Project Description:
1. Work the tutorial as given in “10d_SimpleDatabaseTutorial.pdf”.
2. When the tutorial is complete, create additional static methods in class Program as follows:
(a) Create a static method that uses LINQ and / or extensions to delete all contacts from the database.
(b) Create a static method that uses LINQ and / or extensions to find then list all the contacts and their
information in the database, including the values of the Ids.
(c) Create a static method that uses LINQ and / or extensions to delete a contact from the database based
on its Id.
3. Comment out the code in method Main as created for the tutorial except for the database connection
code “var db = new ContactDbContext();”.
4. Create a menu driven system that starts when the project is launched and continues until the user elects
to stop. The menu driven system allows the user to choose from a menu to manipulate the data stored in
the database by selecting from the following, which trigger calls to the appropriate methods.
(a) show all contacts
(b) add a contact
(c) delete a contact by name
(d) delete a contact by id
(e) delete all contacts
Example Run #1:
1 – Show Contacts
2 – Add Contact
3 – Delete Contact by Name
4 – Delete Contact by ID
5 – Delete All Contacts
0 – Exit
General requirements:
• At the top of each file containing your C# code, insert the following comments:
// your-name
// your-ulid
// CMPS 358
// project #the-number-of-the-project
When the project is complete and runs correctly, clean the project, zip the project folder into a zip
archive, name the zip archive “” and upload it in Moodle.