Create a dynamic design that includes the following characteristics:
• Colorful moving shapes that bounce and/or wrap around when touching the edge
of the screen
• Elements that change when the mouse moves over them
• Different reactions to different key presses
• Loops in addition to the implicit draw loop
Be sure to use the programming features you have learned in the last week or two.
Start your program with a comment that has your name, the name of the course, and the
title of the assignment:
/** John Smith */
/** CSC220-02 */
/** Lab 1 */
Make sure to follow the Code Formatting Standards in your implementation.
Save your program on the H drive and/or on a memory stick. Create a CSC220 folder
with subfolders for every assignment.
Zip your folder and upload it to Canvas.
Try to do most of your work in class. Make sure you show me your progress at least
If you’re not done before the end of the class, you have until the deadline to finish and
upload your work to Canvas. No extensions.