1 Motivation
The goal of this project is to implement the forward pass of a convolutional neural net (CNN) for
object recognition in Matlab. One of the eye-opening developments in computer vision in recent
few years is that a cascade or chain of very simple image processing operations can outperform
more complicated state-of-the-art object recognition algorithms. Of course, the specific image
processing operations used have to be well-chosen! The real magic in a CNN is learning the
underlying convolution filters, using a process called backpropagation (we’ll call this the backward
pass). Much of the heavy computational and big-data requirements for training CNNs (so-called
deep learning) are concentrated on this learning process, which is outside the scope of this course
and project. However, once learned, applying a CNN in the forward direction to map an input
image through a set of intermediate image processing transformations and finally to a set of object
class probabilities involves little more than convolution with linear filters, image size reduction,
and thresholding. This chain of operations is what we are going to implement in this project.
Specific project goals include:
• Gaining experience in Matlab programming for implementing vision algorithms
• Use of multi-dimensional arrays in Matlab
• Applying linear filters to an image with convolution
• Other image processing techniques: normalization, subsampling, thresholding
• Quantitative performance evaluation of a vision algorithm
2 The Basic Operations
A CNN operates in a set of stages, or layers, each of which produces an intermediate result. Input
to each stage is an N1 ×M1 ×D1 array, and output is an N2 ×M2 ×D2 array. Input to the first stage
is a color image (e.g. array of size 32x32x3); output from the final stage is a vector of probabilities,
one per object class (e.g. array of size 1x1x10 if we have 10 different object classes), with higher
probabilities meaning it is likely that the picture contains that kind of object. We are going to use
computer vision nomenclature and think of an N × M ×D array as a multi-channel image having
N rows, M columns, and D channels. Channels is just a word to describe the number of values
associated with each 2D spatial pixel location in an image, so, for example, a greyscale image has
1 channel and a color image has 3 channels (red, green, blue). An image with D channels might
be used to represent a multispectral image from a sensor that measures D wavelength ranges. In
our case, D channels just means that you need D numbers to fully describe the value stored at each
spatial (row, column) pixel location.
Different CNNs in the literature are made up of various numbers of layers, operating on images of
various sizes, using various combinations/orderings of a basic library of computations. Our simple
CNN is going to be built from the following computational building blocks.
Image Normalization: Input is a color image array of size N ×M ×3 and output is an array of the
same size. Each value in the output array is defined as
Out(i, j, k) = In(i, j, k)/255.0−0.5 ,
which approximately scales each color channel’s pixel values into the output range -0.5 to 0.5.
ReLU: Input is an array of size N × M ×D and output is an array of the same size. Each value in
the output array is defined as
Out(i, j, k) = max(In(i, j, k) , 0) .
ReLU stands for Rectified Linear Unit, but despite the fancy name it is just a thresholding operation
where any negative numbers in the input become 0 in the output.
Maxpool: Input is an array of size 2N × 2M × D and output is an array of the size N × M × D.
If we think of the first two dimensions of an array as being rows and columns, then maxpool is
reducing the spatial size of the array by producing an output having only half the number of rows
and columns (so total number of elements in the array will be reduced by 4). Note that the number
of channels, D, in the output array is the same as number of channels in the input array, so only the
spatial dimensions are being reduced. Maxpool operates on each channel separately, and assigns
output channel values by taking the maximum value in each nonoverlapping 2×2 block of the input
channel. More precisely,
Out(i, j, k) = max({ In(r, c, k) | (2i−1) < r < 2i and (2 j −1) < c < 2 j }) .
Figure 1 shows an example of reducing one channel of a 4×4 input image to get one channel of a
2×2 output image. You may assume the input image has an even number of rows and columns.
Convolution: Input is an array of size N ×M ×D1 and output is an array of size N ×M ×D2. Note
that the spatial size of the image stays the same (number of rows and columns are the same), but
the number of channels in the output image can differ from the input. The job of a convolution
layer is to apply a set of predefined linear filters and bias values to the input image to compute
each channel of the output image. This is the main computational process in a CNN, and the most
difficult to implement.
