The problem
Element Uniqueness asks the following question: Given a sequence S of n numbers, are the
elements of the sequence all unique?
The code
You are to implement a C++ function to answer the element uniqueness question and code to test
this procedure. You are given no starter code; successful completion of this lab requires you to
create all of the code structure specified.
First, there will be a class called Unique which has the following public function:
You should implement unique in an efficient O(n log n) manner. You may not use STL or other
external libraries.
Second, there will be a separate class called Test with a public function
To create a random number, you must use #include
protocol for use is to call
once at the beginning of your program (in main() will do) and then call rand() every time you need a
random number. rand() returns a random integer, which you will need to truncate to the range [0,
max) by using the remainder operator %:
int number = rand() % max;
Your main function (which you can include in Test.cpp) should call test(5, 10), test(20, 100), and
test(50, 200).
bool unique(int* A, int n); // returns true if all n elements in the
void test(int n, int max); // creates a new array of n random integ
// then runs unique on this array and prints
CMPT 225 Lab 10: Element Uniqueness 2/2
That completes the program. Run the program several times until you are sure that it is correct (you
need to see both the true and false cases of unique). Once you are convinced that it works, call the
TA to witness your results and get your mark for this lab.