Lab 6: Multi-bit Clock-Crossing, FIFOs, UART Piano, Project Intro


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EECS 151/251A FPGA Lab
1 Intro
In this lab, you will integrate the components you created in labs 4 and 5 (UART and AC97
controller). You will begin by building 2 varieties of FIFOs, asynchronous and synchronous, and
verifying their functionality using a block-level testbench. You will then modify your AC97 controller to use a FIFO as its PCM data source. Finally, you will create some logic that integrates
all these components to form a ’piano’.
Here is an overview of the entire system in ml505top we are going to build. You may find it useful
to refer to this block diagram while doing this lab.
In this lab, you will be building the FIFOs, modifying your AC97 controller to use one, and
designing the piano FSM. You will then construct a system-level testbench to verify functionality
in simulation.
1.1 Copying Files From Previous Labs
You will need the following files from previous labs:
cd labs_sp17
cp lab4/src/uart.v lab6/src/.
cp lab4/src/uart_receiver.v lab6/src/.
cp lab4/src/uart_transmitter.v lab6/src/.
cp lab5/src/tone_generator.v lab6/src/.
cp lab5/src/synchronizer.v lab6/src.
cp lab5/src/debouncer.v lab6/src.
cp lab5/src/edge_detector.v lab6/src/.
cp lab5/src/rotary_decoder.v lab6/src/.
cp lab5/src/ac97_controller.v lab6/src/.
2 Building a Synchronous FIFO
A FIFO (first in, first out) data buffer is a circuit that has two interfaces: a read side and a write
side. The FIFO we will build in this section will have both the read and write side clocked by the
same clock; this circuit is known as a synchronous FIFO.
2.1 FIFO Functionality
A FIFO is implemented with a circular buffer (2D reg) and two pointers: a read pointer and a
write pointer. These pointers address the buffer inside the FIFO, and they indicate where the next
read or write operation should be performed. When the FIFO is reset, these pointers are set to the
same value.
When a write to the FIFO is performed, the write pointer increments and the data provided to
the FIFO is written to the buffer. When a read from the FIFO is performed, the read pointer
increments, and the data present at the read pointer’s location is sent out of the FIFO.
A comparison between the values of the read and write pointers indicate whether the FIFO is full
or empty. You can choose to implement this logic as you please. The Electronics section of the
FIFO Wikipedia article will likely aid you in creating your FIFO.
Here is a block diagram of the FIFO you should create from page 103 of the Xilinx FIFO IP Manual.
The interface of our FIFO will contain a subset of the signals enumerated in the diagram above.
2.2 FIFO Interface
Take a look at the FIFO skeleton in labs_sp17/lab6/src/fifo.v.
Our FIFO is parameterized by these parameters:
• data_width – This parameter represents the number of bits per entry in the FIFO.
• fifo_depth – This parameter represents the number of entries in the FIFO.
• addr_width – This parameter is automatically filled by the log2 macro to be the number of
bits for your read and write pointers.
The common FIFO signals are:
• clk – Clock used for both read and write interfaces of the FIFO.
• rst – Reset synchronous to the clock; should cause the read and write pointers to be reset.
The FIFO write interface consists of three signals:
• wr_en – When this signal is high, on the rising edge of the clock, the data on din will be
written to the FIFO.
• [data_width-1:0] din – The data to be written to the FIFO should be present on this net.
• full – When this signal is high, it indicates that the FIFO is full.
The FIFO read interface consists of three signals:
• rd_en – When this signal is high, on the rising edge of the clock, the FIFO should present
the data indexed by the write pointer on dout
• [data_width-1:0] dout – The data that was read from the FIFO after the rising edge on
which rd_en was asserted
• empty – When this signal is high, it indicates that the FIFO is empty.
2.3 FIFO Timing
The FIFO that you design should conform to the specs above. To further, clarify here are the read
and write timing diagrams from the Xilinx FIFO IP Manual. These diagrams can be found on
pages 105 and 107. Your FIFO should behave similarly.
Your FIFO doesn’t need to support the ALMOST_FULL, WR_ACK, or OVERFLOW signals on the write
interface and it doesn’t need to support the VALID, UNDERFLOW, or ALMOST_EMPTY signals on the
read interface.
2.4 FIFO Testing
We have provided a testbench for your synchronous FIFO which can be found in src/fifo_testbench.v.