To fully specify the linear transformation from input to output, we will need to know a set of D2
scalar bias values and a set of D2 filters of size R ×C × D1, where R ×C is the spatial size of a
filter, and typically is small compared to the N × M spatial size of the image. We will call the set
of filters a filter bank, and represent it in Matlab as a 4-dimensional array of size R×C×D1 ×D2.
That is, if F is our filter bank array, then F(:,:,:,l) is the lth filter, 1 ≤ l ≤ D2, and that filter is a
3-dimensional array of size R ×C × D1. This lth filter is applied to the entire N × M × D1 input
image to compute a single N × M channel of the output image, to which the lth bias value is then
Figure 1: Example of using maxpool to reduce a 4×4 image to a 2×2 image. A) Each nonoverlapping 2×2 block of the image is replaced by the max over the 4 values in that block. B) In an
alternative way of doing the computation, perhaps more suitable for Matlab implementation, the
4×4 image is converted into four 2×2 images by taking every other pixel value, starting at locations
(1,1) , (1,2) , (2,1) and (2,2). A final 2×2 image is produced by taking the max over corresponding
pixel locations in those 4 reduced images. Note: although this is conceptually what you want to
do, in practice you can’t apply max to 4 arrays at the same time, only 2 at a time.
added. Because there are D2 filters (and bias values), this means the output image will have D2
channels, and will therefore be of size N × M ×D2. See Figure 2.
Let Fl be the lth filter and bl be the lth scalar bias value. We compute the lth channel of the output
image using summations of 2D convolutions, defined as follows:
Out(:,:,l) =
Fl(:,:, k) ∗ In(:,:, k) +bl
In words, each channel 1 ≤ k ≤ D1 of the input image is convolved with the corresponding channel
of the filter, those D1 result images are summed up, and then the scalar bias value is added. This
process is carried out D2 times, for 1 ≤ l ≤ D2, to fill in all D2 channels of the output image.
When we say “convolution” here, we really mean convolution, for example using imfilter with the
‘conv’ option; the filters you will be given will not work correctly if you use cross-correlation. In
addition, you want the size of each convolved image to remain N × M, and you also want to use
Fully Connected: Input is an array of size N × M ×D1 and output is an array of size 1×1×D2.
Similar to the convolution layer, the fully connected layer applies a filter bank of D2 linear filters
and D2 scalar bias values to compute output values. However, unlike convolution layers, each filter
is the same size as the input image, and is applied in a way that computes a single, scalar valued
output. Because there are D2 filters and bias values, the output image will contain D2 scalar values,
which we will represent as a 1×1×D2 array. See Figure 2. The name “fully connected” comes
from the traditional neural network literature – each scalar output value is computed as a linear
Figure 2: A convolution layer transforms an N × M × D1 input array into an N × M × D2 output
array by convolving with a filter bank of D2 linear filters and adding bias values. See text for
combination of the full set of N × M ×D1 input values.
Given an N × M ×D1 ×D2 filter bank array and set of D2 scalar bias values, let Fl be the lth filter
and bl be the lth bias value. We compute the lth channel of the output image as the scalar value:
Out(1,1,l) =
Fl(i, j, k)×In(i, j, k) +bl
In words, the lth output value is computed by multiplying every value in the input image by a
corresponding filter weight, summing all of those terms up, and then adding the bias value. This is
repeated for each filter Fl and bias bl
, 1 ≤ l ≤ D2, to compute all D2 output values. Since each filter
has the same number of values in it as the input image, if you were to rearrange each of them into
a 1D vector of length NMD1 you would recognize the equation above as performing a dot product
operation followed by adding a scalar bias value. Whether or not you choose to compute it that
way is up to you.
Figure 3: A fully connected layer transforms an N × M ×D1 input array into a 1×1×D2 output
array (basically a vector of numbers) by applying a filter bank of D2 linear filters and additive bias
values. Applying each filter is similar to a performing a dot product operation. See text for details.
