1. Use image called mask in file chars45.mat to study shape analysis using Hu’s moments
for the characters:
Use a character from the image as a model, (A1,(A2,(A3,(A4,(A5,(A6), for each character above. Develop the functions listed below and report performance in terms of overall
and per character success.
function Mpq = CS4640_central_moment(pts,p,q)
% CS4640_central_moment – compute a central moment
% Mpq = sum sum (xˆp*yˆq)
% x y
% On input:
% pts (nx2 array): row and cols of points
% p (int): exponent for x
% q (int): exponent for y
% On output:
% Mpq (float): Mpq moment
% Call:
% M00 = CS4640_central_moments([1 1; 2 2; 3 3],0,0);
% Author:
% T. Henderson
% UU
function Epq = CS4640_normal_moment(pts,p,q)
% CS4640_normal_moment – compute a central normal moment
% Epq =