INF 553 Homework #1: MapReduce & Spark


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1. [Hadoop MapReduce, 60 points] In this problem, you are asked to write a Hadoop MapReduce
program,, that computes the multiplication of two given matrices using the twophase approach described in class.
A template file is provided to you, which contains the skeleton for mapper and reducer of phase one
and two. You only need to supply codes for the block indicated by “// fill in your code” add import
statements at the beginning of the file if necessary (you can only import packages from java.*). DO
NOT modify other parts of the template.
Note that the input matrices A and B are stored in two separate directories, e.g., mat-A and mat-B.
Each directory contains a single text file, each line of which is a tuple (row-index, column-index,
value) that specifies a non-zero value in the matrix.
For example, the following is the content of mat-A/values.txt which stores the entries for the matrix
A shown above.
MultileInputs class is used to specify different mappers for different input directory.
You also need to submit your jar file with name __2p.jar.
Example invocation of your program is as follows:
bin/hadoop jar __2p.jar TwoPhase mat-A
mat-B output
Your output directory (the file part-r-00000) should contain the entries of matrix C (= A * B) in the
following format (tab-separated). For example,
INF 553 – Spring 2017
1,1 3
1,2 7
2,1 2
2,2 4
3,1 3
3,2 3
Submissions: Submit both and
__2p.jar. DO NOT make them into folder or zip file.
2. [40 points] Write a Spark program in Python,, which implements the same 2-phase
approach as in Problem 1.
Restrictions: you can NOT use join (and any outer join variations) in your code, but may use any
other transformations and actions provided in the lecture. This gives you a chance to think about
how to implement join using other methods in Spark. It will also maximize the benefits of this
exercise. In the end, you will implement a very similar program in Spark as you have done in Hadoop
MapReduce for Problem 1.
Your program should be invoked as follows.
bin/spark-submit matA/values.txt mat-B/values.txt output.txt
It should produce the same output as Problem 1 and store the output in a file “output.txt”.
Submissions: Submit
 In both questions, you may assume that matrix entries are all integers.
 Make sure to follow the output format (The order of output entries doesn’t matter) and the
naming format. If you don’t follow either one or both of them, 20% points will be deducted.
 You MUST implement your program using the two-phase approach described in class, and
you CAN NOT use join transformation in your python program. If you don’t follow these
instructions, 80% points will be deducted.
 Make sure that your program can be invoked correctly. If not, no more than 50% of the
points can be earned.