Softmax: Input is an array of size 1×1×D and output is an array of the same size. Each value in
the output array is defined as
Out(1,1, k) = exp(In(1,1, k)−α)
exp(In(1,1, k)−α)
α = max
In(1,1, k)
is the maximum across all values in the input vector. Softmax takes a vector of arbitrary real
numbers and converts them into numbers that can be viewed as probabilities, that is, all will lie
between 0 and 1 and sum up to 1. Usually you will see softmax defined mathematically without
the α term. However, you want to use our definition when writing a program, as it is numerically
more stable.
3 Putting It All Together
Now that we know the basic building block functions, it is time to put them all together to do object
recognition. A CNN takes a color image as input and applies a particular ordered sequence of the
basic operations above, step by step, to ultimately produce a vector of class probabilities. Each
operation is one “layer” of the computational chain, with each operation taking as input the output
from the previous layer. The number of layers is called the “depth” of the CNN. Because the layer
computations are all fairly simple, you need a lot of layers to accomplish anything interesting, and
thus working CNNs tend to be deep (have a lot of computational depth). This is why training them
is called deep learning.
We will implement an 18-layer CNN that takes a 32×32 color image as input and produces 10
object class probabilities as output. The images we will be using come from the well-known
CIFAR-10 dataset. Despite being a “toy” dataset (thumbnail-sized images; only 10 object classes;
only one object per image), results on CIFAR are often presented by deep learning practitioners
because the dataset is so familiar to everyone in the field. The object classes and some sample
images from each class are shown in Figure 4.
In the project directory, you will find a file called “cifar10testdata.mat” that contains a set of 10000
test images, 1000 from each class, along with their ground truth object classifications. Some
sample code that illustrates reading in and dealing with the data format is shown below.
%loading this file defines imageset, trueclass, and classlabels
load ’cifar10testdata.mat’
%some sample code to read and display one image from each class
for classindex = 1:10
%get indices of all images of that class
inds = find(trueclass==classindex);
%take first one
Figure 4: Sample images from each of the 10 object classes in CIFAR-10.
imrgb = imageset(:,:,:,inds(1));
%display it along with ground truth text label
figure; imagesc(imrgb); truesize(gcf,[64 64]);
Table 1 specifies each of the layer computations that our CNN will perform. Sizes of each input
and output array are shown, and for the convolution and fully connected layers the size of the filter
bank and number of scalar bias values are also shown. Note that the bulk of the computations
consist of conv-ReLU pairs, with an occasional maxpool thrown in to progressively reduce the
image sizes being processed. Normalize is done once at the beginning to prepare the input RGB
image for processing; one fully connected layer is done at the end to distill all the results down to
10 numbers that softmax then converts into class probabilities.
The filter bank and bias values needed to completely specify the CNN are given to you in a file
called “CNNparameters.mat” . Loading this file defines two variables, filterbanks and biasvectors.
These are cell arrays (indexed with curly braces) because the stored arrays in filterbanks can have
different sizes. For ease of use, there is an entry for each of the 18 layers of the CNN. However,
only the cells for layers that involve using filterbank and bias values (the convolution layers and
fully connected layer) have values stored in them, the rest are empty. The following sample code
illustrates how to read and access the filterbanks and bias vectors.
%loading this file defines filterbanks and biasvectors
load ’CNNparameters.mat’
%sample code to verify which layers have filters and biases
for d = 1:length(filterbanks)
filterbank = filterbanks{d};
layer # layer type input size filterbank size num biases output size
1 normalize 32×32×3 32×32×3
2 convolve 32×32×3 3×3×3×10 10 32×32×10
3 ReLU 32×32×10 32×32×10
4 convolve 32×32×10 3×3×10×10 10 32×32×10
5 ReLU 32×32×10 32×32×10
6 maxpool 32×32×10 16×16×10
7 convolve 16×16×10 3×3×10×10 10 16×16×10
8 ReLU 16×16×10 16×16×10
9 convolve 16×16×10 3×3×10×10 10 16×16×10
10 ReLU 16×16×10 16×16×10
11 maxpool 16×16×10 8×8×10
12 convolve 8×8×10 3×3×10×10 10 8×8×10
13 ReLU 8×8×10 8×8×10
14 convolve 8×8×10 3×3×10×10 10 8×8×10
15 ReLU 8×8×10 8×8×10
16 maxpool 8×8×10 4×4×10
17 fullconnect 4×4×10 4×4×10×10 10 1×1×10
18 softmax 1×1×10 1×1×10
Table 1: An 18-layer convolutional neural net.
