Python Programming 1.Create a ASCII art program that produces a smiley face2.Create a program that receives you name and age and outputs your name and your age in dog year(human_age/7)3.Create a diFeren version of the Grade Calculator program from the zybook chapter 3 that calculates the overall grade for four equally-weighted programming assignments, where each assignment is graded out of 50 points. Hint: ±irst calculate the percentage for each assignment(e.g., score/50), then calculate the overall grade percentage(be sure to mulTply the result by 100).4.Create a program that accepts a person’s BMI score and outputs an appropriate comment on the score based on the following informaTon:±or adults 20 years and older:-A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight-A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered healthy.-A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight.-A BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.5.Create a diFerent version of the Dice StaTsTc program from the zybook chapter 5 that prints histogram in which the total number of Tmes the dice rolls equals each possible value is displayed by prinTng a character, such as “, that number of Tmes. ²here is an example output of this in the zybook chapter.6.Redo assignment 5 with a funcTon that receives the die value and the total number of rolls and prints a single line of the histogram based on the values passed. You will need to call the funcTon once per possible die value.7.Create a program that receives a string from the user and output the acronym of that string in all caps. ±or example, if you typed in “²his is a test”, the output should be ²IA²8.Create a program that reads in a string consisTng of a series of words. Create a list consisTng of the words in that string and then output the list in alphabeTcal order