1 Face detection (30 points)
In this part of the assignment, you will be implementing various parts of a sliding window object detector [1]. In particular, you are tasked with implementing a multi-scale face detector. You need to train an SVM to categorize 36 × 36
pixel images as “face” or “not face”, using HOG features. Use the VLFeat library ( for
both HOG and the SVM.
You are given:
• a directory of cropped grayscale face images, called cropped training images faces,
• a directory of images without faces, called images notfaces,
• a skeleton script called generate cropped notfaces.m,
• a skeleton script called get features.m,
• a skeleton script called train svm.m, and
• a helper script called report accuracy.m (do not edit this file).
You need to do the following:
1. [5 points] Using the images in images notfaces, generate a set of cropped, grayscale, non-face images. Use
generate cropped notfaces.m as your starting point. The images should be 36 × 36, like the face images.
2. [5 points] Split your training images into two sets: a training set, and a validation set. A good rule of thumb is
to use 80% of your data for training, and 20% for validation.
3. [5 points] Generate HOG features for all of your training and validation images. Use get features.m as your
starting point. You are free to experiment with the details of your HOG descriptor. A useful resource is the
VLFeat tutorial on HOG:
4. [5 points] Train an SVM on the features from your training set. Use train svm.m as your starting point.
The parameter “lambda” will help you control overfitting. A useful resource is the VLFeat tutorial on SVMs: Note: If you test your SVM on the training set
features, you should get near perfect accuracy.
5. [5 points] Test your SVM on the validation set features. From the SVM’s performance at this step, try to refine
the parameters you chose in the earlier steps (e.g., the cell size for HOG, and lambda for the SVM). Save your
final SVM (weights and bias) in a mat file called my svm.mat, and include it in your submission.
6. [5 points] Write a script called recog summary.m, which prints out a brief summary of your approach (using
fprintf). Be sure to include your best accuracy on the validation set, and what you did to improve performance.
2 Multi-scale face detection (35 points)
In this part, you need to create a multi-scale sliding window face detector.
In addition to the files from Part 1, you are given:
• an image called class.jpg,
• a skeleton script called detect.m,
• a directory of grayscale test images, called test images,
• bounding box annotations for the test images, called test images gt.txt (do not edit this file),
• a helper script called look at test images gt.m,
• a helper script called evaluate detections on test.m (do not edit this file), and
• a helper script called VOCap.m (do not edit this file).
You need to do the following:
1. Get familiar with the test set, and how bounding boxes work, by exploring look at test images gt.m.
2. [5 points] Write a single-scale sliding window face detector, using the SVM you trained in Part 1. Use
detect.m as your starting point. Evaluate your detector by calling evaluate detections on test.m with
the appropriate arguments.
3. [10 points] Upgrade your face detector so that it does not make overlapping predictions. This is called
non-maximum suppression. Detectors typically yield multiple high scores over a region. You want to report
the single best bounding box per object. Since only a single bounding box is reported in the ground truth,
failure to do so will result in a reduction in the test accuracy score. You may want to inspect the code in
evaluate detections on test.m to how to calculate area of intersection, and area of union.
4. [10 points] Upgrade your face detector so that it makes predictions at multiple scales.
5. [5 points] Use your face detector on class.jpg, and plot the bounding boxes on the image.
6. [5 points] Write a script called detect summary.m, which prints out a brief summary of your approach (using
fprintf). Be sure to include your best accuracy on the test set, what you did to improve performance, and a
brief qualitative evaluation of your performance on class.jpg.
Bonus points will be awarded to the top-performing classifiers on class.jpg. Secret ground-truth labels (bounding
boxes for faces) have already been generated. Do not use class.jpg in anyway to train your detector. If you would
like to compete for these points, include a single script called detect class faces.m which runs the full detection
pipeline. This script should:
1. load your SVM from a saved file (my svm.mat),
2. generate features from the image at multiple scales,
3. classify the features,
4. suppress overlapping detections,
5. generate an N × 4 matrix of bounding boxes called bboxes, where N is the number of faces you detect,
6. generate an N × 1 matrix of SVM scores called confidences, and
7. plot the bounding boxes on the image.
The marker will run this script, followed by an evaluation script that will use your bboxes and confidences to
generate an average precision score. The top three performing groups will get points as follows:
1st place: 30 points,
2nd place: 15 points,
3rd place: 10 points.
Feel free to research ways to improve your detector’s performance, aside from inputting detections manually. For example, it may help to add new training data to the existing set (e.g., training data from another dataset or augmenting
the existing set by applying image transformations to some subset of the images, such as left-right flipping), revise
your training approach (e.g., use hard negative mining1
) or add some colour cues to the feature vector. Good luck!
[1] Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs. Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection. In IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 886–893, 2005.
Acknowledgement: The face detection portion of this assignment is adapted from one created by Prof. James Hayes
(Georgia Tech).
1Hard negative mining [1] is a training scheme to improve the performance of a detector. It begins with training a detector on a set of positive
examples and an initial set of negative ones. Following this initial training stage, negative examples that are incorrectly classified by the initial
model are collected to form a set of hard negatives. These hard negatives are added to the negative training set and a new model is trained. This
process may be repeated several times.