if not(isempty(filterbank))
fprintf(’layer %d has filters and biases\n’,d);
fprintf(’ filterbank size %d x %d x %d x %d\n’, …
size(filterbank,1),size(filterbank,2), …
biasvec = biasvectors{d};
fprintf(’ number of biases is %d\n’,length(biasvec));
Finally, to help you develop your code correctly, the file “debuggingTest.mat” contains a sample
test image (imrgb) and expected output array produced by each layer of the CNN (layerResults)
when that image is used as input. The following sample code illustrates how to read and access this
data. I highly recommend verifying that your implementation of each of the algorithmic building
blocks described above works as it is supposed to by comparing its output to these known correct
results. For example, if you have just finished implementing a maxpool routine and want to test it,
make sure that when it is run on the image array in layerResults{5}, it produces the output array
in layerResults{6}. When all types of layers have been implemented, you should be able to start
with imrgb and run the whole CNN from end to end to get the probabilities in layerResults{18}.
%loading this file defines imrgb and layerResults
load ’debuggingTest.mat’
%sample code to show image and access expected results
figure; imagesc(imrgb); truesize(gcf,[64 64]);
for d = 1:length(layerResults)
result = layerResults{d};
fprintf(’layer %d output is size %d x %d x %d\n’,…
d,size(result,1),size(result,2), size(result,3));
%find most probable class
classprobvec = squeeze(layerResults{end});
[maxprob,maxclass] = max(classprobvec);
%note, classlabels is defined in ’cifar10testdata.mat’
fprintf(’estimated class is %s with probability %.4f\n’,…
4 Quantitative Evaluation
How do you know that your algorithm works correctly? There are two meanings of correct we
could be interested in. One is whether your code is implemented correctly, which you can check
by using the information in ‘debuggingTest.mat’ to verify that each layer of your CNN is producing
the expected results. However, in real life (industry coding; grad school research) it is taken as a
given that you are competent enough to implement a program that does what the specifications say
it should do. The question then is how well does the method you are implementing perform? This
is where the topic of performance evaluation comes in.
There are many ways to evaluate a classifier. What we perhaps most care about in a classifier
is overall accuracy, that is, what percentage of test examples does it choose the correct class for.
Other questions we might be interested in are whether the approach finds some classes to be easier
to classify than others, and whether there are pairs of classes that are frequently confused for each
other. All of these questions can be answered by compiling a confusion matrix or contingency
table on a representative test set.
The obvious way for having our CNN classifier choose what object class is in the image is to take
the class associated with the highest probability in the output class probability vector (using some
heuristic to break ties if necessary). Using the 10000 test image examples in ‘cifar10testdata.mat’,
we’d like you to classify each one and accumulate a 10 × 10 table Ai j where each table entry
contains the number of times that an example with a ground truth class of i was classified as object
class j by the CNN. Values along the diagonal of this table represent examples that were classified
correctly (e.g. the image had true class ‘airplane’ and was classified as ‘airplane’). All examples
off the diagonal are errors. The classification accuracy or classification rate of the CNN can then
be computed as
Accuracy =
∑i Aii
∑i ∑j Ai j
Further examination of the confusion matrix can highlight classes that seems easy to classify cor8
rectly (rows where the diagonal is a large percentage of the row sum), and pairs of classes that are
frequently confused for each other (large off-diagonal values).
