CSCD212 Factory Pattern


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1. Modify the following code from factory pattern to Abstract Factory
Pattern (only send Abstract Factory Pattern). All files & UML
packaged in a zip folder.
Attachments: 04factoryPattern.pdf (Do not send this code-modify this
code for abstract factory)
Your job is to refactor the code into an appropriate hierarchy.
Utilize Dependency Inversion to find commonalities across the items
and build an appropriate abstraction. Through your abstraction you
should be able to ask any concrete item what its name (shape) is. You
should NOT use a field for the area, provide the area as a behavior
(why might this approach be important with regards to design?). Place
all these items in a package named shape.
Once the above is done, build a simple factory (ShapeFactory) that has
a createShape method (or methods if necessary), that takes necessary
parameters, builds an appropriate shape(doesn’t draw the shape, you
just make a method called draw that returns), then returns it.
Finally, create and Submit an AbstractFactoryPattern that asks the
factory for multiple shapes of each type.
Attachment Instructions for assignment:
04FactoryAbstractFactoryPatternStudentInstructions.pdf (Submit this
code modified/refactored)
Output should look like this:
Inside Rectangle::draw() method.
Inside Square::draw() method.
Inside RoundedRectangle::draw() method.
Inside RoundedSquare::draw() method.
Turn in the following zip file labeled
NOTE: Nothing outside the package should be allowed to directly create
a shape — it must be done through the factory. Build your solution
such that this is enforced.
all compiled source files
a capture of the output of your tester — name that file
ShapeTesterOutput — if the capture is an image, make sure the format
is .pdf, .png, or .jpg.
a UML diagram that represents all the items in the package