
CSCI1120 Assignment 4: 15-Puzzle

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The 15-puzzle is a sliding puzzle played on a square board of 15 tiles with one tile missing. The
tiles are numbered 1 to 15, placed randomly in the board. The goal of the puzzle is to place the tiles
in order (See Figure 1) by sliding the tiles one at a time. In this assignment, you will apply objectoriented programming to write a program to play 15-puzzles.

2 3 14 4
9 5 7 8
6 . 1 11
13 10 15 12

After some moves
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 .
Figure 1: An Initial 15-Puzzle (Left) and A Solved 15-Puzzle (Right)

Program Specification

You have to write your program in two source files FifteenPuzzle.cpp and playgame.cpp. The
former is the implementation of the class FifteenPuzzle, while the latter is a client program of
class FifteenPuzzle which performs the program flow. You are recommended to finish the
FifteenPuzzle class first before writing the client program.

When you write the FifteenPuzzle
class, implement the member functions and test them individually one by one. Your two files will be
graded separately, so you should not mix the functionalities of the two files. Also, you cannot declare
any global variables in all your source files (except const ones).
Class FifteenPuzzle (FifteenPuzzle.cpp)

You are given the interface of the FifteenPuzzle class in the header file FifteenPuzzle.h. You
are not allowed to modify the contents of this header file. Descriptions of its members are given
class FifteenPuzzle {
FifteenPuzzle(unsigned s);
bool move(char dir);
void print() const;
bool isSolved() const;
int getSteps() const;
int board[4][4];
int r, c, steps;
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++

Private Data Members
int board[4][4];
The 15-puzzle is represented by a two-dimensional array of int, storing the numbers 1 to 15 on the
tiles. The elements board[0][0] and board[3][3] denote the top-left and bottom-right corners
of the puzzle respectively. The missing tile is denoted by the special value 16.

int r, c;
The position of the missing tile in the 15-puzzle. They are the row and column indices respectively.
int steps;
The number of steps a player has used during puzzle play.

Public Constructor and Member Functions
FifteenPuzzle(unsigned s);

This constructor creates a 15-puzzle object. The initial configuration of the puzzle is generated as

1. Initialize data member board to the solved state. (That is, 1 to 16 from top-left to bottom-right,
row by row.)
2. Use parameter s as the random seed to initialize the random number generator (by srand(s)).
3. Repeat the following 200 times:
3.1. Generate four random numbers i, j, p, and q in order, all between 0 and 3 inclusively,
using rand() % 4.
3.2. Swap the contents of board[i][j] and board[p][q]. Note that it is possible that [i][j]
and [p][q] are the same because of randomness. In such case, the swapping achieves no
effect. Nonetheless, it is still counted as one of the 200 times.

4. Set data member steps to 0 and set r and c to the position of the missing tile accordingly.
Note that the above steps may generate an unsolvable 15-puzzle, but it does not matter.
bool move(char dir);

This member function moves the missing tile of the 15-puzzle towards the direction specified in the
parameter dir. We use the characters ‘I’, ‘M’, ‘J’, and ‘K’ (and also their lower case equivalents) to
denote the up, down, left, and right directions respectively. (See the layout of keys I, M, J, and K on a

If the missing tile is on a board boundary and you try to move it beyond the boundary,
then no move would be made and the board remains unchanged. If the move is valid, then data
members board, steps, r, and c have to be updated accordingly. This member function returns
true if a valid move is made. It returns false if no move is made or dir is not any of the letters I,
M, J, K, i, m, j, and k.
void print() const;

Prints out the 15-puzzle and the number of steps that the player has used. Note that each tile
number is printed with a width of 3 (setw(3)), and the missing tile should be printed as a dot ‘.’
instead of 16. The following is an example output of print(), in which ˽ denotes a space.
CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++
bool isSolved() const;

This member function returns true if the 15-puzzle is already solved, i.e., the tiles are in correct
order; returns false otherwise.
int getSteps() const;
This member function returns the number of steps that a player has used for the 15-puzzle, i.e., the
value of the data member steps.

