Project: Bunnies – Part 2


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Files to submit for grading:
From Bunnies – Part 1
New in Bunnies – Part 2
You should create new folder for Part 2 and copy your relevant Part 1 source and test files (listed
above) to it (i.e., do not include, You should create a new
jGRASP project and add these source and test files as well as new ones as they are created. You may
find it helpful to use the “viewer canvas” feature as you develop and debug your program.
Overview: This project is Part 2 of three that that will involve calculating the estimated monthly cost
of owning a bunny where the amount is based on the type of bunny, its weight, and various additional
costs. In Part 1, you developed Java classes that represent categories of bunny: pet bunny, house
bunny (a subclass of pet bunny), jumping bunny, and show bunny. In Part 2, you will implement
three additional classes: (1) CostComparator that implements the Comparator interface, (2) BunnyList
that represents a list of bunnies and includes several specialized methods, and (3) BunniesPart2 which
contains the main method for the program. Note that the main method in BunniesPart2 should create
a BunnyList object, read the data file using the readBunnyFile method. BunniesPart2 then prints the
summary, the bunnies listed by name and the bunnies listed by estimated monthly cost, and the list of
excluded records. You can use BunniesPart2 in conjunction with interactions by running the program
in the canvas (or debugger with breakpoints) until the BunnyList object has been created and the data
has been read in. You can then enter interactions in the usual way. You can also step into the
methods of interest when you run “Debug”. In addition to the source files, you will create a JUnit test
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file for each class and write one or more test methods to ensure the classes and methods meet the
• Bunny, PetBunny, HouseBunny, JumpingBunny, and ShowBunny
Requirements and Design: No changes from the specifications in Bunnies – Part 1.
Requirements: The BunnyList class provides methods for reading in data and generating reports
(summary and list), adding a bunny, and sorting the bunnies by name and by estimated monthly
Design: The BunnyList class has fields, a constructor, and methods as outlined below.
(1) Fields: All fields below should be private and initialized in the constructor.
(a) listName is type String.
(b) bunnyList is type Bunny array.
(c) excludedRecords is type String array.
Note that the bunny array and excluded records array should grow as items are added. Hence,
the length of these arrays should be the same as the number of objects in the arrays. This
eliminates the need for separate variables to track the number of objects contained in the
arrays, and it also allows the use of for-each loops with the arrays.
(2) Constructor: The constructor has no parameters and initializes the fields as follows: listName
is initialized to “not yet assigned”, bunnyList is initialized to a Bunny array with length zero,
and excludedRecords is initialized to a String array with length zero.
(3) Methods: Usually a class provides methods to access and modify each of its instance variables
(i.e., getters and setters) along with any other required methods. The methods for BunnyList
are described below.
o readBunnyFile has no return value, accepts the data file name as a String, and has a
throws clause for FileNotFoundException. This method creates a Scanner object to read
in the file and then reads it in line by line. The first line of the file contains the name of
the list, and each of the remaining lines contains the data for a bunny. After reading in
the list name, the “bunny” lines should be processed as follows. A bunny line (or record)
is read in, a second Scanner is created on the line, and the individual values for the bunny
are read in. Be sure to “trim” each value read in. All values should be read as strings.
Non-String values should be “parsed” into their respective values using the appropriate
wrapper class (e.g., Double.parseDouble(..)). After the values on the line have been read
in, an “appropriate” bunny object is created and added to the bunny array using the
addBunny method. If the bunny type is not recognized, the record/line should be added
to the excluded records array using the addExcludedRecord method. The data file is a
“comma separated values” file; i.e., if a line contains multiple values, the values are
delimited by commas. So after you set up the Scanner for the bunny lines, you need to
change the delimiter to a “,” by invoking useDelimiter(“,”)on the Scanner object.