This testbench can test either the synchronous or the asynchronous FIFO you will create later in
the project. To change which DUT is tested, comment out or reenable the defines at the top of the
cd labs_sp17/lab6/sim
make CASES=”tests/”
The testbench we have provided performs the following test sequence, which you should understand
1. Checks initial conditions after reset (FIFO not full and is empty)
2. Generates random data which will be used for testing
3. Pushes the data into the FIFO, and checks at every step that the FIFO is no longer empty
4. When the last piece of data has been pushed into the FIFO, it checks that the FIFO is not
empty and is full
5. Verifies that cycling the clock and trying to overflow the FIFO doesn’t cause any corruption
of data or corruption of the full and empty flags
6. Reads the data from the FIFO, and checks at every step that the FIFO is no longer full
7. When the last piece of data has been read from the FIFO, it checks that the FIFO is not full
and is empty
8. Verifies that cycling the clock and trying to underflow the FIFO doesn’t cause any corruption
of data or corruption of the full and empty flags
9. Checks that the data read from the FIFO matches the data that was originally written to the
10. Prints out test debug info
This testbench tests one particular way of interfacing with the FIFO. Of course, it is not comprehensive, and there are conditions and access patterns it does not test. We recommend adding some
more tests to this testbench to verify your FIFO performs as expected. Here are a few tests to try:
• Several times in a row, write to, then read from the FIFO with no clock cycle delays. This
will test the FIFO in a way that it’s likely to be used when buffering user I/O.
• Try writing and reading from the FIFO on the same cycle. This will require you to use
fork/join to run two threads in parallel. Make sure that no data gets corrupted.
3 Asynchronous FIFOs, Multi-bit Clock Crossing
In a previous lab, we built a single-bit synchronizer, which brought an asynchronous signal from
off the FPGA (buttons, rotary encoder signals) into the system clock domain. The synchronizer
consisted of two D flip-flops connected in series, clocked by the system clock. This synchronizer
however only works for a single bit. To synchronize an entire bus across clock domains requires a
more complex synchronization scheme.
One solution, among others, is an asynchronous FIFO which works like a synchronous FIFO, except
for the fact that the read and write interfaces are clocked by different clocks (with no known phase
or frequency relation).
For this lab, we want to allow communication between our AC97 controller and the piano FSM.
These parts operate in different clock domains (12.288 Mhz and 33 Mhz), so we need a synchronization element to safely transfer data between them.
3.1 Async FIFO Construction
An asynchronous FIFO is constructed similarly to a synchronous FIFO with a two ported RAM,
a read and write pointer, and some logic to generate the full and empty signals. One difference is
that the two ported RAM has two independently clocked ports. Another difference is that the read
and write pointers need to be properly transferred to the other clock domain before going through
the full and empty signal generation logic. Here is an overview of the internals of an async FIFO
from the Xilinx FIFO IP Manual, page 100.
Notice that there is a clear divide between the two different clock domains. The two arrows that
cross the clock domain are the gray-coded write and read pointers. This clock domain crossing
should be performed by using 2 registers in series clocked by the other clock domain, just like the
1-bit synchronizer. This will provide a robust clock crossing to avoid data corruption.
This means that the binary write pointer should be converted to a gray-coded write pointer, before
passing through 2 registers in series clocked by the read clock. Then, the gray-coded write pointer
has been successfully moved to the read clock domain, where it can be converted back to binary and
compared against the read pointer for generating the empty signal. The same logic chain applies
to the read pointer transfer into the write clock domain.
As your build the async FIFO, you might find it useful to create binary to gray and gray to
binary modules that you can instantiate in your design. The gray code Wikipedia article has some
psuedocode that can help you write these modules in the ’Converting to and from Gray code’
section. You can make the assumption that the async FIFO for this lab and coming project will
not have read and write pointers greater than 16 bits, and can design your gray code converters
3.2 Async FIFO Reset Behavior
Handling resets in an async FIFO is tricky since a synchronous reset from one clock domain won’t
necessarily be an appropriate reset for the other clock domain. Here are a couple reset strategies:
• Use one synchronous reset signal with respect to one clock domain, and propagate the reset
to the other clock domain internally with a 1-bit synchronizer.
• Use two reset signals, one for each clock domain, and have each reset be synchronous to its
respective clock.
• Use one global asynchronous reset signal to reset both clock domains at once.
• Don’t use an explicit external reset signal but define initial reg values which can be synthesized
for an FPGA.