Client Program (playgame.cpp)

Your main program is a client of the FifteenPuzzle class; it performs the flow of the 15-puzzle.

1. The program starts by asking the user to enter an integer, which can be assumed to be nonnegative and is used as a random seed. Then create a FifteenPuzzle object using the input

2. Prompt the user to make a move. You can assume that the user always enter a character for this

3. An input here is valid only if it is ‘I’, ‘M’, ‘J’, or ‘K’, or their lower case equivalents. When the user
enters an invalid input, the program gives a warning message and goes back to Step 2.
4. Move the missing tile of the puzzle towards the input direction.

5. If the puzzle is not yet solved after the move and fewer than 200 moves have been made, go
back to Step 2.

6. Once the puzzle is solved, print the solved puzzle and the message “You finished in XX steps.”
where XX is the number of steps used.

7. Or if 200 steps have been made and the puzzle remains unsolved, print the unsolved puzzle and
the message “You cannot finish in 200 steps.”.

Points to Notice

 Given the same random seed, you should create the same initial puzzle configuration. You can
refer to the sample program for some sample initial configurations for some random seeds.
 You can assume that the initial puzzle (after randomization) is not solved yet.
 You are not allowed to modify the header file FifteenPuzzle.h.

Program Output

The following shows some sample output of the program. The bold blue text is user input and the
other text is the program output. You can try the provided sample program for other input. Your
program output should be exactly the same as the sample program (i.e., same text, same symbols,
same letter case, same number of spaces, etc.). Otherwise, it will be considered as wrong, even if
you have computed the correct result.

CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++
Enter seed: 123↵
5 6 12 7
13 15 2 .
10 8 3 4
9 14 1 11
Steps: 0
Move [IMJK]: L↵
Invalid. Try again!
Move [IMJK]: K↵
5 6 12 7
13 15 2 .
10 8 3 4
9 14 1 11
Steps: 0
Move [IMJK]: j↵
5 6 12 7
13 15 . 2
10 8 3 4
9 14 1 11
Steps: 1
Move [IMJK]: m↵
5 6 12 7
13 15 3 2
10 8 . 4
9 14 1 11
Steps: 2
Move [IMJK]: M↵
5 6 12 7
13 15 3 2
10 8 1 4
9 14 . 11
Steps: 3
Move [IMJK]: J↵
5 6 12 7
13 15 3 2
10 8 1 4
9 . 14 11
Steps: 4
Move [IMJK]: I↵
5 6 12 7
13 15 3 2
10 . 1 4
9 8 14 11
Steps: 5
(Lower case letters i/m/j/k are allowed.)
(Moving the missing tile beyond
boundary results in no change.)
(Invalid input.)
(Lower case letters i/m/j/k are allowed.)

CSCI1120 Introduction to Computing Using C++
Move [IMJK]: I↵
5 6 12 7
13 . 3 2
10 15 1 4
9 8 14 11
Steps: 6
Move [IMJK]: K↵
5 6 12 7
13 3 . 2
10 15 1 4
9 8 14 11
Steps: 7
. (Inputs skipped to save space. Complete output available in Blackboard.)
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 . 11
13 14 15 12
Steps: 86
Move [IMJK]: K↵
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 .
13 14 15 12
Steps: 87
Move [IMJK]: M↵
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 .
Steps: 88
You finished in 88 steps.

Submission and Marking

 Your program file names should be FifteenPuzzle.cpp and playgame.cpp. Submit the two
files in Blackboard ( You do not have to submit FifteenPuzzle.h.
 Insert your name, student ID, and e-mail address as comments at the beginning of all your
source files.
 Besides the above information, your program should include suitable comments as
documentation in all your files.
 You can submit your assignment multiple times. Only the latest submission counts.
 Your program should be free of compilation errors and warnings.
 Plagiarism is strictly monitored and heavily punished if proven. Lending your work to others is
subjected to the same penalty as the copier.