CS 314 Project 3: Efficient Parallel Graph Matching


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1 Background
1.1 Graph Matching Problem
Given a graph G = (V, E), while V is the set of vertices (also called nodes) and E ⊂ |V |
A matching M in G is a set of pairwise non-adjacent edges such that no two edges share a
common vertex. A vertex is matched if it is an endpoint of one of the edges in the matching.
A vertex is unmatched if it does not belong to any edge in the matching. In Fig. 1, we
show examples of possible matchings for a given graph.
A maximum matching can be defined as a matching where the total weight of the
edges in the matching is maximized. In Fig. 1, (c) is a maximum matching, where the
total weight of the edges in the matching is 7. Fig. (a) and (b) respectively have the total
weight of 3 and 2.
(a) (b) (c)
2 4
2 1 3
2 4
2 1 3
2 4
2 1
Figure 1: Graph Matching Examples
1.2 Parallel Graph Matching
Most well-known matching algorithms such as blossom algorithm are embarrassingly sequential and hard to parallelize. In this project, we will be adopting handshaking-based algorithm
that is amenable to parallelization and can be a good fit for GPUs.
In the handshaking-based algorithm, a vertex v extends a hand to one of its neighbours
and the neighbor must be sitting on the maximum-weight edge incident to v. If two vertices
shake hands, the edge between these two vertices will be added to the matching. An example
is shown in Fig. 2 (b) where node A extends a hand to D since edge(A,D) has the largest
weight among all edges incident to node A; Nodes C and F shake hands because they extend
a hand to each other.
1 2
1 2
2 4 4
1 3 1
(a) Original graph
1 2
1 2
2 4 4
1 3 1
(b) Extending hands
1 2
1 2
2 4 4
1 3 1
(c) Check handshaking
and match vertices
1 2
(d) Extending hands
1 2
(e) Check and match
1 2
1 2
2 4 4
1 3 1
Matching Result
Figure 2: One-Way Handshaking Matching Example
It is possible that multiple incident edges of a node have maximum weight. In this
project, we let the algorithm pick the neighbor vertex that has the smallest vertex index.
For example, in Fig. 2(b), among the maximum-weight neighbors of vertex E, we pick vertex
B since it has the smallest index (in alphabetical order) among all E’s edges that have
maximum-weight 4.
The handshaking algorithm need to run one or multiple passes. A one-pass handshaking
checks all nodes once and only once. At the end of every pass, we remove all matched nodes
and check if there is any remaining un-matched nodes. If the remaining un-matched nodes
are connected, another pass of handshaking must be performed. We repeat this until no more
edges can be added to the matching. In Fig. 2, we show two passes of handshaking.
The handshaking algorithm is highly data parallel, since each vertex is processed independently and the find maximum-weight-neighbor step involves only reads to shared data but no
writes. It is a greedy algorithm that attempts to maximize the total weight in the matching.
2 Finding Maximum-weight Neighbor
In the handshaking algorithm, the component of finding maximum-weight neighbor is nontrivial to parallelize. In this project, you will implement two GPU kernel functions for
identifying maximum-weight neighbor of each node in the graph. You can implement other
components of the handshaking algorithm as well, however, it is not required. See Section 6
for the extra-credit functionalities if you are interested.
2.1 Data Structure
0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
1 4 0 2 3 1 3 1 2 4 0 3
3 2 3 1 4 1 5 4 5 3 2 3
Figure 3: A graph encoded as an edge list
The graph is encoded as an edge list consisting of three arrays: src, dst, and weight, such
that src[n] is the source node for the n-th edge, dst[n] is the destination node for the n-th
edge, and weight[n] is the weight of the n-th edge. The graph is undirected, so if src[n]=x
and dst[n]=y then there exists an edge m such that src[m]=y and dst[m]=x.
An example of this representation is shown in Fig. 3. The example graph, with five
vertices, has a total of six un-directed edges. The edge list is arranged such that edges
that have the same source node are placed together. For edges that have the same
source node, they are sorted by the destination indices. The relative order of the edges is
important, please do not modify it.
We have provided graph I/O functions for you. The code given to you will read and parse
the graphs stored in matrix format. After the graph is parsed, three arrays src[ ], dst[ ],
weight[ ] contain graph information. Pointers to the three arrays: src[ ], dst[ ], weight[ ] are
stored in the GraphData struct. This is what GraphData looks like:
struct GraphData {
int numNodes;
int numEdges;
int * src;
int * dst;
int * weight;
We use the global arrays strongNeighbor[ ] and strongNeighbor_gpu[ ] to store the results of
maximum-weight neighbors. strongNeighbor[i] stores the maximum-weight neighbor of node
i on CPU. strongNeighbor_gpu[i] stores the maximum-weight neighbor of node i on GPU. In
the end they should be identical, except one is allocated in CPU memory and the other is
allocated in GPU memory.