For this lab, we are going to go with the last option as it is the most robust for our target (an
FPGA and a temperamental AC97 bit clock). This means that you should initialize any reg nets
that represent actual registers in your async FIFO design.
3.3 Async FIFO Interface
The interface of the async FIFO template in src/async_fifo.v is identical to the interface of the
synchronous FIFO with the exception of having an independent read and write clock.
3.4 Async FIFO Timing
The timing of the async FIFO is similar to that of the synchronous FIFO with the exception that
the full and empty signals can have ’delayed’ transitions (of a few clock cycles) due to the need to
synchronize the read and write pointers. Refer to page 110 of the Xilinx FIFO IP Manual for the
timing diagrams.
3.5 Async FIFO Testing
The same testbench used for testing the synchronous FIFO can be used to test the async FIFO at
src/fifo_testbench.v. The only change is that at the top of the testbench file, uncomment the
ASYNC_FIFO_TEST define and comment out the SYNC_FIFO_TEST define. Then run the testbench
as usual with make sim.
The same additional tests recommended with the synchronous FIFO are recommended for this
FIFO as well. These additional tests are even more important to get right with the asynchronous
FIFO, so we highly recommend writing them.
By now, you should have a working async FIFO, at least in simulation. As you may discover, basic
functional simulation isn’t usually a good way of telling whether a clock crossing works as expected,
although it will confirm that your logic is sound.
4 Modifying the AC97 Controller
We want to connect an async FIFO between the AC97 controller and the piano FSM. So, we need
to modify the AC97 controller from last lab to take the dout[19:0], empty signals as inputs and
drive the rd_en signal as an output. We will use the data stored in this FIFO as the PCM data
we want to send for each AC97 frame.
Remove the square_wave input from the AC97 controller’s ports, and add new ports for interfacing
with an async FIFO. Then, modify the logic in your AC97 controller to pull one piece of data from
the async FIFO for each frame. You can decide to pull the data right after you have sent slot 4, or
right before you send the tag; your choice.
If the FIFO is empty when you attempt to pull data from it, you should continue sending the last
value that you had pulled from it on every AC97 frame, until the FIFO is no longer empty on the
subsequent pull attempt.
4.1 Modify the AC97 Controller Testbench
Copy over the AC97 controller testbench (lab5/src/ac97_controller_testbench.v) from lab 5.
Modify the AC97 controller testbench by instantiating an async FIFO and sending data to it using
the system_clock in the initial block. Then execute the testbench again, and verify that your
AC97 controller is able to properly interface with the async FIFO. You may have to modify the
default parameter values when you instantiate the async_fifo.
5 Building the Piano FSM
Now we will design the logic that interfaces the FIFOs coming from the UART and the async FIFO
that provides data for the AC97 controller. This module is the ’Piano FSM’ in the block diagram
in the lab intro.
The skeleton for the piano_fsm is provided in src/piano_fsm.v. You can see that it has access to
the UART transmitter FIFO, the UART receiver FIFO, and the AC97 sample async FIFO. It also
has access to a reset signal coming from the CPU_RESET button and the rotary decoder outputs.
This FSM should implement the following functionality:
• When the UART receiver FIFO contains a character, the FSM should pull the character from
the FIFO and echo it back without modification through the UART transmitter FIFO.
• Once a character is pulled, its corresponding tone_switch_period should be read from the
supplied piano_scale_rom.v.
• For a given amount of time (note_length), the tone should be played by sending samples of
the tone (at 48 kHz) into the AC97 sample FIFO
• The note_length should default to 1/5th of a second, and can be changed by a fixed amount
with the rotary wheel. This should be similar to the tempo changing you implemented in the
• Through doing all of this, your FSM should take care to ensure that if a FIFO is full, that it
waits until it isn’t full before pushing through data.
• If the UART receiver FIFO is empty, the AC97 FIFO can be filled with a constant value
(like 0) for every sample or not filled at all. The piezo_speaker output shouldn’t oscillate if
there’s nothing to play.
• The piezo_speaker output of this FSM connects directly to the piezo on the ML505 board.
It should be driven with the square wave that’s playing through the AC97 controller.
You don’t need to design the piano_fsm as an explicit FSM with states; the design is entirely up
to you.
