ECE/CS 559 Neural Networks- Homeworks #4 and #5


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1. In this computer project, we will use a neural network for curve fitting.
(a) Draw n = 300 real numbers uniformly at random on [0, 1], call them x1, . . . , xn.
(b) Draw n real numbers uniformly at random on [−
10 ,
10 ], call them ν1, . . . , νn.
(c) Let di = sin(20xi) + 3xi + νi
, i = 1, . . . , n. Plot the points (xi
, di), i = 1, . . . , n.
We will consider a 1×N ×1 neural network with one input, N = 24 hidden neurons, and 1 output neuron.
The network will thus have 3N + 1 weights including biases. Let w denote the vector of all these 3N + 1
weights. The output neuron will use the activation function φ(v) = v; all other neurons will use the
activation function φ(v) = tanh v. Given input x, we use the notation f(x, w) to represent the network
(d) Use the backpropagation algorithm with online learning to find the optimal weights/network that minimize
the mean-squared error (MSE) 1
i=1(di − f(xi
, w))2
. Use some η of your choice. Plot the number of
epochs vs the MSE in the backpropagation algorithm.
Hint: As discussed in class, for a given fixed η, the algorithm may not always result in a monotonically
decreasing MSE (the descent may overshoot the locally optimal point). You may have to modify the
gradient descent algorithm in such a way that you decrease η (e.g. via η ← 0.9η) whenever you detect
that the MSE has increased. Also, beginning with a very large η may result in an immediate divergence
of the weights.
(e) Let us call the weights resulting from the backpropagation algorithm (when it converges) as w0. The
curve (x, f(x, w0)), x ∈ [0, 1] will then be a fit to the points (xi
, di), i = 1, . . . , n. Plot the curve f(x, w0)
as x ranges from 0 to 1 on top of the plot of points in (c). The fit should be a “good” fit.
(f) Your report should include a pseudocode of your training algorithm including all update equations written
out explicitly (similar to what I had done in the second question of your second homework). The pseudocode should be written in such a way that anyone would be able to implement your algorithm without
knowing anything about neural networks.
As a preparation for the next problem, we review the formulation of a general classification problem. Suppose
that we have a set C of classes. For example, C = {0, 1, . . . , 9} for the digit classification problem, or we could
have C = {cat, dog, dragon} for a problem where we wish to determine whether a given picture contains a cat,
dog, or a dragon. In the supervised learning setup, we have a training set x1, . . . , xn with the corresponding
predetermined classes/labels c1, . . . , cn ∈ C. We wish to design a neural network that provides the hopefullycorrect class of any given input x.
Suppose that you consider a network with m output neurons to solve the classification problem described
above. The first thing to do is to assign, for each class i ∈ C, a representative output vector di ∈ R
Let D = {di
: i ∈ C} denote the set of all representative output vectors of classes. For example, for the digit
classification problem in Homework 2, we considered m = 10 output neurons with representative output vectors
d0 = [1 0 0 · · · 0]T
, d1 = [0 1 0 · · · 0]T
, and so on. In particular, for the training sample xi
, the class label is ci
so that the desired output vector would be dci
The next thing to do is to consider an energy function of the form 1
i=1 D(dci
, f(xi
, w)). Here,
• i is the training sample index,
• n is the number of training samples,
• dci ∈ C is the desired output for training sample i,
• f(xi
, w) is the network output given input (training sample) xi and weights w,
• D(·, ·) is some arbitrary distance function (metric). In particular, we use the function D(dci
, f(xi
, w))
to measure how far off the network output f(xi
, w) is from the desired output dci
. Typically, we choose
D(z0, z1) = kz0 − z1k
The next thing to do (which is the harder part) is to use the backpropagation algorithm to find some optimal
weights, say w0, that minimize 1
i=1 D(dci
, f(xi
, w)). Having done this, the question is now how to determine
the class of some arbitrary input pattern x? Intuitively, we should choose the class whose representative output
vector is closest to the output provided by x according to distance function D(·, ·). In other words, given some
arbitrary input pattern x and weights w0 (or any weights in general), we first calculate the network output
f(x, w0). We can then estimate the class of x as
arg min
, f(x, w0)).
In other words, the estimated class i for input pattern x should minimize D(di
, f(x, w0)).
2. In this computer project, we will design a neural network for digit classification using the backpropagation
algorithm (see the notes above). You should use the MNIST data set (see Homework 2 for details) that consists
of 60000 training images and 10000 test images. The training set should only be used for training, and
the test set should only be used for testing. Your final report should include the following:
• The details of your architecture/design, including
– Your network topology, i.e. how many layers, how many neurons in each layer, etc. (Obviously you
will have 784 neurons in the input layer).
– The way you represented digits 0, . . . , 9 in the output layer. For example, one may use the same setup
as in Homework 2, 10 output neurons, with [1 0 · · · 0] representing a 0, [0 1 0 · · · 0] representing a 1
and so on. Another person may have just one output neuron with an output of 0 representing a 0, an
output of 1 representing a 1, and so on.
– Neuron activation functions, learning rates for each neuron, and any dynamic update of learning rates
(as explained in the question above) if it exists.
– The energy/distance functions of your choice.
– Any other tricks such as regularization, dropout, momentum method, etc.
• The reasons as to why you chose a particular hyperparameter the way it is (e.g. why did you choose 100
hidden neurons, but not 50, why do you have 1 hidden layer but not 2?)
• Your design process. It is unlikely that the first network you train will actually work. Write about your
design process, your failures, together with your comments on why do you think a particular approach
failed (e.g. I began with η = 100 and the algorithm just diverged, η was just too large).
• A pseudocode of your final algorithm as described in (f) of Question 1 above.
• A plot that shows epoch number vs the number of classification errors on both training and test images.
Another plot that shows the epoch number vs the energy on both training and test images. Your test set
should include all 10000 test images.
• As usual, you should use your own code without any help from any external neural network/machine
learning algorithms.
Your work will be graded mainly based on the depth and the quality of your report. Your final network should
also achieve a decent success rate. You should be able to achieve around 95% success rate on the test set (all
10000 images). Very poor network performance will also result in a low grade.