CSC 220 – Lab 11


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1. Create a class named Rectangle that has instance variables height and width.
Provide a constructor that initializes the instance variables based on parameter
values, getter and setter methods for the instance variables, a toString method,
and a method named computeSurfaceArea(), that returns the surface area of
the rectangle.
2. Create a child class named RectPrism that contains an additional instance
variable named depth. Provide a constructor, getter and setter methods for the
new instance variable, and a method named computeVolume(), that returns
the volume of the rectangular prism. Override the toString() and the
computeSurfaceArea() methods.
3. Write an application called Demo, that instantiates a rectangle and a
rectangular prism, and tests all the methods.
Make sure you indent and comment your code based on the examples in the
textbook. Don’t forget to include your name, the course number, title of the
assignment, and today’s date.
What to turn in:
JAR your *.java files into a file called Lab11.jar. When you’re done, upload
the JAR file to Canvas by the deadline. No extensions.