Demonstration of a C# windows form program solved


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Demonstration of a C# windows form program with Radio Buttons Checkboxes, and a Numeric Up/Down.
Create a GUI program that a person running a cash register would use to make an order for a Pizza. The Pizza order screen should have radio buttons to allow the user to choose the size of a Pizza. The three sizes are: Small ($6), Medium ($8.50), and Large ($11.75). The Pizza order screen should have a numeric Up/Down for the user to enter the number of toppings ($.75 each). The Pizza order screen should have a checkbox for Coupon (and should be $3.00 off the price if it is checked.)
Place a button on your window that has the code under its click event to find the price for the pizza based on the choice of size, number of toppings, and if the coupon checkbox is checked. Have it show this price to the user on a label.