Each bunny line in the file begins with a category for the bunny. Your switch statement
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should determine which type of Bunny to create based on the first character of the
category (i.e., P, H, J, and S for PetBunny, HouseBunny, JumpingBunny, and
ShowBunny respectively, ignoring case). The second field in the record is the name,
followed by breed, and weight, as well the values appropriate for the category of bunny
represented by the line of data. That is, the items that follow weight correspond to the
data needed for the particular category (or subclass) of Bunny. An example file,
bunnies1.txt, is available for download from the course web site. Below are example
data records (the first line/record containing the bunny list name is followed by bunny
lines/records). Note that two of the records below have invalid categories.
Bunny Collection
Pet bunny, Floppy, Holland Lop, 3.5
house Bunny, Spot, Really Mixed, 5.8, 0.15
mouse Bunny, Spots, Mixed, 0.8, 0.15
Jumper Bunny, Speedy, English, 6.3, 25.0
fighting bunny, Slugger, Big Mixed, 16.5, 21.0
Show bunny, Bigun, Flemish Giant, 14.6, 22.0
o getListName returns the String representing the list name field.
o setListName returns nothing, accepts a String and assigns it to list name field.
o getBunnyList returns the array containing the Bunny objects.
o getExcludedRecords returns the String array representing the excluded records.
o addBunny has no return value, accepts a Bunny object (e.g., bunnyIn), increases the
capacity of the bunny array by one, and adds the bunny in the last position of the bunnies
array. The following two lines accomplish this (assuming bunnyList is the bunny array
and that java.util.Arrays has been imported).
bunnyList = Arrays.copyOf(bunnyList, bunnyList.length + 1);
bunnyList[bunnyList.length – 1] = bunnyIn;
o addExcludedRecord has no return value, accepts a String, increases the capacity of
the excludedRecords array by one, and adds the String in the last position of the
excludedRecords array. (hint: see code in addBunny above)
o toString returns a String representing a list of bunnies in the bunny array (does not
include a list title); accepts no parameters. A \n should be added before and after each
Bunny object.
o totalEstimatedMonthlyCost returns a double representing the total estimated
monthly cost for all of the bunnies in the bunny array.
o summary returns a String representing summary information for the bunny list. It
includes the list name, the total number of the bunnies, and total estimated monthly cost
for the bunnies. Note that this method should call the totalEstimatedMonthlyCost
method described above to get the total estimated monthly cost, and it should end with a
\n character. See example output below.
o listByName returns a String representing the bunny list by name (the natural sorting
order). The bunny array should be sorted by name before building the String to be
returned. The resulting String should include the title and list of bunnies as shown in the
example output below. The title should not be preceded by \n. Recall, the toString
method returns the list of bunnies.
o listByCost returns a String representing the bunny list by the estimated monthly cost.
The bunny array should be sorted by cost (see the CostComparator class below) before
building the String to be returned. The resulting String should include the title and list of
bunnies as shown in the example output below. The title should not be preceded by \n.
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o excludedRecordsList returns a String representing the list of bunny records/lines
that were read from the file but excluded from the bunny array in BunnyList. The
resulting String should include the title and list of excluded records/lines as shown in the
example output below.
Code and Test: See examples of file reading and sorting in the lecture notes. The Arrays.sort
method in the java.util package sorts the array in place. The natural sorting order for Bunny
objects is determined by the compareTo method from the Comparable interface. If bunnyList is
the variable for the array of Bunny objects, it can be sorted in natural order with the following
The sorting order based on estimated monthly cost is determined by the CostComparator class
which implements the Comparator interface (described below). It can be sorted with the
following statement.
Arrays.sort(bunnyList, new CostComparator());
After the bunny array is sorted, the array returned by the getBunnyList method should be in the
order resulting from the most recent sort.

Requirements and Design: The CostComparator class implements the Comparator interface for
Bunny objects. Hence, it implements the following method.
o compare(Bunny b1, Bunny b2) that defines the ordering from lowest to highest
based on the estimated monthly cost for b1 and b2.
