Question 0 (5 points):
Purpose: To force the use of Version Control in Assignment 8
Degree of Diculty: Easy
You are expected to practice using Version Control for Assignment 8. Do the following steps.
1. Create a new PyCharm project for Assignment 8.
2. Use Enable Version Control Integration… to initialize Git for your project.
3. Download the Python and text les provided for you with the Assignment, and add them to your
4. Before you do any coding or start any other questions, make an initial commit.
5. As you work on each question, use Version Control frequently at various times when you have implemented an initial design, xed a bug, completed a question, or want to try something dierent. Make
your most professional attempt to use the software appropriately.
6. When you are nished your assignment, open the terminal in your Assignment 8 project folder, and
enter the command: git –no-pager log (double dash before the word ’no’). The easiest way to do
this is to use PyCharm, locate PyCharm’s Terminal panel at the bottom of the PyCharm window, and
type your command-line work there.
You may need to work in the lab for this; Git is installed there.
What to Hand In
After completing and submitting your work for Questions 1-4, open a command-line window in your Assignment 8 project folder. Run the following command in the terminal: git –no-pager log (double dash
before the word ’no’). Git will output the full contents of your interactions with Git in the console. Copy/-
paste this into a text le named a8-git.log.
If you are working on several dierent computers, you may copy/paste output from all of them, and submit
them as a single le. It’s not the way to use git, but it is the way students work on assignments.
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number, course number and laboratory section at the top of
all documents.
• 5 marks: The log le shows that you used Git as part of your work for Assignment 8. For full marks,
your log le contains
– Meaningful commit messages.
– At least two commits per programming question for a total of at least 8 commits.
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Question 1 (25 points):
Purpose: To practice recursion on binary trees.
Degree of Diculty: Easy.
You can nd the treenode ADT on the assignment page. Using this ADT, implement the following functions:
1. count_node_types(tnode) Purpose: Returns a tuple containing the number of leaf nodes in the tree,
and the number of non-leaf nodes in the tree. A leaf node is a node without any children. The
is_leaf() function provided in can be used to check if a node is a leaf node. Remember, you can use circle brackets to create a tuple:
✞ ☎
a_tuple = (“a”, “b”)
print ( a_tuple [0] )
# Prints out “a”
✝ ✆
2. subst(tnode, t, r) Purpose: To substitute a target value t with a replacement value r wherever it
appears as a data value in the given tree. Returns None, but modies the given tree.
3. copy(tnode) Purpose: To create an exact copy of the given tree, with completely new treenodes, but
exactly the same data values, in exactly the same places. If tnode is None, return None. If tnode is not
None, return a reference to the new tree.
4. nodes_at_level(tnode, level) Purpose: Counts the number of nodes in the given primitive tree at
the given level, and returns the count. If level is too big or too small, a zero count is returned.
What to Hand In
• A le containing your 4 functions.
• A le containing your testing for the 4 functions.
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number, course number and laboratory section at the top of
all documents.
• Each function will be graded as follows:
– 2 marks: Your function has a good doc-string.
– 3 marks: Your function is recursive and correct.
• 5 marks: You’ve tested your functions.
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Question 2 (20 points):
Purpose: To do some deeper reection on primitive binary trees.
Degree of Diculty: Moderate
We say that two binary trees t1 and t2 satisfy the mirror property if all of the following conditions are true:
1. The data value stored in the root of t1 is equal to the data value stored in the root of t2.
2. The left subtree of t1 and the right subtree of t2 satisfy the mirror property.
3. The right subtree of t1 and the left subtree of t2 satisfy the mirror property.
If both t1 and t2 are empty, we say the mirror property is satised, but if one is empty but the other is not,
the mirror property is not satised.
Using the TreeNode ADT found on the assignment page:
• Write a function mirrored(t1, t2) that returns True if the two given trees satisfy the mirror property,
and False otherwise.
• Design and implement a recursive function called reflect(tnode) that swaps every left and right
subtree in the given primitive tree. This function returns None, but modies the given tree.
• Design and implement a recursive function called reflection(tnode) that creates a copy of the given
tree, with left and right subtrees swapped. In other words, the returned tree has to satisfy the mirrored
property with the original tree, but the original tree cannot be aected at all.
• Explain why mirrored(atree, reflect(atree)) returns False, whereas mirrored(atree, reflection(atree))
returns True.
What to Hand In
• A le called, containing your three function denitions.
• A le containing your testing for the three functions.
• A le called a8q2.txt, containing your explanation.
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number, course number and laboratory section at the top of
the le.
• For each function:
– 5 marks: Your function works.
• 2 marks: Your explanation is correct.
• 3 marks: Your testing is adequate.
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Question 3 (12 points):
Purpose: To do more thinking about binary trees; to practice the art of tupling.
Degree of Diculty: Moderate
In class we dened a complete binary tree as follows:
A complete binary tree is a binary tree that has exactly two children for every node, except for
leaf nodes which have no children, and all leaf nodes appear at the same depth.
Visually, complete binary trees are easy to detect. But a computer can’t read diagrams as well as humans
do, so a program needs to be written that explores the tree by walking through it.
Consider the function below.
