1. (10 Points) A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same
backward as forward. Write a recursive C++ program/procedure which determines whether an input sequence (string) from the keyboard is a palindrome or
not. There is no need for fancy classes, etc. here. (You can assume the input
will be shorter than 256 characters.)
Call your program/project ‘palindromecheck’.
Three Bonus Points: Make your program case insensitive, and have your program ignore white space and punctuation:
“Never odd or even”
“Able was I ere I saw Elba”
“A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!”
2. (25 Points) Let A[0..n − 1] be an array of real numbers (or any ordered set). A
pair (A[i], A[j]) is said to be an inversion if these numbers (elements) are out
of order, i.e., i < j but A[i] > A[j]. Note that this pair need not be adjacent.
The array/sequence (3, 2, 1) contains three inversions: (3,2), (2,1), and (3,1).
(10 Points) Write a program with a na¨ıve O(n
) algorithm that counts the
number of inversions in such an array A. Hint: Bubblesort is O(n
Call your program/project ‘easyinversioncount’.
(15 Points) Write a program with a O(n log n) algorithm that counts the
number of inversions in such an array A.
Call your program/project ‘fastinversioncount’.
(Hint 2 to follow. . .Wednesday . . . )
3. (15 Points) Binary Reflected Gray Code
Professor Wolfe has four children: Alice, Bob, Chris, and Dylan. Each year
for Arbor Day the family goes on a tree-planting picnic, and Professor Wolfe
takes photos of the kids in every possible subset arrangement with the new
trees they have planted as a backdrop. It’s a lovely tradition. However, last
year with newborn Dylan things got more complicated. In transitioning from
photograph 7 (0111) to photograph 8 (1000), Professor Wolfe placed baby Dylan
on the picnic blanket while all the other children got up and left the scene.
Mayhem ensued. Bob and Chris started chasing each other with rakes, and
Alice complained about having to move every time a photo was to be taken.
This year is going to be different. Instead of using a binary counting sequence
to ensure that all the subset arrangements are made, Professor Wolfe is going to
use the Binary Reflected Gray Code of order four. In this way, each transition
from one subset of children to the next can be made by having just one child
enter or leave the tableau:
Index Gray Code Child(ren) in Photo Action
1 0001 Alice Alice In
2 0011 Bob & Alice Bob In
3 0010 Bob Alice Out
4 0110 Chris & Bob Chris In
5 0111 Chris & Bob & Alice Alice In
6 0101 Chris & Alice Bob Out
. Etc. Etc.
• (5 Points) Using C++, implement algorithm brgc(n) on page 148 of Levitin to produce the Binary Reflected Gray Code of order n.
• (5 Points) Add to your routine (or write a separate one using the idea in
Problem 9b on page 149 of Levitin) to create a sequence of names representing which child must move when.
The partial sequence up to six is: Alice, Bob, Alice, Chris, Alice, Bob, . . .
• (5 Points) Put it all together to complete the table above for all 15 photos Professor Wolfe wants to take. You can even start at 0=0000, if you like.
Call your program/project ‘graycodesarefun’.
Where have we seen this before? How many interesting patterns can you find?
Can you extend your code to Eve? Felix? Gerry? Helen? Ian? Jane? Karl…?