In the main function located in src/mainStrong.cu for running the required component
of the project, we call the write_match_result function, which will write the results into the
specified output file. The size of the output will be the number of nodes in the graph. For
example, if strongNeighbor=[4,2,1,4,0] then it will output those five numbers, in that order,
separated by line breaks.
There are two GPU kernel functions that you are required to implement. Their arguments
(input and output) are all described in the file gpuHeaders.cuh, along with the extra credit
functions. Your implementations should go inside the gpu_required directory, which currently
contains a separate file for each function. The two functions are described respectively in
Section 2.2 and Section 2.3.
2.2 Parallel Segment-scan
To find the maximum-weight neighbor, we use parallel segment-scan. We first define
segment-scan: Let P be an input array of segment IDs, A be an input array of data elements,
and O the output array. Given an arbitrary reduce function f, the result of segment-scan is
O[j] = f(A[i], A[i + 1], …, A[j]) such that i = min{x|0 ≤ x ≤ j, P[i] = P[j]}
For example, if we want to use the max function, which returns the larger of two or more
numbers, as our reduce function, the output for each element will be the max of all prior
numbers in that segment. In other words,
O[j] = max(A[i], A[i + 1], …, A[j]) such that i = min{x|0 ≤ x ≤ j, P[i] = P[j]}
For example, suppose P=[0,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,3] and A=[6,1,9,2,7,4,2,8,3,9]. Then the output
of a segment scan for maximum values is O=[6,6,9,2,7,7,2,8,8,9]. We can see in this segmentscan example, the last element in each segment should be the largest of all that segment.
In this project, we divide an edge list into multiple segments such that each segment
contains edges from the same source vertex. In Fig. 3 and Fig. 5 we have given each segment
a different color, to make them more visually distinctive. Here index 0 − 1 (inclusive) forms
the first segment, index 2 − 4 forms the second segment, and so on.
Each edge is associated with a weight, and we want to find the edge that has the maximum
weight within each segment. In Fig. 5, the strongestDst array shows the result of segment
scan on the graph from Fig. 3.
a0 a0-1 a0-2 a3 a4 a4-5 a4-6 a4-7 a5-8 a6-9 a10 a10-11 a12 a12-13 a12-14 a12-15
a0 a0-1 a1-2 a3 a4 a4-5 a5-6 a6-7 a7-8 a8-9 a10 a10-11 a12 a12-13 a13-14 a14-15
a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15
a0 a0-1 a0-2 a3 a4 a4-5 a4-6 a4-7 a5-8 a6-9 a10 a10-11 a12 a12-13 a12-14 a12-15
P[ ] 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4
ax-y : max{ a[i] | i = x, x+1, …, y }
seg1 seg2 seg3 seg4 seg5
Iter 1
Iter 2
Iter 3
A[ ]
B[ ]
C[ ]
D[ ]
Figure 4: Example of a segment scan
A parallel segment scan can be performed with logarithmic time complexity. Fig. 4
illustrates the the parallel segment scan algorithm. In Fig. 4, array P is used to mark the
segment. In Fig. 4, array A contains the input data we operate on. Array B contains the
output data for the first iteration. Arrays C and D contain the output data for the second
and third iterations respectively.
During each iteration of parallel segment-scan, each (independent) task picks two elements
with a stride s, checks if these two elements are in the same segment; if so, it compares the
two elements, store the maximum one in the appropriate location in the output array. A
parallel segment-scan may involve multiple iterations, the first iteration uses stride s = 1 and
the stride s doubles at every iteration.
In the example of Fig. 4, one thread is in charge of updating one data element in the
output array at once. In the first iteration, if a thread is in charge of output the i-th data
element B[i], it will do the following: if P[i-1] = P[i], the thread compares A[i] with A[i-1],
write to B[i] such that B[i] = max(A[i], A[i-1]); if P[i] ! = P[i-1], it directly copies A[i] to B[i].
In the second iteration, a thread operates on elements with a stride of 2, if P[i] = P[i-2], a
thread compares A[i] with A[i-2], and write to B[i] such that B[i] = max(A[i], A[i-2]); if P[i]
! = P[i − 2], B[i] = A[i]. It keeps doubling the stride until the stride s is large enough and
any two elements that are compared are in two distinctive segments. The example in Fig. 4
demonstrates the idea, which takes three iterations in total. Be aware that we only describe
the idea of the segment-scan algorithm, but we did not talk about how to handle boundary
cases such that an element is located as the first element in an array. You have to handle
the boundary cases in your code.