Another performance evaluation measure that might be interesting to try is to plot a curve showing
classification accuracy with respect to the top-k classes. This would be a plot where the x axis
ranges from 1 to 10, and the y axis ranges from 0 to 100 percent. For each integer value k on the
x-axis, you would compute and plot as y(k) the percentage of times that the correct object class
appeared in the top-k ranked classes, as determined by probability scores sorted from highest to
lowest. The plotted value for k = 1 is just the usual classification accuracy described above. The
plotted value for k = 2 is the percentage of times that the correct class for an image is one of the
2 classes that have the highest computed probability scores for that image. And so on. For k = 10
the curve would be at 100 percent accuracy, obviously.
5 Grading
Half of your grade will be based on submitting a runable program, and the other half will be based
on a written report discussing your program, design decisions, and experimental observations. In
particular, we want you to turn in the following two things:
1. Submit a written report in which you discuss at least the following:
a) Summarize in your own words what you think the project was about. What were the tasks you
performed; what did you expect to achieve?
b) Present an outline of the procedural approach along with a flowchart showing the flow of control
and subroutine structure of your Matlab code. Explain any design decisions you had to make.
Even though the mathematical specification of each part of this project is fairly strict, there are
a lot of different ways you could implement each building block in Matlab, ranging from C-like
nested for-loop computations, to cleverly vectorized code. Be sure to document any deviations you
made from the above project descriptions (and why), or any additional functionality you added to
increase robustness or generality of the approach.
c) Experimental observations. What do you observe about the behavior of your program when
you run it? Does it seem to work the way you think it should? Run the different portions of your
code and show pictures of intermediate and final results that convince us that the program does
what you think it does. Each channel of an intermediate result array in the CNN can be interpreted
as a greyscale image. So, for example, the output from layer 2 of the CNN is an array of size
32×32×10, and this could be displayed as 10 small greyscale images, each of size 32×32. CNN
practitioners often display these intermediate results and interpret them as images showing the
results of learned “feature” detectors. The results from the final softmax layer could be displayed
as a bar chart.
d) Run performance evaluation experiments as described above to compute the confusion matrix,
classification rate and top-k classification plot. Discuss.
e) If you are in an exploratory mood, find some images of your own on the web and input them to
the CNN to see how well it does on them. To do this, you will need to reduce the image size down
to a 32 × 32 × 3 color thumbnail image. How would you do this in Matlab? (hint: we discussed
generating thumbnail images in one of the lectures). Of course, you will get best results if the
images you choose actually contain one of the object classes, and that object should pretty much
dominate the image. What happens if you give it an image containing an object that it doesn’t
know about? For example, what happens if you input an image of your face? (no matter what the
output classification for your face is, I’m sure it will be hilarious). Can you think of a test that
you could perform on the output probabilities to extend the classification to include an “unknown”
f) Document what each team member did to contribute to the project. It is OK if you divide up the
labor into different tasks (actually it is expected), and it is OK if not everyone contributes precisely
equal amounts of time/effort on each project. However, if two people did all the work because the
third team member could not be contacted until the day before the project was due, this is where
you get to tell us about it, so the grading can reflect the inequity.
FAQ: How long should your report be? We don’t have a strict number of pages in mind, but as
a general rule of thumb, if the length of your report (excluding figures) is less than the length of
this project description document, you probably haven’t included enough detail about what you
2. Turn in a running version of your main program and all subroutines in a single zip or tar archive
file (e.g. put all code, subroutines, etc in a single directory, then make a zip file of that directory
for submission via Angel). We can then unzip/untar everything and go from there. Include one or
more demo routines that can be invoked with no arguments and that load any input needed from the
local directory and display intermediate and final results that show the different portions of your
program are working as intended. We won’t necessarily be running the code ourselves on other
input, but put enough comments in the code so that we know how to run it if we want to spot check
anything we think looks odd. The more thought and effort you put in to demonstrating/illustrating
in your written report that your code works correctly, the less likely we will be to feel the need to
poke around in your code.
6 References
Stanford course on Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, taught by Andrej
Karpathy and Fei-Fei Li. This project was largely inspired by the contents of that course.˜kriz/cifar.html
CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. Our test dataset is the 10000 image “test batch” of CIFAR-10.