This assignment is a follow up to Assignment 2. In this assignment, you are going to insert semantic actions
to parsing routines to generate an AST for the input program. This assignment carries a total of 10 points.
This assignment requires a correct LL(1) or LL(2) miniJava grammar. You are encouraged to use your own
LLGrammar.jj program from Assignment 2 as the base for this assignment. However, a reference LL(2)
grammar for miniJava will be made available to you as well, after all Assignment 2 programs are turned in.
Name the parser program for this assignment Parser.jj. Add a comment line at the top indicating which
version of the grammar you are using, e.g. “This parser is based on my own grammar.”
Download the zip file “” from the D2L website. After unzipping, you should see a hw3 directory
with the following items:
hw3.pdf — this document
ast — a directory containing the AST definition program file,
Parser0.jj — a starter version; it contains the lexer portion and a couple of parsing routines
Makefile — for building the parser
run — a script for running tests
tst — a directory containing sample miniJava programs and their corresponding AST dump outputs
RefGrammar.txt — a reference LL(2) miniJava grammar (Will be released next week.)
The following are suggested steps to complete this assignment.
1. Complete Lab 6. This week’s lab serves as a warm-up for this assignment.
2. Familiarize yourself with the AST class definitions, especially the constructors. In your parser program,
you’ll insert semantic actions to create AST nodes. Knowing what your choices are and what exact
forms you need to follow will be very useful. Look inside the program, ast/, to see the
AST nodes’ details.
3. Decide a return type for each parsing routine. In Assignment 2’s parser program, parsing routines do
not return anything. In the new version for this assignment, all parsing routines participate in the
construction of an AST. Each routine contributes its share by returning an AST object. Here is a
rough guidance for return types: (Details depend on your exact grammar.)
Parsing Routine Return Type
Program() Ast.Program
ClassDecl() Ast.ClassDecl
MethodDecl() Ast.MethodDecl
Param() Ast.Param
VarDecl() Ast.VarDecl
Any Type routine Ast.Type
Any Stmt routine Ast.Stmt
Any Expr routine Ast.Exp
XXXLit() Ast.XXXLit
Id() Ast.Id or String
Notes: (1) The three return types, Ast.Type, Ast.Stmt, and Ast.Exp, are abstract classes.
Any routine returning these types need to return an object of a concrete subclass of them (e.g.
Ast.IntType). (2) For the Id() routine, you have a choice to either return an Ast.Id object
or a String. The ID tokens in a miniJava program can represent either a string name (as in method
name) or an ID (as in an expression).
4. Insert semantic actions into the parsing routines. You may want to start with the simpler ones first.
Most statement routines have direct corresponding AST nodes, so they are easy to handle. Binary
and unary operation routines are also easy to handle. The more difficult routines are those involving
method calls, assignments, array elements, and object fields. For these routines, you need to analyze
each case carefully to decide what type of AST node to return. In some cases, a single routine may
need to return different types of AST nodes for different sub cases.
5. Compile and run tests. You can use the Makefile to compile your parser:
linux> make
Your program should be free of JavaCC and Java compiler warnings.
To run a batch of tests from the /tst directory, use the run script:
linux> ./run Parser tst/*.java
It will place your parser’s output in *.ast files and use diff to compare them one-by-one with the
reference version in .ast.ref files. For each test program, its AST should be unique; therefore, your
parser’s output should match the reference copy exactly.
You could also manually run a single test:
linux> java Parser tst/
Minimum Requirement for Passing The minimum requirement for receiving a non-F grade on this
assignment is that your parser compiles without error and generates at least one valid AST output.
What to Turn in
Submit a single file, Parser.jj, through the “Dropbox” on the D2L class website.