Write a C# program that prompts the user for a name solved


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Write a C# program that prompts the user for a name, Social Security number, hourly payrate, and number of hours worked. In an attractive format (similar to Figure 2-24), display all the input data as well as the following:

» Gross pay, defined as hourly pay rate times hours worked
» Federal withholding tax, defined as 15% of the gross pay
» State withholding tax, defined as 5% of the gross pay
» Net pay, defined as gross pay minus taxes
Save the program as Payroll.cs.

Write a C# program that prompts a user for an hourly pay rate. If the user enters values lessthan $5.65 or greater than $49.99, prompt the user again. If the user enters an invalidvalue again, display an appropriate error message. If the user enters a valid value oneither the first or second attempt, display the pay rate as well as the weekly rate, which iscalculated as 40 times the hourly rate. Save the program as EnsureValidPayRate.cs.

Write a C# program that allows the user to enter two integers and a character. If thecharacter is A, add the two integers. If it is S, subtract the second integer from the first.If it is M, multiply the integers. Display the results of the arithmetic. Save the file as Calculate.cs.