ECSE 202 – Introduction to Software Development Assignment 2


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Stacks, B-Trees, Sorting Data
Problem Description
In this assignment we will explore some of the data structures discussed in class, namely the
Stack and B-Tree classes. You will use these in conjunction with a file reading program to sort a
list of names in ascending and descending order by creating a B-Tree representation of the file
and the performing an inorder traversal to sort the data. Finally, a stack will be used to reverse
the order of the list for final display.
Here is an example run of the program you are to write, given a short file of names:
Assignment 2 – File Sorting Program
Enter name of file to sort: Names-short.txt
File in sort order:
Benes Dorethea
Britto Teisha
Freeze Clarisa
Galentine Dante
Woolery Ciera
File in reverse sort order:
Woolery Ciera
Galentine Dante
Freeze Clarisa
Britto Teisha
Benes Dorethea
Program terminated
To make this assignment tractable, you are provided with a listFile class that opens a text file for
reading and displays it on the output device, line by line. The constructs used in this class are
beyond where we are currently in the course, but you should have a sufficient knowledge of Java
to figure out how to modify the code for Assignment 2.
The file containing the code,, is available on myCourses and reproduced below:
package listFile;
import java.util.Scanner;
* This program reads a specified text file and echos it to standard
* display. You can use this as the basis of Assignment 2, adding the
* necessary components to implement the program specifications.
* @author ferrie
public class listFile {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Prompt user for a file name. If no name is entered, terminate
// the program, otherwise attempt to open the file. If file open
// is not successful, prompt again for a new name. Keep doing this
// until successful open, or a blank line is entered.
System.out.println(“Simple File Listing Program”);
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
BufferedReader rd = null;
while(rd == null) {
System.out.print(“Enter name of file to list: “);
String filename = sc.nextLine();
if (filename.equals(“”)) {
System.out.println(“Program terminated”);
System.exit(0); // Exit
// Try to open the specified file
try {
rd = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println(“Unable to open file, try again.”);
// Read the file a line at a time into a string. Print as read
// to the output display. Modify the code below as necessary.
try {
while (true) {
String line = rd.readLine(); // Read a line of text
if (line == null) break; // Exit if at end of file
System.out.println(line); // Print (or do whatever)
} // to current line
catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println(“I/O Error – program terminated”);
System.out.println(“\n\nProgram terminated”);
Pay particular attention to the last while loop in the program. Here you have access to each line
of text in a file as a string. You should be able how to save each string in a B-Tree for further
You have two essential problems to solve: i) sort the file and ii) print the file sorted in both
ascending and descending order. As we have seen in class, sorting can be done easily by
creating a B-Tree and then performing an inorder traversal to visit each node in sort order. This
means that you need to create a class, bTree, with addNode and traversal methods (following the
example in the lecture slides). The bNode class, which holds the data, must now hold a String
instead of an int for the payload. This complicates the addNode method somewhat, as you now
need a method to compare two strings (hint: google java string compare method). It is also a
good idea to use the version of this method that is case insensitive, i.e., where smith john is equal
to SMITH JOHN or Smith John. From here it should not be too difficult to figure out how write
an inorder traversal method which prints out the nodes (lines of text) in ascending order.
The second component, is to display the file again, but in reverse sort order. You are not
allowed to use any of the Java array types to do this. Instead, create a Stack class where the
listNode class is modified to hold a string instead of an integer. Since a stack is accessed in lastin, first-out order, you can obtain the desired effect by creating a version of your inorder traversal
that substitutes a PUSH for printing the value at the current node. Later, once you have output
the list in ascending order, you can perform another while loop that pops the stack, displaying
each node in desscending order.
Your program should containing the following 5 classes (use the same names):
1. A2,java The main program derived from listFile
2. The B-Tree node class
3. The B-Tree class containing the addNode method and traversal methods
4. The listNode class
5. The Stack class containing push and pop methods
This is a relatively straightforward program, but definitely not trivial (especially if this is your
first course in computer programming). The easiest way to proceed is to develop and test each
class independently before attempting to write the overall program.
Test your program using the Names.txt file. When inputting the file name, you must specify the
complete name including path, e.g., \Users\ferrie\assignments\A2\Names.txt, unless the file
resides in the default directory. If your project lives at \Users\ferrie\workspace\A2, then if you
copy the Names.txt file to that location, then it suffices to type Names.txt when prompted for the
file name.
If your program works correctly, it should produce a display similar to that shown on Page 1,
with the exception of printing all the entries in Names.txt. Save this output by copying and
pasting into a text file, e.g. into Notepad if you are using Windows, for example. Save this file
as A2.txt.
Upload A2.txt along with all of your source (.java) files to myCourses as indicated.
About Coding Assignments
We encourage students to work together and exchange ideas. However, when it comes to finally
sitting down to write your code, this must be done independently. Detecting software plagiarism
is pretty much automated these days with systems such as MOSS.
Please make sure your work is your own. If you are having trouble, the Faculty provides a free
tutoring service to help you along. You can also contact the course instructor or the tutor during
office hours. There are also numerous online resources – Google is your friend. The point isn’t
simply to get the assignment out of the way, but to actually learn something in doing.