CSEE 4119: Programming Assignment 2: Reliable transmission and routing


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1. Introduction
In this programming assignment, you will implement the Bellman Ford routing algorithm
over a distributed system. The algorithm will operate using a set of distributed client
processes. Clients are identified by an tuple. Also, each client maintains a
routing table which records the weight of the path between itself and the other clients in the
Each client process should read the following from its configuration file for the initial setup.
• Information about self – localport, timeout
• Information about neighbors – IP address, port and link costs (weights)
Each client maintains a distance vector and exchanges distance vector information with its
neighbors using ROUTE UPDATE messages.
On a high-level, you will be doing the following.
• In the first part of the assignment, you will focus on building the routing table. Your
program should support the some commands for changing the network configuration
dynamically. These commands are explained in detaill under Section 2c.
• In the second part, you will implement a P2P like file transfer mechanism. We ask
you to first split an image file into two chunks randomly and then send them from any
two nodes to a destination node using the routing table you built in the first part. In
the destination node, you will combine the two chunks to get the original file and print
out the two paths.
2. Specifications
a. You should write your program in one of the following languages
• C/C++
• Java
• Python
b. You should write a client routing program.
• Each client process gets as input the following.
o the set of neighbors
o the link costs to these neighbors
o a timeout value
• Each client has a read-only UDP socket on which it listens for incoming
distance vector messages. This port number is known to its neighbors.
• Each client maintains a distance vector which is a list of
tuples (one tuple per client). Here, the cost refers to the current estimate of the
total link cost of the shortest path to the other client. Clients exchange distance
vector information using a ROUTE UPDATE message, i.e., each client uses
this message to send a copy of its current distance vector to its neighbors.
Each client uses a set of write only sockets to send these distance vectors to its
neighbors. The clients wait on their sockets until their distance vector changes
or until TIMEOUT seconds pass, whichever occurs sooner, and then transmit
their distance vectors to all neighbors.
c. Each client also provides a command line interface to the user. Five types of
commands are required to be supported.
• LINKDOWN {ip_address port } – This allows the user to destroy an existing
link, i.e., change the link cost to infinity for the mentioned neighbor.
• LINKUP {ip_address port weight}. This allows the user to restore a link to
the mentioned neighbor with the given weight after it was destroyed by a
• SHOWRT – This allows the user to view the current routing table of the
client. In other words, this command should print, for each client in the
network, the cost and neighbor (next hop) in the path to reach that client.
• CLOSE – With this command the client process should close/shutdown. Link
failures is also assumed when a client does not receive a ROUTE UPDATE
message from a neighbor (i.e., hasn’t ‘heard’ from a neighbor) for
3*TIMEOUT seconds. This happens when the neighbor client crashes or if the
user isuues the CLOSE command on it. When this happens, the link cost
should be set to infinity and the client should stop sending ROUTE UPDATE
messages to that neighbor. The link is assumed to be dead until the client
comes up and a ROUTE UPDATE message is received from it again.
• TRANSFER {destination_ip_address port} – This is essentially the second
part of the assignment. With this command, you should print out the next node
(i.e., next hop) in the path to the destination mentioned and start the file
transfer. Note that the destination may not be this client’s neighbour. It can be
assumed that the destination is in the network and that this command will be
called only after all the Distance Vectors have converged. Please refer to
Section 3 for more details on this.
d. Client Interface
A client process receives command-line arguments as follows:
%> ./bfclient config-file
• bfclient is the name of the local process (your executable).
• config-file is a text file. Each client has its own config file that is formatted
as follows:
localport timeout file_chunk_to_transfer file_sequence_number
ipaddress1:port1 weight1
[ipaddress2:port2 weight2]
§ localport (first line) is the local port number that the process should
listen to (this is used to distinguish multiple clients on the same
§ timeout (first line) specifies the inter-transmission time of ROUTE
UPDATE messages in steady state. It is specified in seconds.
§ The first line of the file may also have the arguments –
file_chunk_to_transfer and file_sequence_number which is
used for file transmissions. Please note that these arguments are only
present in the config files that belong to source nodes. See section 3 for
§ The remaining part of the file consists of lines of triples (at least one)
indicating incident links to neighbors. Each triple consists of the
• ipaddress: the IP address of the neighbor (in dotted decimal
• port: the port number on which the neighbor is listening
• weight: a real number indicating the cost of the link
An example of a configuration file of a client listening on port 12345 with timeout 30
seconds, having neighbours and with weights
10.5 and 15 respectively and transfering file.jpg which is the second chunk is as
12345 30 file.jpg 2 10.5 15
e. Poison Reverse
You should implement Poison Reverse in your routing algorithm. This means that if
client A has to go through client B to get access to client C, in the distance vector A
sends to B, the cost AC is infinity.
Here is a simple example of the routing algorithm:
The IP and port tuples are: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
For node A, when the routing table converges, SHOWRT command should
print the following.
Destination =, Cost = 1.0, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 4.0, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 2.0, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 6.0, Link = (
3. Specifications for the File Transmission part
The assignment has some aspects of distributed P2P file transfer. Here, the objective is to
send data from one client to another using the routing table you built before. To make it
interesting, we ask you to randomly split an image file into two chunks and send each split
chunk of the file from any two nodes (called sources hereafter) in the topology to a
destination node in the topology using the routing table.
File splitting can be simply done by yourself with split -b command, or you can use file
chunk1 and chunk2 from our wiki site. Concatenating the two chunks by yourself by calling
cat chunk1 chunk2 > output (giveing you the original file). Our example is a .jpg image of
Internet map.
