You are assigned to write a program that calculates tuition…


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You are assigned to write a program that calculates tuition for students. The program will askuser to enter number of credit hours a student enrolled (use loop to validate the input>0) andenter if the student is resident or non-resident. Then the program will calculate the tuition basedon CUNY tuition chart, and print out the results. After complete one student’s tuition, theprogram should as user to choose to continue for next student or not. If user chooses to continue,the program will repeat the process for next student; if user chooses not to, the program will end.Requirements:• Your program should be well documented: brief description of program and comments atmajor steps.•Your program must have the following methods:oboolean isValid( int credit) – return true if the credit is greater than 0, otherwise return fasleodouble instate_tuition( in credit) – will return tuition based on the number of credit for in state studentsodouble outstate_tuition( int credit) – return tuition based on number of credit for out of state students• Check CUNY website to find out tuition policy may only consider tution based on number of credit and resident status, ignore other fees. • Test your program with different inputs