Project 3: Tree-based encryption and decryption


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Project description
Encryption is a procedure for turning information which anyone can understand into information
which only people with knowledge of a special key can understand. Decryption is the reverse of
this process. Many simple encryption schemes are based on substitutions. For example, we
could “rotate the alphabet” by 1 letter, letting b represent a, c for b, and so on. Thus the phrase
“four score and seven years ago” would be encrypted into “gpvs tdpsf boe tfwfo zfbst bhp,”
using this simple substitution cipher. The key needed to encrypt information in this type of
substitution cipher is the knowledge that each letter is shifted forward one (and the key for
decryption is the to shift each letter backward one). When a message is not encrypted, it is
called “cleartext.”
For this project you will implement a program which implements encryption and decryption using
word substitutions rather than letter substitutions. Every word will be comprised only of
lowercase alphabet characters.
The codebook (the key) for this substitution cipher will be a binary search tree. The tree will
store all possible words that can be encrypted (or decrypted). The method for encryption will be
a representation of the path that one takes from the root of the tree to find the word in the tree.
Picture a binary tree codebook that looks like this:
score <– root node
/ \
/ \
/ \
and seven
/ \ \
ago four years
Then let us encrypt the phrase we had earlier (“four score and seven years ago”) by translating
each word into the the path taken from the root of the tree to the word. The word “four”
translates to “r01”, since we start at the root (r) and go to its left child (0), then the right child (1)
of that node. The word “score” translates to “r”, since it is the root word. The entire phrase is
encrypted into “r01 r r0 r1 r11 r00”. Each word is encrypted by starting at the root (r), and
searching. Each time we move to a left child as we go down the tree, we add a zero (0), and
each time we move to a right child, we add a one (1).
The tree is, of course, ordered. Thus the word in each tree node should be greater (in
lexicographic sorted order) than the words in all nodes in its left subtree, and lesser than the
words in all nodes in its right subtree.
Notice that depending on the codebook (which is the tree), the same input message could be
encrypted in many different ways.
To build a codebook, insert the words into the codebook one at a time. One way to build the
example codebook above is to start with an empty tree, and then insert the following words in
the given order: ‘score’, ‘and’, ‘seven’, ‘ago’, ‘four’, ‘years’ (which you may notice is a level-order
traversal of the final tree). However, that is not the only way to form that tree. The order the
words are inserted can change the structure of the tree.
Input and output format
Your program should read its input from standard input (cin) and print to standard output (cout).
Input will be a sequence of commands which modify the codebook and give the unencrypted
message, and output will be the codebook(s) and the encrypted message(s). All input will be
valid input as specified here, and there will be no blank lines on the input.
Each command will be on its own line, and will look like this:
• i x — insert word x into the codebook (here x represents any word)
• r x — remove word x from the codebook (here x represents any word)
• e ‘cleartext message’ — encrypt the given cleartext message. Each cleartext message will
consist of words separated by a single space, and the entire message will be surrounded by single
• d ‘encrypted message’ — decrypt the given encrypted message. Each encrypted message will
have the same format as a normal message, but the words are encrypted (e.g. r00101).
• p — print the codebook in preorder format (see section 4.6 in your book to learn about preorder tree
traversal), visiting left children before right children
• q — quit the program (stop processing input)
You may find the getline(istream &, string &) function useful for getting an entire line at a time
(e.g. after you read a command to encrypt or decrypt). However, this is not necessary. Also,
messages on the input will not span multiple lines; they will be on the same line as the ‘e’ or ‘d’
If the input asks the program to encrypt a word that is not in the codebook, the program should
print out ‘?’.
The reason you must output the codebook in preorder is because it would allow the receiver of
the encrypted message to reconstruct the codebook. The receiver could take the codebook you
printed and insert the words into his codebook in the order you printed them, and obtain the
same codebook.
Procedures for inserting and removing words
Insert each new word at the bottom of the tree, at the place where it would be sorted. For
example, inserting the word ‘zebra’ into the example tree would place it as the right child of
Removing a word must follow a particular strategy. Assuming that the word to remove is at tree
node N:
1. If N has no children, then N is simply removed.
2. If N has only one child, that child replaces N.
3. If N has both children, then the left-most node in the right child of N is removed and used to
replace N.
Sample inputs
Several sample inputs are available here. You can get the correct output by capturing the output
of the sample executable on these inputs.
• input 1
• input 2
Provided code
You must use the .h files provided here. I have provided a lot of code for you in the ‘prof’ file.
You are not allowed to change the code in these files. Instead, you will write your code in and
submit the ‘student’ file.
• bst-prof-proj3.h
• bst-student-proj3.h
Remember that when using templates, all of the code you write goes in the .h file. So you will
turn in 2 files for this project: bst-student-proj3.h and driver-proj3.cpp. Your driver should
#include “bst-student-proj3.h”, and that file should #include “bst-prof-proj3.h” (which it already
The EncryptionTree’s two methods (encrypt and decrypt) method should not print anything;
instead they should return values to the caller who can then print something.
Sample executables
Here are sample executables for you. When you design test cases, you can judge your output
against the output from my correct solution.
• DOS executable
• Linux (Intel) executable
• MacOSX (Universal) executable
If you give a command-line argument to these executables, they will print extra information
about how they are operating. For example, this will execute the program like normal,
redirecting input from a file called my_input.txt:
% project3_solution_dos.exe < my_input.txt
But here is the mode of operation that will cause the program to print out what it is doing in more
% project3_solution_dos.exe printMore < my_input.txt
The command-line argument doesn’t have to be the word “printMore”, it can be anything.
Structuring the project
Since this is a large project, it helps to have a plan of attack. The following milestones should be
turned in via the upload site.
Use your book. Your book has code for writing a binary search tree (section 4.3, see also
section 4.6), but your code will be fairly different, since the book uses recursion but your code
will mostly not use recursion. However, you should read and understand the code in the book
Final notes
Remember when writing this program to adhere to the coding style guidelines. This is an
individual project, so you must work alone. No credit will be given for a solution which does not
pass all the hidden tests I create, or does not pass in the allowed time. For more detailed
instructions, read the project submission guidelines.
Copyright © 2016 Greg Hamerly.
Computer Science Department
Baylor University
Step Finish by Milestone
1 Friday, September 29 at
WRITE and TEST all the unfinished methods in the BSTNode.
2 Tuesday, October 3 at
WRITE and TEST the BST insert method, and the encrypt and
decrypt methods in the EncryptionTree.
3 Thursday, October 5 at
WRITE and TEST the BST remove method and the project
driver. Finish early so you have time to debug.