The goals here are as follows.
• Upon receiving each chunk of the file, the destination prints out the path traversed by
that chunk of the file in the network, the timestamp and the size of the chunk.
• Upon receiving both the chunks of the file, the destination combines these and forms
the original file that you split before. Write it to a file named output.
Here are the assumptions you can make:
• This part will be tested only after the routing table has converged and the network is
• A route from each source to the destination exists.
• Each source is aware of which sequence number it sends.
• All chunks are smaller than 2MB
• The maximum number of hops is 20
• The node without a chunk to send can simply ignore the filename and sequence
number in its config file.
To test this, following command will be issued from the source nodes:
You will need to specify the chunk name and sequence number in the config file as explained
earlier. For extra credit, you can make this generic (i.e. more than two chunks) and add some
innovative ideas. Make sure you document this in your README.
4. Example
Consider a client with the following config file (config.txt):
20000 3 file.jpg 2 4.1 5.2 3
An example of the user interface is as follows:
%> ./bfclient config.txt
Distance vector list is:
Destination =, Cost = 4.1, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 5.2, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 3.0, Link = (
(After sometime, new nodes may be added as they are discovered)
Distance vector list is:
Destination =, Cost = 4.1, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 4.8, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 3.0, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 7.0, Link = (
Destination =, Cost = 5.2, Link = (
Break a link
%>LINKDOWN 20000
The link cost to this neighbor should be set to infinity. The distance vector needs to be
updated and a LINK DOWN message has to be sent to the neighbors. On receipt of a LINK
DOWN message, a client should set the link cost to the sender as infinity. The two nodes are
not neighbors till the link is restored (by a LINK UP message) and stop exchanging ROUTE
UPDATE messages.
The link cost should now be restored to the original value. The distance vector needs to be
updated and a LINK UP message is sent to the neighbor. On receipt of a LINK UP message,
a client should restore the link cost to the sender to the mentioned weight. The two nodes are
now neighbors again and should resume exchanging ROUTE UPDATE messages.
%>TRANSFER 20000
file.jpg chunk 2 transferred to next hop 20000
Upon receiving this command, the client should transfer the file (file.jpg chunk 2) to the next
hop should be told the destination as well as
the chunk sequence number via your own protocol. The next hop in turn transfers the
received file chunk to its next hop and so on till the destination receives the chunk.
4. Requirements and Tips
For the routing part:
• The clients should not do busy waiting while listening on its socket.
• The clients should be able to adjust to dynamic networks – i.e. new nodes joining and
existing nodes leaving the network.
• When a new node enters the network, its neighbors should also add it to their list of
neighbors when they receive the first ROUTE UPDATE from it. They should use
their distance from it as the link cost (picked from the first ROUTE UPDATE
message they receive from the new neighbor).
• When the CLOSE command is issued, it is like simulating link failure of all the links
to that client since the process exits and its neighbors don’t receive ROUTE UPDATE
messages for more than 3*TIMEOUT. (It is the same as hitting CTR-C).
• You do nott need to worry about the counting to infinity problem that is not addressed
by Poison Reverse.
• Use of the select() is highly recommended.
• The protocol messages should be compact. Avoid containing redundant or
unnecessary information.
• You should design your own protocol for the inter-client communications. You may
use HTTP-like text protocol encoding or a proprietary designed one. Project
submission should include a description of the designed protocol, including syntax
and semantics.
• System time is obtained using gettimeofday and it should be truncated before it is
display in order to improve readability.
• Design a good timer mechanism. Since you will be using only one timer (implicit in
the select system call), you have to manage a queue of all timeout values that should
occur in the future (two values for each neighbor; one for the time by which the client
should send a ROUTE UPDATE and one for when the client expects a ROUTE
UPDATE before concluding that the node is dead).
• Test your program with non-trivial topologies. Test your program behavior in a
dynamic environment in which new clients join the system. Use the LINK
UP/DOWN commands to test the convergence of your bellman-ford implementation.
• You should build your own protocol to transfer file chunks in the network. Describe it
briefly in README.
5. Deliverables:
Submission will be done on courseworks. Please post a single _.zip (Ex.
zz1111_java.zip) file to the Programming Assignment 2 folder. The file should include the
• README.txt: This file should contain the following.
a. A brief description of your code
b. Details on development environment
c. Instructions on how to run your code
d. Sample commands to invoke your code
e. Description of an additional functionalities and how they should be
• Makefile: The make file is used to build your application. Please try to keep this as
simple as possible. If you don’t know how to write a makefile, read this quick tutorial
• Source code and related files. (Make sure your code is commented!)
• Sample config.txt file
Grading rubric
Functionality Max Points awarded /
Basic client programs with following functionality as per the
– Initial convergence of routing tables (prior to dynamic
addition/removal of nodes using LINKDOWN and
– Correct implementation of SHOWRT
Correct implementation of LINKDOWN 5
Correct implementation of LINKUP 5
Correct implementation of CLOSE 5
Correct implementation of poison reverse 10
Correct implementation of TRANSFER
– Printing relevant details about path and chunk
– Recreating original file on receiving all chunks
Well documented README, makefile (if required) 5
Code quality 5
Extra features: The feature should be useful and grading will be
done on its innovation, utility and amount of effort.
Max 10 points per extra
feature. On TA discretion.
Total max extra feature points 20
• You will lose 10 points if you do not follow the format of the config file passed as an
argument while initializing the client.