Note that the compare method is the only method in the CostComparator class. An instance
of this class should be used as one of the parameters when the Arrays.sort method is used to
sort by “estimated monthly cost” (see above). For an example of a class implementing
Comparator, see lecture notes on Comparing Objects.
Requirements and Design: The BunniesPart2 class has only a main method as described below.
o main gets the file name from the command line (i.e., args[0]), creates an instance of
BunnyList, and then calls its readBunnyFile method to read in the data file and populate the
bunny array in BunnyList object. The main method then prints the summary, the bunny list
by name, the bunny list by estimated monthly cost, and the list of excluded records. After the
summary is printed, be sure to print \n characters as needed before each of the three lists is
printed. An example data file, bunnies1.txt, can be downloaded from the Lab web page. The
output from main for this file is on the following page. Note that main should have a throws
clause for FileNotFoundException.
Code and Test: The example data file, bunnies1.txt, has been uploaded into the grading system
and is available for your test methods to call as needed. If you want to use additional data files,
you will need to use .txt as the extension and then upload the data files along with your source
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files. After you have implemented the BunniesPart2 class, you should create the test file in the usual way. The only test method you need is one that creates an
instance of BunniesPart2 (to cover its default constructor), and then checks the class variable
bunnyCount that was declared in Bunny and inherited by each subclass. In the test method, you
should declare and create an instance of BunniesPart2, reset bunnyCount, create an args array
containing the file name bunnies1.txt, call your main method in BunniesPart2, which should
result in bunnies1.txt being read in, then assert that bunnyCount is four (assuming that four
objects from the Bunny hierarchy were created and stored in the BunnyList object created when
main is called). The following statements accomplish the test.
BunniesPart2 bPart2Obj = new BunniesPart2(); // test constructor
String[] args = {“bunnies1.txt”};
Assert.assertEquals(4, Bunny.getBunnyCount());
UML Class Diagram
After you have added your classes to the jGRASP project, you should generate the UML class diagram
for the project. To layout the UML class diagram, right-click in the UML window and then click Layout
> Tree Down. Click in the background to unselect the classes. You can then select the BunniesPart1 class
and move it around as appropriate, then do the same for the BunnyList and CostComparator. Note that
the dependencies represented by the red dashed arrows indicate that BunniePart1depends on BunnyList
which in turn depends on CostComparator, Bunny, and Bunny’s subclasses. Note that CostComparator
only depends on Bunny.
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Example Output
MM«M —-jGRASP exec: java BunniesPart2 bunnies1.txt
MM§MSummary for Bunny Collection
MM§MNumber of Bunnies: 4
MM§MTotal Estimated Monthly Cost: $124.38
MM§MBunnies by Name
MM§MBigun (ShowBunny) Breed: Flemish Giant Weight: 14.6
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $62.15 (includes $22.00 for grooming)
MM§MFloppy (PetBunny) Breed: Holland Lop Weight: 3.5
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $6.48
MM§MSpeedy (JumpingBunny) Breed: English Weight: 6.3
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $40.75 (includes $25.00 for training)
MM§MSpot (HouseBunny) Breed: Really Mixed Weight: 5.8
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $15.01 (includes 15.0% for wear and tear)
MM§MBunnies by Cost
MM§MFloppy (PetBunny) Breed: Holland Lop Weight: 3.5
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $6.48
MM§MSpot (HouseBunny) Breed: Really Mixed Weight: 5.8
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $15.01 (includes 15.0% for wear and tear)
MM§MSpeedy (JumpingBunny) Breed: English Weight: 6.3
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $40.75 (includes $25.00 for training)
MM§MBigun (ShowBunny) Breed: Flemish Giant Weight: 14.6
MM§MEstimated Monthly Cost: $62.15 (includes $22.00 for grooming)
MM§MExcluded Records
MM§Mmouse Bunny, Spots, Mixed, 0.8, 0.15
MM§Mfighting bunny, Slugger, Big Mixed, 16.5, 21.0
MM©M —-jGRASP: operation complete.