CST8132 Lab 6 Street Simulation


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Lab Objectives
The purpose of this Lab is to put together a solution to a problem from start to finish, with proper
documentation and Junit test classes. When this lab is completed, you will have more experience
with the following aspects of programming:
 Documentation
o Javadoc
 Solving and coding a Polymorphism programming problem
 JUnit and test classes.
This Lab consists of the following steps:
1. Read the description of the problem
2. Create a UML static class diagram to represent the classes that will solve the problem
3. Use Eclipse to implement your solution.
4. Use Eclipse and JUnit to generate a test class for Car class and the Bicycle class.
Problem Statement
Using suitable tool, create the UML static class diagram for the objects in the programming exercise
described below. Be sure your diagram shows inheritance relationships, constructors, attributes, and
behaviors, for all of the objects, including the Street.
Using Eclipse, write an Object Oriented program incorporating Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Polymorphism and Inheritance that uses an array which will be an attribute of a Street object where
the array contains two of each of the following Vehicles:
 Name: a String “Car”+index number. I.e (Car0, Car2..)
 Number of wheels: 4
 Current speed: starts at 0 k/h
 Make a noise: “purr” if the speed is 0; or “vroom” if the speed is greater than 0
 Pushing the pedal: causes speed to increase by 10 k/h
 Name: a String “Bicycle”+index number: I.e (Bicycle1, Bicycle3…)
 Number of wheels: 2

 Current speed: starts at 0 k/h
 Make a noise: “sigh” if the speed is 0; or “grunt” if the speed is greater than 0
 pushing the pedal: it depends on the speed: if speed is at least 40 k/h, there is no change;
otherwise, it causes the speed to increase by 4 k/h
Write down Java classes, including an abstract Vehicle class with abstract methods, to represent
these vehicles. Implement the speed and number of wheels as attributes, and consider the other two
(making noise, and pushing the pedal) to be behaviors. Implement the behaviors as described above,
where a noise is made by returning a suitable string to simulate making a noise. The vehicles will not
print anything: the Street object will do all the printing.
To simulate the street, a template for the class is provided for you below. After initializing your array
with the four vehicles, then simulate time passing with a suitably named method that includes a loop
such that in each loop iteration, all of the following things happen:
 every vehicle’s name and speed is printed
 every vehicle makes its noise
 a single random vehicle has its pedal pushed
A template for the Street class is provided for you to fill in below.
Your vehicle array is to consist of 4 vehicles, 2 cars and 2 bicycles – each vehicle should have unique
index, regardless of whether it is a car or bicycle.
For your random number generator, to get a random number between 0 and N – 1, you may use the
nextInt(N) method of the randomNumbers object in the template for the Street class below.
public class Street {
private static final Random randomNumbers = new Random();
private Vehicle[] vehicles;
public Street(){
/* your constructor code to create and
initialize your vehicles array */
public void simulate(){

for (int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) { /* this is your loop for your simulation */ } } public static void main (String[] args) { Street thestreet = new Street(); thestreet.simulate(); } } Sample output of program: Update on the street: Car0, speed: 0 Bicycle1, speed: 0 Car2, speed: 0 Bicycle3, speed: 0 Car0, noise: purr Bicycle1, noise: sigh Car2, noise: purr Bicycle3, noise: sigh Pedal of Car2 was pushed Update on the street: Car0, speed: 0 Bicycle1, speed: 0 Car2, speed: 10 Bicycle3, speed: 0 Car0, noise: purr Bicycle1, noise: sigh Car2, noise: vroom Bicycle3, noise: sigh Pedal of Car2 was pushed Update on the street: Car0, speed: 0 Bicycle1, speed: 0 Car2, speed: 20 Bicycle3, speed: 0 Car0, noise: purr Bicycle1, noise: sigh Car2, noise: vroom Bicycle3, noise: sigh Pedal of Car2 was pushed Update on the street: Car0, speed: 0 Bicycle1, speed: 0 Car2, speed: 30 Bicycle3, speed: 0 Car0, noise: purr Bicycle1, noise: sigh Car2, noise: vroom Bicycle3, noise: sigh Pedal of Car0 was pushed Update on the street: Car0, speed: 10 Bicycle1, speed: 0 Car2, speed: 30 Bicycle3, speed: 0 Car0, noise: vroom Bicycle1, noise: sigh Car2, noise: vroom Bicycle3, noise: sigh Pedal of Car0 was pushed Update on the street: Car0, speed: 20 Bicycle1, speed: 0 Car2, speed: 30 Bicycle3, speed: 0 Car0, noise: vroom Bicycle1, noise: sigh Car2, noise: vroom Bicycle3, noise: sigh Pedal of Car0 was pushed Testing with Junit (Junit4) Now create test classes for your program, using JUnit and Eclipse. Create a Junit4 test case called “CarTest”.  Create a new instance of a Car.  Verify its speed is 0.  Verify its sound is “purr”  Push pedal.  Verify its speed is 10.  Verify its sound is “vroom”. Create a Junit4 test case called “BicycleTest”.  Create a new instance of a Bicycle.  Verify its speed is 0.  Verify its sound is “sigh”  Push pedal.  Verify its speed is 4.  Verify its sound is “grunt”. Submission The submission process for this assignment is the same as before, but be sure your Javadoc output directory, and UML class diagram file (format: jpg, png, or PowerPoint), is included: 1. demonstrate your simulation to your lab instructor. 2. Demonstrate your Junit tests to your lab instructor. 3. submit a zip archive of your deliverables folder: Lastname_Firstname_CST8132_Lab6.zip Grading Scheme Demonstration required: 4 marks (without demonstration your assignment receives an overall grade of zero) Properly written Java code for the simulation described above: 2 marks Properly written Javadoc comments and Javadoc output: 2 marks UML class diagram: 2 marks