CSCI 3308 Assignment #4 REST


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… etc. ‘’’ print contents You should now see the map again, via the python script. CSCI-3308: Boese 8. Now we want to call the URL we used in lab to get the weather. To start, do this with Boulder, CO. To do this in python, if you Google how to read the JSON from a URL you can find a great answer at: Remember, if you use this source then attribute it in your code! a. If you print out the results, you may notice the letter ‘u’ everywhere. This means it is returning the values in Unicode. Search Google for a solution to convert to strings. Be sure to attribute your source! At this point you should now see something like this: 9. Our next step is to test manually changing the colors of the states. Add the following code at the end of your file: print response print ”’

$( document ).ready(function() {
print ”’
”’ Note: We are dividing up the printing into two separate print statements because we will need to add python code in the middle. The document ready function is a JavaScript JQuery library thing, so in order to make this work we need to add inside the HTML head tag the following library reference:CSCI-3308: Boese 10. Inside the ready function, add the following python print statement: print “$(‘#CO’).css(‘fill’, ‘red’)” Run your page again and you should see Colorado filled in red! 11. Now we certainly don’t want to manually type in all the states, and eventually we’ll need a city in each state that we can call the weather REST API to find out the temperature so we can color code the state based on the temperature. a. We need to find something that can help us do that. We could use the capitals of each state as our city for our temperatures. So we Google for something python that has each state and capital in a format we can use. b. This one looks good: c. Copy-paste just the dictionary of state_caps into your file. 12. Instead of color-coding Colorado only, create a loop through the state_caps dictionary and color-code every state. Hint: use the python string formatting “{0}”.format to insert the variable for the state! Google for more info. Your page should now look something like this: 13. Time to call the weather API for each state’s capital so we can color-code each state based on the temperature! Very important: We don’t want to hit the API a billion times while we are testing (I started to get denied service if I did it too much in an hour, and it takes a while to call it for all 50 states). So comment out the last 45 states (vim – go to the line to start and do :.,+44s/^/#/ CSCI-3308: Boese 14. In your loop you recently created, add code to get the temperature for each state in the dictionary (which should be 5 right now). a. Before you call the API, Arkansas has a problem because the capital “Little Rock” has a space in it. Use python to replace all spaces in the name of the city with a plus sign before you add it to the URL string to call the weather API. b. Print out the resulting temperatures. You should notice it doesn’t appear to be Fahrenheit. c. Figure out what unit of measurement is being used, then add a python function to convert it to Fahrenheit. 15. Determine which color should be used for the state. Based on the temperature, use the following color [default] Gray < 10 Blue 10..30 Cyan 30..50 Green 50..80 Orange > 80 Red Submission Submit your .py and .html files as a zip to Moodle. MAKE SURE ONLY 5 STATES SHOW UP! To make grading easier on the TAs. If you pair programmed name it FOR YOU: 16. Once that is working, uncomment the rest of the states and run it again. CONGRATS! You just did amazing stuff!