The kernel function you need to implement only performs one iteration of segment-scan.
It is given a stride (which we refer to as ‘distance’ in the code) as an argument so it knows
which two elements to compare. To avoid race conditions, the input and output will be
separate arrays for each given iteration. We use two arrays in total to accomplish it, as we
can swap the pointers of these two at the end of each iteration. You do not have to worry
about allocating the input or output arrays.
You can let a thread be in charge of updating one element of the output array at one
time. A thread might need to handle more than one data elements, thus you might need a
loop within a kernel. See Section 2.4 for more details.
Recall that the maximum-weight neighbor is the one with the greatest weight.
In the event of a tie, the neighbor with smaller vertex ID should be treated as
stronger. E.g. if source node 1 has two possible destinations, nodes 2 and 3, that both
have weight 4, then we say node 2 is the stronger neighbor since 2 < 3. This is accomplished
by sorting edge lists with respect to source node first; Within a segment that has the same
source node, the edges will be sorted by the destination node, in ascending order.
Note that our implementation requires operating output two data arrays in conjunction:
an array where the ID of the maximum-weight neighbor will be stored, and an array the maximum weight will be stored, both as the last element of each segment. Your implementation
needs to account for that.
The first function you need to implement, to perform this segment scan, is described
__global__ void strongestNeighborScan_gpu(int * src, int * oldDst, int * newDst,
int * oldWeight, int * newWeight, int * madeChanges, int distance, int numEdges)
In this kernel function the arrays src, oldDst, and oldWeight are the input arrays. And
newDst and newWeight are the output arrays. Each of these arrays contain numEdges elements. Additionally, we include an output called madeChanges, which is a pointer to an
integer variable. It is used for detecting the termination condition, i.e. when to stop the
segment-scan iterations. A thread should set (*madeChanges) to 1 if and only if oldDst[i] ! =
newDst[i] for any of the data items i that it handles. The program given to you will use this
variable to determine if the segment-scan process should terminate. If this variable is not set
properly, it might result in an infinite loop.
For example, suppose we have src=[0,0,1,2,2,2,3,3], oldDst=[2,3,3,0,1,3,0,2], and oldWeight=[3,1,1,3,1,2,1,2], and are using a stride of distance=1. Then the result of the kernel
will be that newDst=[2,2,3,0,0,3,0,2], newWeight=[3,3,1,3,3,2,1,2], and *madeChanges=1.
2.3 Pack Maximum-weight Neighbors
After the previous step, the maximum-weight neighbors are placed as the last element within
each segment in the output array(s). Most elements in these two arrays do not contain useful
information. We want to collate the useful parts of this array, in order to produce an output
array that has the same number of elements as the number of segments, and only store the
maximum-weight neighbor information.
This kernel function you need to implement is defined as follows:
__global__ void collateSegments_gpu(int * src, int * scanResult, int * output, int numEdges)
This function should identify the last element in every segment and pack them into the output
array. The input src and scanResult, respectively represent the source nodes of the edges list,
and the segment-scan result (the index array part). Each thread is as if in charge of one edge
in the edge list at one time. A thread needs to tell whether the data element it is handling is
the last one in each segment. To do that, let’s assume a thread is in charge of the i-th data
element, it compares src[i] with src[i+1], if they are not equal, then the i-th data element is
the last one in its own segment. Once a thread identifies that it is handling the last element
of a segment, assuming the data item is x, it then stores scanResult[x] into output[src[x]].
For example, suppose we have source array src=[0,0,1,2,2,2,3,3] and the strongest destinations scanResult=[2,3,0,0,1,1,0,2]. Then the result of collateSegments would be output=[3,0,1,2].
2.4 Thread Assignment
It is important to map tasks to threads in a reasonable manner. Furthermore, although GPU
kernels can be launched with a large number of threads, we may not want to do so because
it incurs significant kernel launch overhead. In this project, we do not guarantee the
number of threads allocated for each kernel is the same as the number of tasks
to perform. Your code within a kernel needs to account for that.
For example, suppose we are working on an array with 1024 elements, but only have 256
threads. Each thread should work on four elements. To ensure memory coalescing, the first
thread should handle array[0], array[256], array[512], and array[768]. Meanwhile the second
thread should handle array[1], array[257], array[513], and array[769], and etc. This mapping
distributes the work evenly across threads, while offering opportunity for the GPU device to
combine adjacent memory requests performed by adjacent threads.