✞ ☎
1 import treenode as tn
3 def bad_complete ( tnode ):
4 “””
5 Purpose :
6 Determine if the given tree is complete .
7 Pre – conditions :
8 : param tnode : a primitive binary tree
9 Post – conditions :
10 The tree is unaffected .
11 Return
12 : return : the height of the tree if it is complete
13 -1 if the tree is not complete
14 “””
15 if tnode is None :
16 return 0
17 else :
18 ldepth = bad_complete ( tn . get_left ( tnode ))
19 rdepth = bad_complete ( tn . get_right ( tnode ))
20 if ldepth == rdepth :
21 return rdepth +1
22 else :
23 return -1
✝ ✆
The function bad_complete() is designed to return an integer. If the integer is positive, then bad_complete()
is indicating that the tree is complete because the left subtree is complete, and the right subtree is complete, and furthermore, the two sub trees have the same height. However, if either subtree is not complete,
or if the two subtrees have dierent height, the whole tree cannot be complete. If a tree is not complete,
bad_complete() returns the value -1.
Using integers this way to provide two dierent kinds of messages is very common, but can lead to problems with correctness and robustness. That’s one reason why the function has been named bad_complete().
The other reason that the function above is named bad_complete() is that it is massively inecient. To
understand the problem with bad_complete(), we need a case analysis.
• If the given tree is complete, the function has to explore the whole tree. This is the worst case, and if the
tree is complete, there is no way to avoid exploring the whole tree. This is expensive, but necessary.
• Suppose that we have a tree whose left subtree is not complete, but whose right subtree is complete.
In this case, we have to explore the left subtree to nd out that it is not complete, but once we know
that, the fact that the right sub-tree is complete makes no dierence. A tree whose left subtree is not
complete cannot be complete, no matter what the right subtree is. Exploring the right subtree when
the left subtree is not complete is a complete waste of eort.
Page 6
• Suppose that we have a tree whose left subtree is complete, and has height 4, and the right subtree is
complete with height 1000. Exploring the whole right subtree to its full depth is not necessary; we can
conclude that the whole tree is not complete as soon as we discover that the right subtree’s height is
dierent from the height of the left subtree.
Write a function named complete(tnode) using the same approach as bad_complete(), but instead of
returning a single integer, complete(tnode) should return a tuple of 2 values, (flag, height), where:
• flag is True if the subtree is complete, False otherwise
• height is the height of the subtree, if flag is True, None otherwise.
This technique is called “tupling.”
Your function should avoid unnecessary work when a tree is not complete. To be clear, you cannot avoid
exploring the whole tree when the tree is complete. But we could save some time when we discover an
incomplete tree.
Here’s a description of the function interface:
✞ ☎
def complete ( tnode ):
Purpose :
Determine if the given tree is complete .
Pre – conditions :
: param tnode : a primitive binary tree
: return : A tuple (True , height ) if the tree is complete ,
A tuple (False , None ) otherwise .
✝ ✆
• Your recursive calls will return a tuple with 2 values. Python allows tuple assignment, i.e., an assignment statement where tuples of the same length appear on both sides of the =. For example:
✞ ☎
# tuple assignment
a , b = 3 ,5
# tuple assignment
a , b = b , a
✝ ✆
• Use your algorithm analysis skills in your design phase. Also, use the skills that you gained in Labs
6 and 7 for timing your programs to show that your function is relatively fast on incomplete trees. To
help you do this, take note of the following functions:
– The function build_complete() in the le builds a complete tree of a given
– The function build_fibtree() in the le builds a large tree that is not complete.
– You can build a tricky tree as follows:
✞ ☎
import treenode as TN
import treebuilding as TB
tricky_tree = TN . create (0 , TB . build_fibtree (5) , TB . build_complete (10))
✝ ✆
Page 7
What to Hand In
• A le called, containing the function denition for the function complete(tnode).
• A le containing your testing.
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number, course number and laboratory section at the top of
all documents.
• 5 marks: your function correctly uses tupling.
• 5 marks your function does not do more work than it has to.
• 2 marks: your testing is adequate.
Page 8
Question 4 (10 points):
Purpose: To solve an algorithm problem for trees that is slightly more interesting.
Degree of Diculty: Tricky
We’re interested in nding a path from the root of a tree to a node containing a given value. If the given
value is in the tree, we want to know the data values on the path from the root to the value, as a Python
list. The list should be ordered with the given value rst, and the root last (like a stack of the data of nodes
visited if you walked the path starting from the root).
• Design and implement a recursive function called path_to(tnode, value) that returns the tuple
(True, alist) if the given value appears in the tree, where alist is a Python list with the data values
found on the path, ordered as described above. If the value does not appear in the tree at all, return
the tuple (False, None).
• In a tree, there is at most one path between any two nodes. Design a function find_path(tnode, val1, val2)
that returns the path between any the node containing val1 and the node containing val2. This function is not recursive, but should call path_to(tnode, value), and work with the resulting lists. If either
of the two given values do not appear in the tree, return None.
Hint: Assume that the two values are in the tree. There are three ways the two values could appear.
One value could be in the left subtree, and the other could be in the right subtree. In this case, the
path passes through the root of the tree. The lists returned by path_to(tnode, value) would have
exactly one element in common, namely the root. You can combine these two lists, but you only need
the root to appear once.
On the other hand, both val1 and val2 could be on the left subtree, or both on the right subtree. In
both of these two cases, path_to(tnode, value) will have some values in common, which are not on
the path between val1 and val2. The path between them can be constructed by using the results
from path_to(tnode, value), and removing some but not all of the elements the two lists have in
• Assume that tree values are not repeated anywhere in the tree. As a result, you cannot really use
treebuilding.build_fibtree() for testing, but treebuilding.build_complete() would work.
What to Hand In
• The le containing the two function denitions:
– path_to(tnode, value)
– find_path(tnode, val1, val2)
• The le containing testing for your function.
Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number, course number and laboratory section at the top of
all documents.
• 4 marks: path_to(tnode, value) is correct.
• 4 marks: find_path(tnode, val1, val2) is correct.
• 2 marks: your testing is adequate.
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