A ROM containing mappings from ASCII character codes to the tone_switch_period of the note
to be played can be found in src/piano_scale_rom.v. If you wish to re-generate this file, use
these commands:
cd labs_sp17/lab6
python scripts/ scale.txt
python scripts/ scale.txt src/piano_scale_rom.v 256 24
You will then have to modify piano_scale_rom.v to use the module name piano_scale_rom.
A possible implementation of this module would be to include an instance of your tone_generator,
and sample its output at 48 kHz to send samples into the AC97 sample FIFO. The details of the
implementation are all up to you.
It is possible that the UART receiver FIFO can fill up with samples so fast that the piano FSM
can’t keep up; similar overflow conditions are possible with other parts of this system. You don’t
need to concern yourself with detecting ’backpressure’ on the entire system and can just assume
that your FIFOs are large enough to buffer all the user input and audio output.
5.1 Modify ml505top
Now open up ml505top.v and modify it at the bottom to include the new modules you wrote.
Wire up the FIFOs and your piano FSM according to the block diagram in the lab intro. You
will have to add a few lines of logic (purple cloud) representing the bridge between the ready/valid
interface and the FIFO’s rd en, wr en / full, empty interface.
Make sure that you parameterize your FIFOs properly so that they have the proper data_width.
You can make your FIFOs as deep as you want, but 8 is a good default depth.
6 Writing a System-Level Testbench
This design involves quite a few moving parts that communicate with each other. We want to
make sure that the complete integration of our system works as expected. To that end, you will
have to write a system-level testbench that stimulates the top-level of your design and observes the
top-level outputs to confirm correct behavior.
We have provided a template for a system testbench in src/system_testbench.v. It will be up
to you to fill in the initial block to test all the parts of the piano.
To make the waveform shorter and easier to debug, it is suggested that you change your note_length
default value in the piano_fsm to something much smaller than 1/5th of a second, just for testing.
7 FPGA Testing
To put your design on the FPGA, run make in the labs_sp17/lab6 folder as usual. You should check
the make report to see if there are any unexpected warnings. You should watch out specifically for
warnings like ’found x-bit latch’ or ’x signal unconnected’ or ’x signal assigned but never used’. If
you see that the synthesis tool inferred a latch, you should definitely fix that warning by completing
any if-elseif-else or case statements that don’t have a default signal assignment. The other 2 warning
types are dependent on your design and you should ignore them only if you know they are expected.
Once you put your design on the FPGA, with make impact, you can send data to the on-chip
UART by using screen $SERIALTTY 115200. You can reset your design by pressing the CPU_RESET
button. Use the GPIO_DIP switches to turn on your design. The last switch will turn on the
PIEZO_SPEAKER output, and the AC97 output is on by default. Use switches 3-6 to control the
volume of the headphone output.
You also should be able to use the rotary wheel to change the note_length of your piano. You
should test the case where you make the note_length long, and fill up your UART FIFO by typing
really fast. Then watch your FIFO drain slowly as each note is played for note_length time.
8 Extra Credit (Optional)
You can complete any of the tasks in this section to get a boost of your lab grade. Everything here
is optional. If you would like to try something else for extra credit, ask a TA.
• Implement different output waveforms rather than just a square wave. You can choose to
implement a triangle or sawtooth or sine wave output and have the different waveform output
modes toggled with a DIP switch or button press. Only 1 extra waveform is needed for extra
• Implement a partial ADSR (attack, delay, sustain, release) envelope of your output waveforms. Here is a reference link
Decay_Sustain_Release_.28ADSR.29_envelope. You only need to implement an attack
and release volume rolloff, and can use a single volume level for both the delay and sustain
portions of your waveform. You should include some way of changing the attack and release
periods (either through the rotary encoder or buttons).
• Any other ideas you have to make this FPGA design more like a ’real’ keyboard.
9 Conclusion + Checkoff
You are done with lab 6! Please write down any and all feedback and criticism of this lab and
share it with the TA. This is a brand new lab and we welcome everyone’s input so that it can be
9.1 Checkoff Tasks
1. Show the system-level testbench you wrote and its methodology for testing your piano’s
2. Show the output waveform of your testbench and explain how data moves through your
3. Demonstrate the piano working on the FPGA both through the piezo speaker and the AC97
codec’s headphone output. Demonstrate that the volume control of the AC97 controller still
4. Prove the existence of your UART RX and TX FIFOs by increasing the note_length and
filling the RX FIFO and seeing the data drain out slowly into your FSM.