We use one-dimensional grids and one-dimensional thread-blocks, making it straightforward for you to calculate both the thread’s ID, and the total number of threads launched by
the kernel function. Each thread can query the total number of threads launched using the
expression blockDim.x * gridDim.x.
Also note that the number of tasks to process is not necessarily a multiple of the number
of threads. In your code, you will need to add condition checks to account for that. For both
kernels you need to implement, the number of tasks should be the same as the number of
edges, as indicated by the numEdges argument in both functions.
3 Grading
Your programs will be graded primarily on functionality. Grading will be done on ilab
machines. You will receive 0 credit if we cannot compile/run your code on ilab machines.
Although we have provided you with nine testcases, we will use secret test cases when we
perform grading. Additionally, we will run your code with varying numbers of threads.
4 How to Get Started
The code package for you to start with is provided on Sakai. Create your own directory on
the ilab cluster, and copy the entire provided project folder to your home directory or any
other one of your directories. Make sure that the read, write, and execute permissions for
groups and others are disabled (chmod go-rwx ).
DO NOT change any files outside the gpu_required directories, except the gpu_extra_credit
folder (if you want to work on extra-credit functionalities). Any modifications you make outside those two directories will not be considered when we grade your code.
4.1 Compilation and Execution
Compilation: We have provided a Makefile in the sample code package.
• make should compile all code into an executables called gsn, which stands for ‘get
strongest neighbors’.
• make submit should generate a tar file containing your current code.
• make clean should remove all files that were generated by Make, including object files,
executables, and the tar file.
• make debug compiles the executable with flags that disable optimizations and add
debugging information. Note that you may need to run make clean first, to delete
the non-debug version of the code.
Execution: The gsn program finds the maximum-weight neighbor of all nodes in a given
graph. It takes the following arguments: input file, output file, and the number of GPU
threads to use for each kernel function. You can run the executable without arguments to
see usage information. Please DO NOT change the usage of the program.
Program Output: The program will output the maximum weight neighbors to the output
file you specify in the arguments, and print the approximate time it spent. We have handled
the functionality of generating the output file.
4.2 Test Cases
We have provided input and expected output for several randomly generated testcases. Each
of the input files has a filename “inputX.mtx” for some value X. The corresponding solution
for strongest neighbor has filename “strongX.txt”.
For example, if you fully and correctly implement the required part of this project, then
the command ./gsn testcases/input9.mtx out.txt 1024 would produce a file out.txt
that’s identical to testcases/strong9.txt. (You can also use a different number of threads
than 1024, and should get the same output.)
You can use the diff command to compare two text files. For example, diff out.txt
testcases/strong9.txt will either display a list of differences between those two files, or
display nothing if they are identical.
We have told the Makefile to set the test case files to read-only when you compile your
program, to ensure you don’t accidentally overwrite a reference solution.
4.3 Debugging
You can use cuda-gdb to help detect and debug errors in your GPU kernel functions. Make
sure to use the command set cuda memcheck on when you first launch cuda-gdb.
Before debugging, make sure to compile your code with the make debug command.
This might make your code run slower, but will allow cuda-gdb to retrieve more high-level
information about any memory errors it detects.
4.4 GPUs are a finite resource
You can run the program nvidia-smi to view the GPUs on your current machine, including
some information about which ones are currently in use. If the project executable tries to run
on a GPU device that is already used by many users, then it may be unable to run correctly,
getting stuck or throwing unusual errors (e.g. “out of memory”).
We’ve added an optional fourth argument to the program that lets you select the GPU
device to use. For example, if nvidia-smi tells you that there are four GPU devices but
devices 0, 1, and 2 are all in use, then you might run your code with the command “./gsn
input.mtx output.txt 2048 3″ so that it will run on device #3. However, be aware that most
of the computers in ilab that you can use has only one GPU.
If this isn’t sufficient to get the program working (i.e. there are no available GPU devices),
then you may need to switch to a different ilab machine. You can check which machines are
idle here: report.cs.rutgers.edu/nagiosnotes/iLab-machines.html .
5 What to Submit
You should invoke make submit to generate the file submit_me.tar containing your GPU
code. You need to submit submit_me.tar. If you change your code after generating this
tar file, don’t forget to regenerate (and resubmit) the tar.
Please DO NOT submit any other code, executable, mtx files, matching results, etc.
6 Extra-credit Functionalities
The extra credit component completes the remaining kernel functions for the handshaking
algorithm. In Fig. 5 we show an example of the data produced during the first iteration of
the handshaking algorithm – which involves both required and extra-credit functions – based
on the same graph as in our edge list example. Note that the notations used in Fig. 5 will
be used consistently in the following subsection. Those notation include the keep_edges,
new_indices, strongestDst, strongestWeight, strongNeighbor, and matches arrays. Please refer
to Fig. 5 for specific examples of each of the functions described below.
