CSCI 2073 – Programming Assignment 1 – Game Characters


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In a popular game, the world is inhabited by a variety of characters, which you are to represent using an
abstract GameCharacter class. Every character has a name, a number of health points, and a location in
terms of (x, y) coordinates in an imaginary world. Accordingly, every character should respond to the public
• String getName()
• int getHealthPoints()
• int getX()
• int getY()
Characters are either archers, wizards, or knights. All characters are initially created with 100 health points. In
addition to the methods above, all characters are capable of performing the following actions:
• void move (char direction, int distance), where direction is either ‘N’ (increase y
position), ‘S’ (decrease y position), ‘E’ (increase x position) or ‘W’ (decrease x position). Wizards can
move any number of distance units, whereas archers are limited to five distance units per move, and
knights are limited to two distance units per move. For archers and knights, distance values larger than
their respective limits should be considered as equal to the limit. Negative distances should be
considered as zero and should have no effect on the character’s position.
• boolean attack (GameCharacter target), where the argument represents the target being
attacked. The return value indicates whether the attack was successful or not. For an archer’s attack
to be successful, the target must be within a distance of 30 units. For a wizard, the target must be
within a distance of 50 units; and for a knight, the target must be within a distance of 5 units. To
calculate distance, use the formula for the geometric distance between two points. If successful,
o The target being attacked loses a number of health points equal to the attack strength of the
attacker (30 if attacker is a wizard, 20 if attacker is a knight, 10 if attacker is an archer). However,
under no circumstances should the resulting health points be negative.
o When, as a result of the attack, the target’s health points are less than 10, the target is rendered
inactive (and therefore, too weak to either attack or move). Therefore, any calls to attack or move
by an inactive character should have no effect.
• String toString(), although the precise format of the String returned is left up to each student,
the contents should be labeled and include name, character type, health points, and (x,y) coordinates.
Your assignment is to create a Java class hierarchy to represent game characters. In addition to the abstract
superclass, you should provide subclasses Archer, Knight, and Wizard, to be created using the constructors:
• Archer (String name, int x, int y)
• Knight (String name, int x, int y)
• Wizard (String name, int x, int y)
To test the basic syntax and functionality of your classes, the p1Test program should be downloaded and stored
in the same folder as your classes. Compile and execute p1Test. If this test program and your classes do not
work well together, you need to modify your classes.
When you are satisfied that your solution works, submit the files below (either individually or in a single .zip
file) to Mimir for testing:,,, and