
object, regardless of its class.
An important advantage of duck typing is that we can enjoy polymorphism without inheritance. An
immediate consequence is that we can write more generic codes, which are cleaner and more
3.2 Task Description
The Hospital Administration System in Ruby is provided in Blackboard. It involves various units of a
hospital such as medical departments, pharmacy, canteens, etc., and also users such as doctors,
patients, and visitors. Different users have different characteristics and behaviors. For examples,
doctors receive salaries from the hospital but patients do not; both doctors and patients can see a
doctor (doctors can be sick too!) but visitors cannot; all doctors, patients, and visitors can buy food
in the canteen; and so on. You have to study the provided Ruby program to understand all these
characteristics and behaviors.
You have to replicate all the behaviors of the Ruby program using either Java or C++ of your choice.
We will evaluate your program not just on execution correctness but also program design. Specific
requirements for Java and C++ are listed below.
3.2.1 Java
Your program will be graded in Java SE 8. You cannot use the “reflection” and “generics” features in
your program. The main class of the system should be named HAS (that is, we can run your system
with the command “java HAS”.)
3.2.2 C++
Your program will be graded in Visual Studio 2013+. You cannot use the “template” feature in your
program. The main function of your system should be written in the source file has.cpp.
4 Task 3: Written Report
Your written report (report.pdf) should answer the following questions within one A4 page (all
questions in one page total).
CSCI3180 Principles of Programming Languages,
1. Using your codes for Task 2, compare polymorphism obtained with duck typing and with
2. Using your codes for Task 2, give a scenario where the Ruby implementation is better than the
Java/C++ implementation. Briefly state your reason.
5 Submission and Marking
Prepare a zip file containing the following files: (a) gomoku.rb, (b) all .java files
(for Java) or .cpp and .h files (for C++), and (c) report.pdf.
Submit the file in Blackboard ( Besides, your report has
to be submitted to VeriGuide ( as well.
You can submit your assignment multiple times. Only the latest submission counts.
Plagiarism is strictly monitored and heavily punished if proven. Lending your work to others is
subjected to the same penalty as the copier. You have to insert the following statement as
comments in your Ruby and Java/C++ programs.