0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
1 4 0 2 3 1 3 1 2 4 0 3
3 2 3 1 4 1 5 4 5 3 2 3
strongNeighbor 1 3 3 2 3
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
matches -1 -1 3 2 -1
0 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
0 0 1 4
1 4 0 0
3 2 3 2
1 1 0 0 3 1 3 1 2 2 0 3
3 3 3 3 4 1 5 4 5 5 2 3
matches -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Initial Data
Finding The
Strongest Neighbors
Matching &
Figure 5: An Iteration of the Handshaking Algorithm
There are four additional GPU kernel functions that need to be implemented for the
matching algorithm. Their arguments (input and output) are described in the file gpuHeaders.cuh, along with the required functions. Your implementations should go inside the
gpu_extra_credit directory, which currently contains a separate file for each function.
6.1 Update Matches
With the strongNeighbor results produced by the required kernels, we can now perform handshaking to update the matching results. This kernel function looks for node-pairs which are
both each other’s maximum-weight neighbor, and matches them.
__global__ void check_handshaking_gpu(int * strongNeighbor, int * matches, int numNodes);
The strongNeighbor array is the input, such that strongNeighbor[x]=y if the x-th node’s
strongest neighbor is the y-th node. The matches array is the output, such that matches[x]=y
if the x-th has been matched with the y-th node. Note that some nodes may already be
matched, and they should not be changed. An unmatched node is indicated by a matches
value of -1.
6.2 Edges Filtering
To filter out the edges we no longer need, we must first decide which edges to keep. If an
edge has a source or destination which has already been matched then we can discard it;
otherwise we must keep it.
__global__ void markFilterEdges_gpu(int * src, int * dst, int * matches, int * keepEdges,
int numEdges);
The input arrays for this function are src (the source array from the edge list), dst (the
destination array from the edge list), matches (the current node matches). The output is
keepEdges. The src, dst, and keepEdges arrays each have numEdges elements.
After this function is complete, keepEdges[x] should be 1 if we want to keep the xth edge,
or 0 otherwise.
6.3 Get New Edge Indices
Once we know which edges to keep versus which edges to filter, we can determine each edge’s
new index in the edge list. This is performed with an exclusive prefix sum.
__global__ void exclusive_prefix_sum_gpu(int * oldSum, int * newSum, int distance,
int numElements);
The input array is oldSum, and the output array is newSum. Each of these arrays has
numElements elements. The distance variable tells us which stride to use at each iteration.
This function will be called multiple times. Check Lecture 20, page 27 for an example of
inclusive prefix sum.
Since this is an exclusive prefix sum, we do not want the sum to include the current
element. In other words, final_sum[x] = (input[0] + input[1] + … + input[x-1]).
The first time exclusive_prefix_sum_gpu is launched, it will be given a distance
value of 0. In this case, instead of performing addition, it should merely shift everything
one element to the right – in other words, each element in the output should be set to the
previous element in the input when distance is 0 in this kernel function. That is how we
implement the exclusivity, after which we can operate like an inclusive prefix scan.
6.4 Filter Edges
At this point we know where the edges will go in the filtered edge list, so we can repack them
for use in the next iteration of matching.
__global__ void packGraph_gpu(int * newSrc, int * oldSrc, int * newDst, int * oldDst, int
* newWeight, int * oldWeight, int * edgeMap, int numEdges)
Here oldSrc, oldDst, and oldWeight are the edge list before filtering, each with numEdges
elements. The edgeMap array, with (numEdges+1) elements, contains the results of the
exclusive prefix sum from the previous step. The newSrc, newDst, and newWeight arrays are
the output of this kernel function.
After this kernel function is complete, for every edge x that we want to keep, it should be
the case that newSrc[edgeMap[x]] = oldSrc[x]. The dest and weight arrays should be handled
In order to determine whether to keep an edge, you must check the adjacent edge in the
edgeMap. An edge x is kept if and only if edgeMap[x+1] != edgeMap[x], since that indicates
that edge x requires its own index.
7 Compiling & Running
When you run make it also generates a second executable, match. This executable performs
the complete matching process, using all of the required and extra credit kernel functions,
and outputs the matching to the specified file. Its usage is otherwise the same as the gsn
executable mentioned earlier.
For each testcase with input inputX.mtx, we have provided the correct match results in
file matchX.txt.
8 Questions
Questions regarding this project can be posted on Sakai forum. Good luck!