BLG 454E Learning From Data Homework #2


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1. [Multivariate Analysis]
You will use the dataset dataTrain.csv and dataTest.csv given for question 1. The last column of the
file represents the class label (class 0 or class 1 or class 2):
dataTrain.csv: Training data.
dataTest.csv: Test data.
Suppose that each class i’s (i = 0 , 1, 2) inputs, xi
, is distributed according to normal distribution
,Σi ) in dataset that is given to you. Class conditional density p(x|Ci) is N(µi
,Σi ):
p(x|Ci) = 1

(x − µi
T Σi
(x − µi

You are going to introduce the discriminant functions gi(x) = P(x|Ci).P(Ci) for each class according
to the case below:
General case Σi = Σ are arbitrary. Meaning that features x1, x2 are not necessarily independent. Thus
the discriminant function and decision boundaries are quadratic. Therefore you should find a seperate
Σi covariance matrix for each class.
(a) (20 pts) Formulate and implement g(x) discriminant function clearly (add comments) in your code
and write its formula into the report.
Hint: You are required to calculate the mean and covariance matrix for each class.
(b) (20 pts) Draw the decision boundaries for each classifier in part(a) for training set is similar to
Figure 1 and report it.
Hint: Line equations can be found by gi(x) = gj (x) for i, j = 1, 2, 3.. You can use the following
example in order to plot decision boundary:
(c) (10 pts) Calculate test accuracy and write it into the report.
Hint : Do not recompute the discriminant functions for testData.csv set, just reuse the ones you
computed for the trainData.csv set.
Figure 1: Decision boundaries
Purpose : We want you to show that decision boundaries are nonlinear for arbitrary Σi
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BLG 456E Learning From Data Homework #2
2. [Logistic Regression]
You will use the following dataset( for question 2. You use the whole dataset therefore you
have only training set in this question. Please check the website carefully:
Logistic regression produces the sigmoidal function that best describes the given data. Implement
logistic regression classifier and write its code clearly(add comments). Classify given dataset using
logistic regression.
Hint: You may use pseudo codes in Ethem Alpaydins’s book(Figure 2) for logistic regression classifier.
You are not allowed use logistic regression built-in function.
(a) (25 pts) Calculate accuracy and confusion matrix using 10 fold cross validation and write them into
the report. Which classes are most confused with each other?
(b) (25 pts) Analyze the effect of learning rate(η). Use 10 fold cross validation and compare your results
with different learning rates are 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01 based on the number of iterations and classification
Figure 2: Logistic discrimination algorithm implementing gradient descent for the case with K > 2 classes.
For generality, we take x
0 = 1, ∀t.. (Alpaydin, E., 2014. Introduction to machine learning. MIT press.)
Submission Policy
• Prepare the report and code. Only electronic submissions through Ninova will be accepted no later
than April, 10 at 11pm.
• You may discuss the problems at an abstract level with your classmates, but you should not share
or copy code from your classmates or from the Internet. You should submit your own, individual
• Note that your codes and reports will be checked with the plagiarism tools including previous
years submissions!
• Academic dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, and direct copying, is unacceptable.
• If a question is not clear, please let the teaching assistants know by email (
Bonus marks (10pts)
• Clarity and nicely described report
• Using Latex template for the report
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BLG 456E Learning From Data Homework #2
Deductions (-10pts)
• Spelling errors.
• Messiness
• Lack of content.
• Irrelevant / mistaken content.
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