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# CE/CS 1337 – PROJECT – Wario World Economics

**Problem:** As usual, Wario is concerned about nothing other than acquiring more money. In order to maximize profits, Wario needs to use calculus to create derivatives for analysis. Unfortunately, Wario never took calculus; there wasn’t much need of it in the Mushroom Kingdom. So, Wario is calling on you to help him by creating a program to create derivatives.

**Pseudocode:** Your pseudocode should describe the following items

– Main.cpp
– Detail the step-by-step logic of the mainfunction
– List other functions you plan tocreate
– Determine the parameters
– Determine the return type
– Detail the step-by-step logic that the function will perform

– You do not need to write any pseudocode for any of the class functions

# Details

– This project must use two classes – created in review homework #7
– Linked Listclass
– Nodeclass
– **Linked Listclass**
– Variables
– Head – node pointer
– Functions
– Default constructor
– Overloaded Constructor
– Make copy of list passed in
– Destructor
– Delete thelist
– Accessors andmutators
– Overloaded operators – created in review homework #8
– Overloaded []
– Return the node at the givenindex
– Overloaded << operator - Display the linkedlist - Use [] notation to treat the linked list like an array - See output format below - Overloaded ++ operator - Prefix notation only - Add node to head of linkedlist - Sort - Sort the linked list in descending order by exponent - Nodeclass - Variables - Outer coefficient - Innercoefficient - (optional) numerator and denominator variables if doing extra creditportion - Exponent - Trigidentifier - Nodepointer - Functions - Defaultconstructor - Overloadedconstructor - Accessors andmutators - Overloaded << operator – created in review homework #8 - Display a singlenode - See output format below - All nodes will be dynamicallycreated - There should only be enough nodes to hold data for the current expression - You will have to consider a way to reuse the linked list for the next expression - All input will be read from afile - Each term in the expression will be stored into a node and added into the linkedlist - Each line in the file will be a mathematical function that can be derived - The number of lines in the file is unknown - Each calculated derivative will be written to afile **User Interface:** There will be no user interface for this program **Input:** All input will be read from a file named functions.txt. Each line in the file will be a mathematical function with the following parameters: - Consist of polynomial terms - the highest degree will be10 - May also contain trigfunctions - Exponents will be represented by the ^ character. - Exponents may be positive ornegative - Do not assume that the expression will be in order from highest to lowest exponent. - All coefficients will beintegers. - The absence of a coefficient should be interpreted as a coefficient of1 - Trigonometric functions may havecoefficients - The variable will always be 'x'. - There will be spaces around the operators between terms - If a trig function is used, there will be a space between the trig function and the coefficient of x - **ExampleInput:** - 3x^2 + 2x + 1 - x^-2 + 3x + 4 - 4x – x^3 - 3sin x + cosx - 1 – cos4x - 3x^4 – 6x^2 + tan 10x **Output:** All output will be written to a file. - The file will be namedtxt. - Each derivative will be written on a separate line. - Use the ^ character to represent exponents. - The terms of the derivative must be ordered from highest to lowest exponent - Trig functions should be listed at the end in the order they were encountered in the original expression - The format of the output for each term will be the same as the input format - Do not use double operators - Invalid format: 2x^2 +-3x **EXTRA CREDIT:** Add to your program to derive functions with fractional coefficients (potential 25 extra points for this project) - Fractional coefficients will be enclosed within parentheses (for both input andoutput) - Each coefficient in the derivative should be simplified as much as possible - Fractional coefficients with a denominator of 1 after derivation will be written as a whole number without parentheses - **ExampleInput** - x – (1/4)sin4x - (3/5)x^5 – 2x^3 - 10cos10x