csc343 Assignment 1


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Part 1: Queries
Write the queries below in relational algebra. There are a number of variations on relational algebra, and
different notations for the operations. You must use the same notation as we have used in class and on the
slides. You may use the operators we have used in class (Π, σ, ./, ./condition, ×, ∩, ∪, −, ρ) and assignment
statements. Assume that all relations are sets (not bags), as we have done in class, and do not use any
of the extended relational algebra operations from Chapter 5 of the textbook (for example, do not use the
extended projection).
Some additional points to keep in mind:
• Do not make any assumptions about the data that are not enforced by the original constraints given
above, including the ones written in English. Your queries should work for any database that satisfies
those constraints.
• Assume that every tuple has a value for every attribute. For those of you who know some SQL, in
other words, there are no null values.
• Remember that the condition on a select operation may only examine the values of the attributes in
one tuple, not whole columns. In other words, to use a value (other than a literal value such as 100 or
“books”), you must get that value into the tuples that your select will examine.
• The condition on a select operation can use comparison operators (such as ≤ and 6=) and boolean
operators (∨, ∧ and ¬). Simple arithmetic is also okay, e.g., attribute1 ≤ attribute2 + 5000.
• Some relations in our schema have a date attribute. You may use comparison operators on such values.
You may refer to the year component of a date and time attribute d using the notation d.year.
• You are encouraged to use assignment statements to define intermediate results. Remember that, even
before you write any algebra, you can outline your query as the LHSs for a series of well thought out
assignment statements.
• The order of the columns in the result doesn’t matter.
• When asked for a maximum or minimum, if there are ties, report all of them.
At least one of the queries cannot be expressed in the language that you are using. In those cases, simply
write “cannot be expressed”. Note: The queries are not in order according to difficulty.
1. Find the manufacturers who make an item whose type is a descendant of “apparel” in the subcategory
hierarchy/ies. Report the manufacturer ID, name, address, and phone number.
2. Let’s say a “singleton order” is one that includes exactly one item. Find all gold customers who have
made at least one singleton order in 2016. Report their CID, and the date and time when they made
their first and their last singleton order that year.
3. Suppose we consider two orders to be “identical” if they contain exactly the same items (ignoring
quantity). Find all pairs of customers who have made identical orders on the same day. Report each
customer’s CID and OID for the order that was identical. A pair could have multiple identical orders
on the same day. If so, report them all.
4. Find all customers who have a silver membership, have placed at least two orders in 2014, fewer than
2 orders in 2015, and no orders at all in 2016. Report the CID.
5. Let’s say the “top cost” on any order is the cost of the most expensive item. (There could be several
items tied for that top cost.) Among all the orders a customer places in a year, let’s say their “skimpiest”
order is the one whose top cost is the lowest. (There could be several orders tied for skimpiest.) For
each customer who has ever placed an order, find their skimpiest order. If several orders for that
customer are tied for skimpiest, report them all. Report the customer ID, order ID, and the order’s
top cost.
6. Find every order that includes at least one item for which reviewers unanimously gave it a rating of
1 and at least one item for which reviewers unanimously gave it a rating of 52
. Report the customer
ID, customer’s last name and first name, order ID, and when the order was placed.
7. Find all pairs of customers c1 and c2 such that: c2 has reviewed at least one item, and c1 assessed
every review of c2 as helpful.
8. For every item that has been ordered, find the last customer to order it. Report the item ID and the
customer ID of the customer who ordered it last. If several customers are tied to be last to order a
particular item, report a tuple for each of these customers.
9. Find all the customers who have given a review that at most one reader assessed as helpful. For each of
these customers, find every review that had more “yes” (helpful) assessments than “no” assessments.
Report the customer ID, item ID, and item price. (A customer will appear multiple times if they have
more than one qualifying review.)
10. Find all customers who have given at least three reviews, and for whom the rating they give has always
gone down over time from review to review. (This customer has grown increasingly dissatisfied, so
maybe we should reach out to him or her.) Report the customer ID, last name, and email address,
and the item ID for the last item they reviewed.
11. A “top-level category” is one that is not a subcategory of anything else. Find all customers who have
reviewed an item in each top-level category. Report just the customer ID.
Note: An item type that has no subcategories and no parent category — it is not connected to any of
the hierarchies — is considered a top-level category. We have to look in the Item relation to find these.
12. Find the orders with at least one item, and for which every item on the order had a type that was
either “book” or a direct a subcategory of “book”. Report the order ID.
13. Find the orders with more than three items, and for which at least half of the items have a category
that is not “book”. Report the order ID, customer ID, and the credit that they used.
Part 2: Additional Integrity Constraints
Express the following integrity constraints with the notation R = ∅, where R is an expression of relational
algebra. You are welcome to define intermediate results with assignment and then use them in an integrity
1. A customer who reviews an item must have ordered that item.
2. Orders made by gold members have no limit on the items that can be included. However, orders made
by silver members must include at least one item costing over $50, and orders made by non-members
cannot include any items costing under $50.
When writing your queries for Part 1, don’t assume that these additional integrity constraints hold.
1An item must have been reviewed at least once in order to pass this condition.
Style and formatting requirements
In order to make your algebra more readable, and to minimize errors, we are including these style and
formatting requirements:
• In your assignment statements, you must include names for all attributes in the intermediate relation
you are defining. For example, write
HighestGrade(sID, oID, grade) := . . .
• Use meaningful names for intermediate relations and attributes, just as you would in a program.
• Above each assignment statement, you must include a comment explaining what tuples qualify to be
in the relation. Make your comments stand out from the algebra, for example by using a different font.
For example, this looks reasonable:
– Students who had a very high grade in any offering of a csc course.
High(sID) := ΠsIDσdept=0csc0∧grade>95(T ook ./ Offering)
A portion of your mark will be for good style and formatting.
Submission instructions
Your assignment must be typed; handwritten assignments will not be marked. You may use any wordprocessing software you like. Many academics use LaTeX. It produces beautifully typeset text and handles
mathematical notation well. If you would like to learn LaTeX, there are helpful resources online. Whatever
you choose to use, you need to produce a final document in pdf format.
You must declare your team (whether it is a team of one or two students) and hand in your work
electronically using the MarkUs online system. Instructions for doing so are posted on the Assignments
page of the course website. Well before the due date, you should declare your team and try submitting with
MarkUs. You can submit an empty file as a placeholder, and then submit a new version of the file later
(before the deadline, of course); look in the “Replace” column.
For this assignment, hand in just one file: A1.pdf. If you are working in a pair, only one of you should
hand it in.
Check that you have submitted the correct version of your file by downloading it from MarkUs; new files
will not be accepted after the due date.