CSC 230 – Project #4


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In this assignment, you will play with an important data structure called hash table.
In project 1, we have used with vectors. In project 2, we used dynamic arrays. In
project 3, we used linked list. This project requires you implement hash table to fulfill
the functionality provided by project 2 and project 3. You will first implement a
singlely linked list class SLL in SLL.h file, then implement HashTable class that is in
hashTable.h file. Last, implement project4.cpp file. Please read the handout and
Zybook before coding. A node.h file is provided. Do NOT change node.h file. The end
of this handout has important guidelines to be used in testing.
Getting help
If you don’t know where to start, if you don’t understand testing, if you are lost,
etc., please SEE SOMEONE IMMEDIATELY —an instructor, a tutor. Do not wait.
A little in-person help can do the magic.
Your Implementation
This project includes three parts.
1. Implement the unfinished methods of SLL class. Modify the methods in
SLL.cpp, do NOT change anything in node.h file. SLL must be class
TEMPLATE. Use placeholder wherever you do not want to use fixed data
2. Implement HashTable class, which is class template. The default constructor
uses 3 as the table size. The constructor with parameter uses the parameter
value as the table size. Do not hard-code array size in your constructors. Let the
user decide what array size will be.
3. Implement project4.cpp file, which creates a HashTable object with parameter
10007 for the constructor. The constructor of HashTable uses this prime
number to build an internal SLL object array. Each element of the array is an
SLL object. Of course, you can choose a different array size, but make sure the
size is a prime number.
4. There are multiple input files are included in the jar file. Please note that we
have new files whose data set sizes are larger than the files of the previous
To compile the source code, you can type the following command:
g++ project4.cpp –o project4
The executable file will be project4. If your hash table implementation is right, when
we execute file project4, the result looks like the following contents:
jli$ ./project4 40000-idr
The Number of Valid Insertation :26214
The Number of Valid Deletion :2795
The Number of Valid Retrieval :2867
Item numbers in the list :23419
Time elaspsed :0.102787
jli$ ./project4 60000-idr
The Number of Valid Insertation :39228
The Number of Valid Deletion :4262
The Number of Valid Retrieval :4386
Item numbers in the list :34966
Time elaspsed :0.150879
jli$ ./project4 250000-idr
The Number of Valid Insertation :156536
The Number of Valid Deletion :28338
The Number of Valid Retrieval :18613
Item numbers in the list :128198
Time elaspsed :0.692797
jli$ ./project4 500000-idr
The Number of Valid Insertation :312656
The Number of Valid Deletion :56010
The Number of Valid Retrieval :37360
Item numbers in the list :256646
Time elaspsed :1.88009
If you compare the above results with those of project 3, the Time values are
significantly smaller than those of project3. This is the beauty of Hash Table. If it is
properly designed, it can work really fast.
1. Your program should work with all the provided input files, including the
2. Because the SSN values are evenly distributed in the input files, the hash
function in your imeplementation can be as simple as h(k) = k mod m, where m
is the table size.
3. Use pointer to access the elements of the array inside the HashTable object.
1. The correctness of insert, delete, and retrieval numbers is 50 points.
2. The reasonable time needed to finish the processing is 50 points.
3. A submission that cannot be compiled successfully, the maximum grade is 30.
4. A submission using array, vector, or any other data structure other than
HashTable class will get grade 0.
Start working on the project EARLY! It takes a while to figure out how all the
components work together. Do not wait until the last minute to start working.
Methodology on testing: Write and test one method at a time! Writing them all and
then testing will waste your time. If you have not fully understood what is required, you
will make the same mistakes many times. Good programmers write and test
incrementally, gaining confidence gradually as each method is completed and tested.
Wrap up:
Put all your files, including all input files, your head files and cpp files into
project4.jar. Submit this jar file to Canvas.