BST Number List in Console/Terminal Cpt S 321 Homework Assignment 1


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Create a C# console application that fulfills the following requirements:

1. Get a list of integer numbers from the user on A SINGLE LINE ● The numbers will be in the range [0,100] ● The numbers will be separated by spaces ● You may assume that the user enters a correctly formatted input string that meets these requirements ● You may use Console.ReadLine or a similar method to get input from the user

2. Add all the numbers to a binary search tree (you must implement your own BST) in the order they were entered ● Don’t allow duplicates ● Use the Split function on the entered string for easy parsing (split on the space character)

3. Display the numbers in sorted order (smallest first, largest last). ● Traverse the tree in order to produce this output.

4. Display the following statistics about the tree ● Number of items (note that this will be less than or equal to the number of items entered by the user, since duplicates won’t be added to the tree). Write a function that determines this from your BST, NOT the array returned from the split. In other words, you must have a Count function in your BST implementation (you are not allowed to use any existing implementation for that). ● Number of levels in the tree. A tree with no nodes at all has 0 levels. A tree with a single node has 1 level. A tree with 2 nodes has 2 levels. A tree with three nodes could have 2 or 3 levels.

You should know why this is from your advanced data structures prerequisite course. ● Theoretical minimum number of levels that the tree could have given the number of nodes it contains (figure out the formula to calculate this) Point Breakdown (10 points total): ● 5 points: Fulfill all the requirements above with no inaccuracies in the output and no crashes. ● 1 point: For a “healthy” version control history, i.e., 1) the HW assignment should be built iteratively, 2) every commit should be a cohesive functionality, 3) the commit message should concisely describe what is being committed, 4) you should follow TDD – i.e., write and commit tests first and then implement and commit the functionality. ● 1 point: Code is clean, efficient and well organized.

● 1 point: Quality of identifiers. ● 1 point: Existence and quality of comments. ● 1 point: Existence and quality of test cases. Normal cases and edge cases are both important to test. ● 1 point: The repository is setup properly

General Homework Requirements Quality of Version Control ● Homework should be built iteratively (i.e., one feature at a time, not in one huge commit). ● Each commit should have cohesive functionality.

● Commit messages should concisely describe what is being committed. ● TDD should be used (i.e, write and commit tests first and then implement and commit functionality). ● Include “TDD” in all commit messages with tests that are written before the functionality is implemented. ● Use of a .gitignore. ● Commenting is done as the homework is built (i.e, there is commenting added in each commit, not done all at once at the end). Quality of Code ● Each file should only contain one public class. ● Correct use of access modifiers. ● Classes are cohesive. ● Namespaces make sense. ● Code is easy to follow. ● StyleCop is installed and configured correctly for all projects in the solution and all warnings are resolved. If any warnings are suppressed, a good reason must be provided. ● Use of appropriate design patterns and software principles seen in class. Quality of Identifiers ● No underscores in names of classes, attributes, and properties. ● No numbers in names of classes or tests.

● Identifiers should be descriptive. ● Project names should make sense. ● Class names and method names use PascalCasing. ● Method arguments and local variables use camelCasing. ● No Linguistic Antipatterns or Lexicon Bad Smells. Existence and Quality of Comments ● Every method, attribute, type, and test case has a leading comment block with a minimum of, ,, and filled in as applicable. ● All comment blocks use the format that is generated when typing “///” on the line above each entity. ● There is useful inline commenting in addition to leading comment blocks that explains how the algorithm is implemented. Existence and Quality of Tests ● Normal, boundary, and overflow/error cases should be tested for each feature. ● Test cases should be modularized (i.e, you should have a separate test case for each thing you test – do not combine them into one large test case). ● Note: In assignments with a GUI, we do not require testing of the GUI itself. The repository is properly setup ● Private ● All TAs and the instructor are added as Maintainers ● The readme contains name and ID Sample Output: